
My Undeath

Gerard lived a peaceful life. He worked hard until retirement age and watched as his children and their children lived their own lives. One night, he woke to find himself in the presence of a divine entity who explained that he had died in a terrible accident. After being offered several choices, Gerard asked to die peacefully. Respecting his wishes in an unexpected fashion, they allowed him to become a skeleton in a world of sword and sorcery, becoming dead in every sense of the word. An undead creature... Thus begins the tale of Gerard's undeath. ------------------------------------------------ Note From Author: My Undeath is currently on hiatus until the 15th of December, 2023, as the author works like a madman for 50 hours a week while studying for their Bachelor's degree. ------------------------------------------------ Power Goals: 300 Powerstones = 1 Extra Chapter 500 Powerstones = 2 Extra Chapters 750 Powerstones = 3 Extra Chapters 1,000 Powerstones = 5 Extra Chapters Golden Goals: 100 Golden Tickets = 1 Extra Chapter 500 Golden Tickets = 5 Extra Chapters 1,000 Golden Tickets = 10 Extra Chapters ------------------------------------------------ Schedule: 4-14 chapters per week Chapter Length: 900 - 3,500 words (currently averaging 1,660 words per chapter) Disclaimers: 1: This novel may not suit your tastes. The main character is an elderly man trapped inside the body of a skeleton, persecuted and hunted by the living. He must sometimes turn to the darkness within him to survive his tribulations. There will be a few dark times, indeed. But fret not, as there may be an end to some of the darkness eventually. 2: There is no planned romance, and Gerard definitely will not have a harem. No planned romance doesn't mean there won't be any, but it will be kept light and not detract from the overall story. 3: There will not be fast-paced, fist-clenching action in almost every chapter. Sometimes there will be a bit of conversation between the characters, but I try not to let these moments drag on longer than they should. 4: The main character spends a lot of time levelling up in the beginning, as he's cautious about the powers of the world and wants to protect himself. This leads to a little less story in the beginning and more action/adventure, but as time passes, the story becomes a bigger focal point. 5. One of the main character's goals is to regain his humanity. So, be prepared for this story to eventually change dynamics. ------------------------------------------------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/B8z9yX3QwQ Please feel free to join the Discord. You can discuss my novel, see announcements about additional or postponed releases, new books in the works, personal issues, and events. You'll get some fun icons and roles, use dozens of custom emojis, be privy to beta reading, and get insider information into the worlds within my novels. There's also a Gerard bot! ------------------------------------------------- Themes: fantasy, video-game-like system, evolutions, magic, adventure, dark, survival, reincarnation ------------------------------------------------- Inspiration: I gained inspiration from plenty of video games and fantasy novels, and this story is directly inspired by the Manga and Anime: Berserk. I think the relationship built between Sprite and Gerard is similar to Puck and Guts, giving a way for Gerard to voice/think about his opinions. Sprite/Puck are characters who hear those opinions and help the main characters reflect.

Jhaydun · Fantasía
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156 Chs

The Lady, the Lake, and a Relic

The sun hung directly above them in the sky and bore intense heat down on them. Alder trotted up to the northern gates of Solares. Gerard and Rena dismounted from Alder and joined a short queue into the city.

"Halt!" One of the guards stepped forward.

"We're two adventurers returning from our quests." Gerard held up his identification.

Rena did the same.

The guard squinted as he examined their cards and waved them through.

"Sorry, ma'am, for making you wait. Make sure you both get cleaned up; we don't want either of you causing a commotion."

"Will do!" Gerard yelled as they walked through the gates.

"What's wrong, Gerard?"

"Nothing. That guard treated you with instant respect, and I was overlooked as if I was your chauffeur or something."

"I believe that one day, you'll surpass me in rank, so don't feel too bad."

"I've been an adventurer longer than you, though. You've been at it for six months, and I've been one for over a year."

"Thank you, Rena."

They arrived at the adventurer's guild, and Gerard escorted her inside.

"I'll see you soon, Rena."

"Thank you for the assistance, Gerard. My father has a good friend."

Gerard smiled and turned to leave.

"Gerard? What are you doing here with Rena?" Camilla approached and blocked Gerard's path.

She looked back and forth between the two of them.

*You won't bother mentioning the dried blood all over her or that my clothes are in tatters?*

Gerard sighed.

