
My Vacation Started with the Apocalypse

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This Story was a spur of the moment one day at work I thought of a story about the apocalypse location New York City the people races everywhere the same as our universe the difference is the people and certain structures will be different

Chapter 1My Vacation Started with the Apocalypse....DAY 1

Hello, all my name is Raphael I am 34yrs old working at a Customer Service branch for a small company managing phone calls and Scanning paperwork Normally I would say this is a soul crushing job but the upside its close to where I live. Within a 15min walk and gotta say that makes all the difference from other workplaces. I used to go from waking up an extra hour early and leaving to buy food before walking to work. Now I eat a decent meal in the morning a dress code non existent and coworkers not bad although no women but there is no shortage when I clock out. After Working for 3 years here the Boss noticed I had Vacation Days piled so for the first time in 3 years I took a 3 week vacation the first week I went for a Road trip all over possible camped outside, Hunted, and decided to buy camping gear outdoor burners and learned to make a fire. Looking back, it was a good test run the 2nd week I came back to spend the rest of time with Family Mom, Step-dad and Brother who was also on Vacation. My place wasn't too far from theirs so it was an easy commute, my brother Donny (yes my dad was a huge fan of those teenage turtles hence our names) was having a Vacation from his wife would talk about it but not my place. While I stayed we caught up had a few drinks together and enjoyed life then the middle of the 3 week happened and I wake to a sound of a Car Crash my brother and I get dressed and look into my Mothers Room she is on her cell phone frantic she said she cant reach her husband he went out to get something from the car and isn't answering his cellphone I get my keys and my hunting knife because we hear Screams outside I tell Donny to stay with Ma grabbing my cell phone and throwing him my Spare hunting knife sheathed and attachable to the hip or leg. As I open the door we have 2 sets of steel doors a small airlock but sturdy, I smell the burning smoke of the crashed car it went into a parked car I checked to make sure my step-dad wasn't in it no sign of him anywhere on the block then I remembered where he parked running to the next block over I hear screams from behind me I don't bother I know my bro can keep Ma safe, I run to where my step dad parked and see what looks like people but not people close to what Skinwalkers are described as clawing and my stepdads car I see about 6 of them I see a nearby rock and chuck at 1 in the head they turn there heads and see me I bolt with a good distance away after running a half a block away these things are chasing I bump into someone with headphones who shoved me telling me to watch where I'm going. This guy totally oblivious until he sees the Pale faced next thing I know I see those things run after the guy I bumped into with a good distance away I circle back to the car My step-dad shook at what happened grips the car wheel and I knock at the window he looks over and I wave to him but he doesn't open I look in the back seat one of the skin walker are behind him acting like me just Smiling an impossible smile. I knock at the passenger side and act like a cop and I tell it to come out the car to answer some questions it complies only by answering holy shit because it must have heard me say that, so eerie that it can replicate your voice I tell it stand away from the car worried it might hurt my step-dad then in a quick moment away from the car I used my hunting knife and stab its head it crumples like Paper I check for a pulse nothing but to be on the safe side I cut its head off and toss it far down the other side of the street I tell my stepdad that these things are all over the place I give him a once over to see he was hurt no signs of injury just a mental shock.

