
My Wife Is A Dungeon Boss

Leroy, like every other anime geek, had a secret wish, that is to reincarnate into a different world. And his wish indeed came true, but he was left behind with nothing more than a strange voice irritating him in certain useless situations. Now he had to survive as an adventurer, with some skills he wasn't aware of and enemies popping out of nowhere. Tired of this sick life, he decided to find a wife and settle down in some village and live peacefully with his wife for the rest of his life.

tjsmediacorner · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - New-Found Confidence

As the leader gave the order to retreat from the dungeon, the remaining members of the party quickly followed suit, rushing back towards the entrance. Fear and panic gripped their hearts as they imagined the enormous poison bat king awakening and unleashing its wrath upon them.

Breathing heavily, the young man named Leroy struggled to keep up with the others. His mind was racing, trying to make sense of the situation. He had joined this party in hopes of proving himself and finding a place where he belonged. However, the reality of the dangers they faced in the dungeon was far beyond his expectations.

As they regrouped at the entrance of the dungeon, the leader took a moment to catch his breath and assess the situation. The expression on his face was a mix of frustration and disappointment.

"We underestimated the dungeon's power," he admitted, his voice filled with regret. "I'm sorry, everyone. I should have done more research before bringing you here."

The lady who had criticized Leroy earlier couldn't help but speak up again, her voice laced with annoyance. "This is exactly why we shouldn't have brought the weakling with us. He's only dragging us down."

Leroy lowered his head, feeling the weight of her words. He was used to being seen as a burden, as someone who was weak and incapable. It was a label he had grown tired of, but he had yet to prove himself to his companions.

The leader, however, intervened, his voice firm and commanding. "Enough, Elysia. We're a team, and we stick together. We all share the responsibility for what happened in there. Blaming one another won't solve anything."

Elysia huffed in response but remained silent, her eyes still filled with doubt.

The old man of the group, who had remained quiet until now, stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on Leroy's shoulder. "Do not let their words discourage you, young one. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. We will find a way to make it work."

Leroy nodded, grateful for the old man's support. Despite the setback, he knew he had to prove himself to the group and earn their trust.

The leader turned his attention back to the dungeon entrance, deep in thought. "We need a new plan. That poison bat king is beyond our current capabilities. We must find a way to neutralize it or bypass it altogether."

Leroy's mind raced with ideas, and he couldn't help but speak up, his voice filled with determination. "What if we find an alternative path through the dungeon? Perhaps there's another entrance or a hidden route that could lead us to the boss without encountering the poison bat king."

The leader considered Leroy's suggestion, a glimmer of hope appearing in his eyes. "That might be our best shot. The dungeon's layout is known to change, so there's a chance we could find a different route. Let's gather our strength, rest for now, and resume our exploration with a new plan in mind."

The group agreed, and they set up a makeshift camp near the dungeon entrance, keeping a watchful eye for any signs of danger. As they rested, Leroy couldn't help but feel a sense of determination welling up within him. He had unlocked his special skill, and now it was time to prove his worth.

Days turned into weeks as the group tirelessly explored the dungeon, searching for alternative paths and battling through hordes of monsters. Leroy's power grew with each encounter, his body healing rapidly thanks to his newfound ability of infinite regeneration.

Throughout their journey, Leroy found himself bonding with his companions, overcoming their initial doubts and proving his worth in battle. Elysia

, who had once seen him as a burden, slowly began to recognize his resilience and dedication.

One night, as they rested by a campfire deep within the dungeon, Elysia approached Leroy with a solemn expression on her face. "Leroy, I... I misjudged you. You're stronger than I ever gave you credit for. I'm sorry."

Leroy smiled warmly, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Elysia. It means a lot to hear you say that. We're a team, after all. We need to trust and support each other."

Elysia nodded, a newfound respect shining in her eyes. From that moment on, their bond grew stronger, and they fought side by side, their individual strengths complementing each other in battle.

Finally, after weeks of exploration and countless battles, they found themselves standing before the massive chamber that housed the dungeon boss—the wyvern. The air crackled with anticipation as they prepared themselves for the final confrontation.

As the doors swung open, revealing the wyvern in all her majestic yet fearsome glory, Leroy couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and determination. This would be their greatest challenge yet, but he was ready.

"Stay close and watch each other's backs," the leader commanded, his voice filled with authority. "Remember, we fight as one."

Leroy nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. This was the moment he had been waiting for—the moment where he would prove that even a so-called weakling could rise to greatness.

To be continued...