"She needed help with making it back to the city. I'm just heading back to Esma to finish my quest."

"You still had four days left. How did you manage to get it done so fast?"

"I got my hands on a wonderful steed."

As if on queue, adventurers yelled outside the entrance, and Gerard caught a glimpse of men surrounding Alder beyond the open doors.

Gerard rushed outside, and Camilla followed.

"It's a monster! Kill it!" An adventurer walked towards Alder with an axe in their hands.

"Touch it, and I'll smash you to pieces." Gerard readied his mace and stepped forward.

"I'd like to see you try."

The other adventurers blocked Gerard's path to the axe-wielding man.

"How about me, then?" Rena stepped out of the guild building and unsheathed her longsword.

One of the other adventurers approached the man holding the axe.

"Dude, she's the B-rank blademaster, Red Talon!"

"Really? That scrawny girl is Red Talon? What a joke."

With what looked like several steps in an instant, Rena appeared before him, and the head of his axe hit the ground. He held nothing but a wooden handle.

"I won't be so lenient as to smash you to pieces like this man. If you touch this majestic creature, I will cut you up until your pieces are small enough for the worms to eat." Rena cocked her head and smiled, her blade still pointed at the aggressors.

With terrified expressions clouding their anger, the men dispersed into the streets.

"Red Talon?"

"Just a nickname. I killed wyrms, small dragon-like creatures, on the way to Solares before becoming an adventurer and brought the proof of my kills with their talons. When I arrived, I was covered in blood, kind of like how I am now.

"That's pretty intense. Well, thank you, Rena."

"I was just saving the lives of those idiots."

"And if they hurt Alder even after you stepped in?"

"Being worm food would have been the least of their worries, I assure you." Rena scratched Alder's back and smiled innocently.

*Scary. Is this really what she was like in my past life?*

Rena recognised the worry in Gerard's eyes.

"I get it from my mother."

"She must be a fierce woman. I'm sorry, Rena, but I've got to finish this quest."

"Hurry up, then. The faster you take care of business, the faster we can talk to the guild master and get her blessing to take a quest together."

"I'll be back."

Gerard led Alder to the southern gates and arrived at Donny's stables. Seeing as though he wasn't outside, Gerard entered the stables and found him cleaning the stalls.

"Hey, can you hold onto Alder for me, Donny?"

"Gerard! So, you named it Alder, huh? Seeing as though I don't need to feed it, I'll keep Alder safe for five silver a day."

"Deal." Gerard pulled on Alder's reins lightly and led it towards Donny.

*Please go with him for now. I'll be back.*

Gerard handed him a gold coin, took the battle eagle egg from Alder's saddle bag, and left without another word.


"Hello, Esma. I have the egg, as requested." Gerard presented the battle eagle's egg.

"Oh, Gerard! You're all torn up!" Esma ignored the egg before her and walked around to look at Gerard's back.

"It's okay. My wounds have healed. It's just my clothes that are damaged."

"I'll get my tailor to look at those for you."

"No, it's okay. It comes with the territory."

"I insist." Esma stared Gerard down.

"Okay, fine. The materials used were fairly unique, though."

"It won't be a problem. Our tailor weaves my husband's clothing, which can protect him from crossbow bolts. If anyone can repair this, it's her."

"I'll leave it to you, then."

"For the time being, let's get you cleaned up and give you something to wear."

Esma led Gerard to a large door inside her house. On the way, the two met with Craig, who happily took the egg off Gerard's hands.

"There's a bath inside; please wash the grime off with a sponge and one of the buckets provided before you have a soak."

*A bath? How long has it been?*

"Thank you, Esma."

Gerard entered and came to a small room with wicker baskets. Gerard unequipped his armour, undressed himself, and set down his mace before proceeding to the next room. A bath larger than his room at the inn lay before him.

Against a wall, stools, mirrors, and buckets of water were set up. Gerard promptly washed his body and stepped into the bath.

"It's hot? How?"

Gerard examined the bath and found little creatures made of blue fire in an enclosed section of the bathtub.

"Now, that's interesting."

Gerard soaked until he felt lightheaded and begrudgingly left the comfort of the water. When he returned to the small room, he found his coat and tunic removed and a large black tunic in their place.

After dressing and re-equipping his armour, he met with a servant outside the changing room, and she led Gerard to Esma in the garden behind their mansion.