I tell him to get into the passenger side but before I check the car banged up but still runs I call my mom and pass the phone over to him once he hears my mom's voice the shock goes away and he wants to see her I before I do anything I look into his eyes I Flat out asking you're the real deal right not a fake like this thing he tells me all the stuff we been through and then looks at me and says I love your mom ok get in the car I'm driving. Pulling up to the block I give the keys to my Stepdad and my hunting Knife I tell him to stake home that I will call him when I am out side again I am going by my place first to get some stuff from my place I call Donny via video call I tell him to call his wife and that say that I'm going to pick her up were staying together he tells me that she went to Mexico to visit family and I tell him to hang tight make sure to lock the doors and close the blinds do not answer the door unless it's me and I will call his phone, these things outside can mimic our voices, before I could hang up he told me that its everywhere not only here that I should come back I tell him not to worry I will be back home stay safe Brother. I drive to my place but I don't have my keys I ring my neighbor tell her that its me but she doesn't believe me then I say look I know we shouldn't have kissed and she rings me up, her husband was there and he opens the door and yells at me look I had to let her know it was really me we can deal with this later I grab my spare key from in my welcome rug, this guy still yelling at me because I was his friend as open my door he shoves himself in I tell him look I am leaving this place and moving in with my family they need me especially my mom and you got your wife. Although furious he calms down I tell him you ever notice why I Sleep in the living room and why it looks like I have a studio apartment this guy realizes it because he remembers in the beginning when I first moved in there was a lot of construction in my apartment he assumed it was the mini stair case to reach my bed I push the wall and a scanner panel comes out I scan my hand and my darkest secret come out I am a prepper so I have a wall of guns Multiple duffle bags of bug out gear and a sections of blunt and bladed items also a storage room of MRE cases I hand him 3 cases of the 20 I have on hand they have a shelf life of 10years, his pick of a 1 gun and the ammo to go along with it and a bladed item luckily I am on the first floor so its just a matter of me bringing these out the apartment into the trunk of the car I already put the seats down and I tell him after I move what I can into the car that I have if I cant fit everything what ever is left move Into my place I tell him the doors are reinforced and bullet proof I have seedlings that can be produce food and Flower pots to help, there is 2 Storage walls of preserved foods there is also a Basement in this Apartment that I renovated I walk to the couch and I pull up the side with ease it's a safe room you could fit more people here in case you need to bring more people I take some knife resistant clothes after Getting dressed I bring some meds of different classes for my family a 10 first aid kits and tools needed to enact a plan after which I tell my neighbor and his wife that they should be safe I gave them my key and my contact info also they have a working CB radio I wrote what frequency I will be on and showed them my Military grade Walkie Talkie. He finally sits down by the window seeing these monsters attack people running around only hearing the screams when I open the front door, he then asks what about The landlord oh Larry don't bother go to the Basement and call Larry he does it and a cell phone with a label reads Voice changer rings I am the landlord its easier than just admitting I won the Lottery.

I get ready to open the outside door to pack in my supplies I a pack of 6 running toward me I pull out my suppressed pistol and lay them to a waste I try not to make so much noise after filling so much I put most of my Bugout Bags in the passenger side and drive back the crashed car is still there but its enough room for this car to squeeze past its starting to get dark and these things start to converge together running towards a plume of Smoke away from the residential area where my family lives luckily looks like they didn't break into my families place there is one by the door I call my Brothers cell Donny says it was a Mimic claiming to be me with a distorted voice. I pull my gun pop it in the head and 2 in the chest then I chuck it down the street I still on the phone I tell my bro to open the door I have supplies before that I hear movement I tell him wait, I reload I check around the block I see neighbors houses broken into so I do a sweep take out any Mimic's the easiest tell is there inhuman smile like something out of a bad horror flick. 20min go by I am back stacking supplies I ask my bro if he knows how to use a gun he said No so I said look bro I know how to use it right now I need to know do you or don't we need to protect out family and my Ma she is one tough woman she said I know how so does Step-dad we grew up in a different country, my bro said he only shot a bb gun this conversation happens because after bringing food crates inside I start bringing in the to go Duffle Bags first the clothes Meds then 5 Tough Suitcases of Ammo then the unloaded guns along with holsters, next bag had the bladed and blunt weapons, 1 bag of canned foods along with powdered milks, 2 bags filled with weapon Mods tools for much needed upgrades and finally a blackout curtains for the inside of the Apartments although my Ma don't like them we are certain they break into homes with light in them. My family sat the dining room awaiting me to talk as to why I came back with an arsenal and I tell them after a while winning the lottery I bought an apartment complex and just started collecting guns then became a Prepper with a bunker then a sudden bang in the back yard grabbed our attention I go back there with weapon in hand flashlight on surveying where the noise came from I whip back to the fire escape this Mimic had wings and talons but a human like shaped head as it screeched at me I popped 3 center mass and 2 to the Dome for good measure with that dealt with I toss it next door the other bird like creatures saw and left. I head upstairs to the other apartments via the backyard and find my Ma's neighbor dead on the ground and that thing eating his heart it screeches at me I miss the shots as it scurries around the apartment I put away the gun to conserve ammo I place my hands on the hilt of my hips dodging the swipes aimed for my face I just need one good clean hit as it lands from floor to ceiling to wall like a ping ball machine it slips on a loose rug I swing my Katana clean off the neck it was about to move again when it head rolled off with its lasts words "NO SAFETY" as I am about to open the door to the Apartments door handle I can hear scurrying like roaches afraid of the light. I hold off from opening the door my adrenaline is spiking, I decide to do a quick inventory check.

