
01. Talent

Base Z

Yuna is practicing her ice powers, in a large field behind her house. Every morning after breakfast, Yuna must routinely do this exercise for 2 hours, so that her strength does not stop at a fixed level for a long time. Because if the strength of a talent, stops at a level for a long period of time, then the possibility of increasing his strength in the future is very small, and this is one of the most problems faced by talents who are arrogant with their achievements until now. Because of this tenacious nature of Yuna, which makes her one of the strongest talent owners in her current base.

It all started from 5 years ago, when this world began to be polluted with a strange type of virus that didn't know where it came from. As a result of the spread of the virus in all parts of the world, now many living things have turned into a kind of mindless monster, which will attack anyone in their path, and after being hit by the attack, those who are affected will also turn into other monsters. Until now there have been more than billions of living things that have turned into monsters, while for those who survived the catastrophe, it only reached millions, and among these millions of living things, some humans, animals, or plants received the gift of super strength, which is now called 'talent'. Once talent is formed, they gather together in large enough numbers to establish a base that they can use as a place to live. A group of human talents will lead other ordinary humans who have not been infected with the virus, while for the group of animal and plant talents, because their number is very small compared to the number of human talents, the abilities of animal and plant talents are more often used as resources in the base, because of this scarcity too, a lot of fighting occurs between the bases.

At the beginning of the spread of the Virus, Yuna was actually still an ordinary high school student, without any specialties, but her strength rose when she was on the verge of death, plus her emotions were also spurred by the tragic death of her family right in front of Yuna's eyes.Since then, Yuna has turned into a talent, who is gifted with mental powers. However, there is not the slightest joy in being chosen as a talent, because the people Yuna cares about the most died the day she got this power, this is also what makes Yuna hate her mental powers, and rarely use them. But there is something unique about Yuna's mental strength, because her power can not only be used as a weapon to attack the enemy's mentality, but also Yuna can use it to activate an artifact left by her family. She activated the artifact while in a critical situation while being chased by the monsters, at that time she was forced to use the mental power she hated the most to survive and hide in a safe place, then when she ran out of that mental strength, she felt a sharp headache. It was so great, that she fainted in her hiding place, but at that moment the artifact actually activated and brought Yuna into the space within the artifact.

When Yuna first saw the space, she felt calm and some comfort at her hatred for her mental powers. Because this space was the only legacy left in her family, she was grateful that she still had something that made her so close and warm, it felt like her family was always beside her and supported her in silence. From that moment on, Yuna no longer hated her mental strength, but she decided to keep her mental strength as a secret from others, because Yuna knew her mental ability and this artifacts were definitely a rare case out there, so in order not to create any danger, Yuna never used her mental strength when carrying out any mission. But luckily she was also gifted with the power of ice, which she got a year after gaining her mental powers. Thus, to this day she is known as a talent with ice ability, which is one of the power that is rare gained among other talents.

After finishing with her morning training, Yuna got ready to go to the mission taking place or also called the mission task center, which she always visited twice a week, because during this time, she also often participated in group missions organized by the base. his. The missions in this place are classified into easy, medium, and difficult level missions. In addition, if a team carries out a mission according to the stated request, then the team will be supported with various prizes and resources according to the level they are working on, and the division system within the team is very clear, so it will not cause conflicts between members. . Yuna also joined the 'Defanto' team which consisted of 5 members, consisting of 2 pairs of team members and 1 leader. Yuna's position in the team is as a member, and her work partner is a man with the power of wind, his name is Bailan, while the other pair of groups are Maya the earth talent, and Gopal the wood talent, while for the leader, his name is Wallace, he is the one who operates teamwork, as well as directing and making decisions on the actions that will be taken later in the team, he also has the power of gravity, which can control the weight of an object, even with this power, he can fly in the air freely like a wind talent user.

When Yuna arrived at the gathering place for her team, it turned out that all the team members had arrived there, she immediately entered the meeting room, to have a brief discussion about the mission they would be working on soon.