"Thank you for that, Esma. You've done more than I deserve.

"Don't be silly. You saved Archie and brought me back the egg I asked for."

"Okay; thank you, Esma. What about my clothes?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't have a coat to replace yours, but if you return tomorrow, your clothes should be ready. I hope my husband's tunic will suffice until then."

"It's a lovely tunic. Esma, the next time you need my help, I'll do it for free, no matter the task."

"I'm looking forward to it." Esma smiled.

Although he hadn't met the duke, by how the clothes loosely hung off Gerard's body, he could already picture a muscular warrior.


Gerard reached the adventurer's guild to find Rena sitting outside waiting for him. Her clothes showed no sign of the dry blood that was once there.

"You waited?"

"Well, you did say you'd visit the guild master with me."

"Yes, but I was gone for a while. Did Brutus help clean you up?"

"He did. He's a little intimidating but very kind."

"He is. Have you eaten?"

"I was going to after you came back."

Gerard took some dried meat from his pack and handed it to her.

"Here; let's see the guild master."

They entered the building, and Gerard reported his quest completion to Camilla while Rena chewed on the jerky.

"I'll get started on your rank increase and prepare your rewards from the quest."

"Thank you. Rena and I are off to see the guild master now."

"Really?" Camilla's mouth dropped.

"She's expecting me," Rena replied.

Rena led Gerard through the guild halls until they reached a door on the top storey.

Rena knocked softly.


Rena opened the door, and they walked inside.

A muscular woman sat behind a desk, stamping documents.

"So, this adventurer killed the gelatinous slime and destroyed that vampyre?" The guild master slammed her hands on the table and leaned forward.

The sudden movement made Gerard jump, and Rena reached for her sword.

"How did you-" Gerard blurted out half a question before he was ignored.

"Lee has filled me in about everything."

*If he has, then this woman must be someone worth trusting with both of our secrets.*

"I am that same adventurer. I'm Gerard. It's a pleasure to meet you, guild master."

"Just call me Fae. So, what do you say?"

"To what?"

"Wanna fight me?"

The tension in the air became palpable. Gerard felt as though saying yes would be the last thing he did.

"I'm alright. Maybe when I'm stronger."

"Hmm. That could make it even more fun. Alright then! What's this meeting about?"

"Gerard and I would like to take on a quest together in the near future. Although, he doesn't want to start friction in the guild and wishes to do it in secret."

"I see... That's fine! I have a feeling that if you two work together, there's nothing besides a U-rank quest that you can't handle!" Fae laughed jovially.

"Thank you, Fae." Gerard turned to leave.

"One more thing; Thorkin, the head of the guard, and Leonhard, the head researcher, have contacted me. It seems that the creature you found in the swamps disappeared after killing several adventurers and researchers. Please give detailed information to Camilla downstairs, as she is the best person to figure out what rank the creature would be."

"Will do."

*That doesn't sound good...*

Gerard left Rena and Fae to talk and returned to Camilla at the front desk.

"Welcome back, Gerard. Please return your card so I can update it." Camilla presented the status orb again.

[Gerard Blythe - Level 10 Villager - Level 10 Gravekeeper - Level 5 Quartermaster.]

[Skills: System Access, Class Evolution, World's Eye, Limiter Release, Acquisition, Shadow Step, Total Recall, Eternal Rest, Dead Speech, Increased Regeneration]

[Spells: N/A]

"I'm not even surprised anymore. You're a monster, Gerard." Camilla massaged her forehead.

"Sorry about that."

"Well, here's your card back. You're now a C-ranked adventurer. And your reward for your quest." Camilla handed over a bag of coins and his new card.

"Thank you." Gerard emptied the coins into his purse and felt the seams stretch.

"Could I trouble you to get a platinum coin?" Gerard laughed awkwardly.

"We aren't a bank, but for you, that's fine."

Gerard handed over one-hundred gold coins, and Camilla slid over a single platinum coin in return.

"Thank you again; I've been told to talk to you about a monster I met at the swamp."

Gerard retold his experience with the demon in the swamp down the the most minute details.

"I see. Is this roughly what you saw?" Camilla presented a rough drawing.

The likeness sent shivers down Gerard's spine.

"That's it."

"Thanks for your help. I'll negotiate a reward for the information with the guild master. Will you take another quest?"