I bring out my personal Hunting Knife 8inch blade with a serrated edge and the handle has a brass knuckle spike for close combat before I open the door I put in a new mag into the .45 ACP handgun with the old mags I pop out any remaining bullets and the box of ammo I have on my person I refill my spent mags. The beautiful versatile weapon of the .45 ACP is that I can use different ammo types amor piercing and hollow point so far I have been only using regular bullets even with the suppressor attached its power still good at close range as I get my nerves ready I open the door the apartment opens to a dimly lit hallway the Mimics are pale white and this hallways is white so they blend in pretty well sucks for them but my ACP also has a flashlight attachment so I can see the bastards. I chuckle as I look down the hallway I see about 6 of them and one above my head as I close the door to make sure this death hallway is sealed I take my fighting stance I shoot the above at his head it drops the other 6 screeching at the same time I shoot at 4 of them the last 2 are on me I kick one away stab the closest to me it backs off the other one hesitates, I don't I use my back up revolver pop the 2 in the head I look for my ACP then I look up the staircase, I see the Last apartment its door frame is broken open surprisingly I see mimics already dead on the floor and a gorgeous beauty coming out the shower Milk Chocolate skinned I notice she was cut and used super glue I have a small First Aid Kit on hand and dropped it on her Bed I see the Katana she used it meant for decoration but can cut looks like she did a sharpening, she see's my gaze and says that's mine if your thinking about stealing it I look at her unable to keep my laughter in check she stands there saying did I say something funny, I unbuckle my extra katana here use this it will save your life, can you use a gun and how are you on food she says maybe and I missed grocery day now with those things everywhere she looks out side seeing a litter of mimics on the floor looks like people are fighting back, I interject that's not people that was me, she said bullshit how come I didn't hear anything I pull out my ACP she sees the suppressor and is astonished of my military grade mods so I ask got a name She looks me up and down I only give friends my name I look at her more intently she gets somewhat bashful guess were past acquaintances how about good friends with the premise of more down the line I like your head still clearly looking down I notice a body in the bathroom she kisses me I ram her into the bathroom hold her neck the wall I see the real woman towel intact heart ripped out she yells for help acting like a victim I stab her with a sedative from the first aid kit knocking her out I tie her up in a steel chair very tightly I cover anything that resembles a woman's body so it not complete cuz I open the Towel to see the Pale skin of a Mimic, It wakes up screaming for help, Donny who is downstairs hears her and knows this woman apparently Donny had an affair because of the way he acts toward me by pointing a gun at his brother yelling to free her I tell Donny in a calm voice is that for sure the woman you know she tries to convince him and I say before you let her who is that woman in the bathroom he goes there drops to his knees and reads written in blood her handwriting saying Donny I am Sorry I Lov….and it stopped there. Donny rises up about to shoot I stop him, I need to see how these things tick wait for me downstairs I will you back once I'm done to finish it I will make it suffer.

After an hour passes, I tell Donny to finish it off he goes up and ends it goes downstairs into his room I clean up the bodies and I burn the real dead people, I make sure with My step-dad he is the real deal Ma too and Donny I check myself I am me. Once it came time for Sleep I snuck outside with some NVG's the car that was crashed was tipped over most cars on the Parking area have left most likely people leaving trying to survive I open the hood of Cars making sure the security alarms are I am making a car barricade via both entrances to the Block I do an all-nighter securing a safe environment and setting up basic traps Using Mimic Heads as a warning to them if they come they die and it works, then it's a matter of checking house to house killing off any straggling Mimics making sure the people who are alive the one thing I learned is Mimics can copy us but I the skin can be pulled out from behind the ear that's a Mimic and they will not react to that action if they are caught and know they are caught they will screech and try to attack. For the time being as I check houses for those who stayed I tell them were having a Meeting at the block I have medical training and I will be doing check-ups to make sure people are healthy (in truth its to check for Mimics) I know a few Neighbors and when I do a check on them I show them the body of the Mimic girl and show them that these things don't bleed they eat peoples hearts to copy the persons essence but can only copy what they see so I show them the towel as I open it they see the pale skin of the mimic but the other weird part the towel was attached to the skin from the back so I figure since they get only smarter this wont be happening again. I tell the new Team of Guards including Donny all the things to look for.

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