"Not yet.I'm off to see Sprite first."

"Let her know her help with monster research has been very helpful!"

*Monster research?*

While mulling over what Sprite could have been doing, Gerard left the guild.

"Did you hear about the guys who were killed at the eastern lake?" An adventurer whispered amongst a group of men by the doors of the guild.

"You mean the rumours about those monsters killing anyone who comes close?"

"Yeah, that!"

*Powerful monsters? It sounds like an excellent way to really test out this mace.* Gerard ran his fingers over the handle.

Gerard reached the research institute and, once inside, asked for Sprite. The researcher he questioned led Gerard to the dormitories and pointed to a door before hurrying back down the halls.

Gerard knocked on the door.

"I'm busy!"

"Sprite, it's me."

The door swung open, and Gerard saw a flash of white before being squeezed.

"You were gone for so long!" Sprite held him tightly.

"It took three quests to rank up to C-rank like you, and I-"

"Just hug me back, you idiot."

Gerard did as he was asked, and they stood in the hall together. Sprite led him into her room shortly after. Gerard gawked at the narrow path from the door to a desk and then to a bed. The floor had become a repository for books.

"I've learned so much!" Sprite spun around once she reached the floor space by her desk.

"I see that. What happened to books being boring?"

"They're not as boring when I'm the one reading them."

"I see..."

"No, you don't! Look!" Sprite clenched her fist.

With one quick motion, she extended her arm and flicked her hand open. A stream of electricity shot from her fingertips.


"Not exactly. It's hard to explain, but with my connection to the system, I harmonise with this world in a way that nobody else does. I've been studying this phenomenon while helping other researchers and even the guild with problems they might have. It seems as though I can use the excess mana in the air to create what I call primal magic. It's not very strong yet, but I'm getting better at it."

"That's incredible, Sprite! I heard you've been helping with monster research?"

"I've been trying to figure out what causes the increase in strength when someone kills a monster and wound up helping Camilla at the guild after dissecting several monsters. Some of the abilities and spells used by monsters are actually stronger because of how their bodies are designed. Dragons, for instance, use a variety of elemental spells from their mouths in the form of breath but are enhanced due to the production of a magical liquid from glands in their lungs. Quite fascinating!"

*I've created a nerd.* Gerard buried the thought as deeply as he could.

"I, myself, gained-"

"Yes, you gained the Quartermaster class. I'm attached to the system, remember?"

"Way to spoil the fun..." Gerard kicked the ground beneath him childishly, and several books toppled over.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, Sprite."

The two of them smiled before leaving the research institute.

"So, now that you're here, I assume we've got a quest?"

"Not exactly. I heard a rumour on the way over about a monster at the lake to the east."

"Ah, yes. I've heard about that as well." Sprite grabbed her scythe from beside her bed. "I'd like to see how well Gander's weapon fares in combat.

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

The two of them left the research institute after Sprite locked her room, and Gerard led her to the stables.

"Hey, Donny. Can you bring Alder out for me?"

"Can do. Is this your wife, Gerard?"

"She's just a companion. Alder, please."

"Of course. Hold your horses." Donny retreated into the stables.

Gerard laughed at the irony of the phrase and waited for him to return.

"What's an Alder?"

"You'll see."

Donny returned, and Alder raced forward, smashing into Gerard.

Sprite readied her scythe, but Gerard laughed and hugged Alder.

"Sprite, meet Alder. It's our newest companion."

The beast's sap-like eyes glared at Sprite, and Sprite glared back. In an instant, Sprite stood beside Alder.

[Unknown Creature.]

*You tried to analyse it?*

*Yes. But even after that, I have no idea what this is.*

Alder opened its mouth, and a wet sponge-like plant wiped itself across Sprite's face.

"Gross! It smells like a swamp!"

"I've never seen it do that before. I think Alder likes you, Sprite."

"The feeling isn't mutual..." She said while wiping the liquid off with her sleeve.

Donny stood by the side and laughed until he held his sides.

"Just bring Alder back when you need me to look after it for you."

"I will. Thanks again, Donny."

"Anytime!" Donny grabbed a bundle of hay and a pitchfork and walked back inside.

Gerard led Alder to the southern gate, and aside from the strange looks from the guards when they saw Alder, leaving Solares was hassle-free. Gerard and Sprite mounted Alder as soon as they made it through the gates and slowly headed east.

"When we're done with this, we should check your level, Sprite. I have a feeling you're even stronger now."

"It'll be interesting to see just how much stronger I've gotten."

"We should get this over with, then."

They passed the last farmhouses outside the city walls, and Gerard leaned forward before pressing his hand against his steed's face.

*Let's get there quickly, Alder.*

Alder picked up speed and carried Gerard and Sprite across the plains and briefly through part of a forest without incident. They reached the lake, and the two of them dismounted from Alder. Sprite turned to watch Alder's roots sink into the ground with awe, and a spear of water shot from the lake before striking her in the back and sending her hurtling through the air. Gerard grabbed his mace and stood ready.

"I'm fine! That pervert sure can make some durable armour." Sprite stood back up and extended her scythe by twisting the handle.

A being made of water appeared before them, and Gerard swung his mace. Suddenly, his mace stopped. Between the little water being and his mace stood a pale woman. Her eyes were like a lizard's, and with pointed, jagged ears, she slightly resembled an elf. Her bare body, covered in water lilies and lily pads, distracted Gerard from the fact a fragile-looking woman stopped his attack.

"What do you want from us, humans? Do you also wish to harm our lake?" The woman knocked Gerard's mace from his hands.

*That's a lot of strength.*

*She's fascinating.* Sprite watched with awe.

"Not at all. We've come because many people have been injured and killed by you and your kin." Gerard turned his gaze to a group of fresh corpses.

"We have only protected ourselves."

"And what are you?"

"We are water nymphs. I am the water nymph queen, with a duty to protect the others. My kin does not take kindly to strangers and will not show their true forms."

"What did you mean when you said you were only protecting yourselves?"

"These people wish to strip the lake clean of its plants, steal my kin, and pollute the lake. Since our totem was stolen, there is little choice but to use violence."


"Millennia ago, a mage of great power gave us a totem that protected us from malicious intent. Two years ago, a human came to the lake during our annual moonlight festival and stole the totem."

"But, it didn't protect you?"

"No. The only possible reason is that the humans stole it not to harm us but to protect themselves. I do not hold ill will against that human, but their actions have forced our hand."

"What if I were to get this totem back for you?"


"I have fought against humanity; I have seen the good they can do and the bad. I've seen what the non-human races of this world are faced with. If I can aid you, I will, but please don't kill any more humans if you can help it."

"I will attempt to do as you ask."

"Thank you. Can you describe the totem for us?"

"I'll show you what it looks like."

The water nymph queen grabbed some water from the lake and sculpted it in the air. The result left a cylinder with intricate details and runes all over it before falling to the ground and soaking the soil.

"I've seen that before!" Sprite exclaimed.

"Really? Where?" The water nymph queen rushed forward.

"You're a little close." Sprite winced and stepped back.

"My apologies, human."

"It's okay. I saw that relic in a research paper in the MRI. A wanderer sold the relic to a researcher several years ago, and after discovering its magical properties, they sold it to the king. It protects the royal treasure chamber from intruders."

"That's going to be tough." Gerard scratched his head.

"Will you still help me, human? Even if it means betraying your king?" The nymph queen asked.

"The king has helped me; that much is true. But you don't deserve what's happening to you, either. I'll help you, water nymph." Gerard smiled genuinely, without regret.

"My name, given to me by the mage who gifted us the totem all those years ago, was Aqua."

"A fitting name. I'll return with the totem as soon as I can, Aqua."

"Then I shall wish you luck." Aqua turned and sunk into the lake with her fellow water nymphs.

Gerard grabbed his mace from the nearby forest before climbing onto Alder. Sprite reached out, and Gerard pulled her up.

"I guess it's time to plan a heist!" Gerard sighed before flicking the reins lightly.

"This will be exciting!" Sprite smiled like a child.

"You realise, if we get caught, we will probably be executed."

"I know, but it's still exciting!" Sprite gripped him tightly.

*I guess she missed me.* Gerard smiled as they headed back towards Solares.

It took a few days to get this chapter out, but being the largest chapter in the entire novel, I hope you'll forgive me for that.

As always, thanks for reading. You've all kept me in the top 200 ranking for weekly library collections for the past month, and we've gotten very close to the top 200 in power stones a couple of times! ✨

Jhayduncreators' thoughts