
Goblin Battle Royale 4

We are continuing with the eighth day. Today there is hardly a quarter of the goblins remained of what we begin with. The kill counts so far are like this; the first two days are only 170, the third day is 576, the fourth day is 3.667, the fifth day is 23.857, the sixth day is 34.426, and the seventh day is 16.985.

So a total of 79.681 goblins died and 20.319 goblins left. This... actually lesser than I thought. Well, this battle royale will end soon anyway. If my calculations are right, which I doubt they are, a goblin will evolve by nightfall today. But it could happen tomorrow too or on the final day. My math has never been good so I'll wait and see. Yep, that's what I'm going to do. Not because I'm lazy or anything.

Today something big happened. I expected it from yesterday but to think he really managed to accomplish it... Blux is really amazing. I wonder what he will evolve into. Anyway, Blux made Gienba's tribe attack the wandering goblin tribe. You might ask how did he manage it. It's actually surprisingly simple. Since appearance-wise he has no different from the other wandering goblins he pretended to be one of them and kidnaped a craftsmen goblin from the Gienba's tribe.

That craftsman was collecting loot from a loot chest and there were only a few warrior goblins around him. Blux took this chance and kidnapped the craftsmen right in front of the warrior goblins. He killed the goblin and made some fake trail to trick the following goblins and lead them to the base of the wandering goblins' base. And warrior goblins followed the fake trail and discover the base.

Goblin tribes are small societies where everyone is loyal and dependent on each other. It's because they are one of the weakest races that they need each other to survive. That is why they value each other deeply and that is something engraved in their genetic codes. Imagine the reaction of these goblins when they find the hat of the dead craftsman goblin near the newly discovered enemy base. It was full of rage but they didn't attack. They went back to call their allies.

Just seven hours later, a big battle happened. Gienba's tribe attacked with all of their might. Unlike her usual style of leading her army from the middle of it, Gienba was the first one to attack. It was a foolish move as a leader but perhaps she was the most enraged one because she was the leader. She behaves like an actual being with sentience. Can she become an actual being with evolution even though she was supposed to be a bunch of mana mimicking the real thing? I will have to talk about this with Arthur later.

With just one swipe of her spear, Gienba beheaded four goblins. There was no one in the wandering goblins' tribe in a physical contest. She was dodging all of the incoming arrows with ease and reflex beyond what you expect from a goblin. She is truly the strongest goblin in the tower right now. She already killed sixteen goblins with those four included. In just ten minutes fifty-nine goblins died from the attack of warrior goblins and Gienba. It was obvious who would be the winner of this war- hold on!

The leader of the wandering goblins came out and joined the fight. He had slightly curved twin blades as weapons and they were made from steel. The steel weapons were superior to copper and iron ones. He easily sliced through the warrior goblins in front of him like cutting butter. He was also moving faster than other goblins and in just a few seconds he cut through twenty warrior goblins and arrived in front of the Gienba.

She tried to kill him with a thrust from her spear but he deflected it with one of his swords and slashed at her left shoulder with the other one. Gienba jumped backward to dodge the attack but she was already wounded. There was a huge wound from her left shoulder to her right flank. It was shallow but it was still there and this made her wary of him. It was the first time she was wounded in a fight and she couldn't even react on time.

I didn't know this goblin was this incredible. He could easily match Gienba and even injure her. He can change the tides of this war. They have the advantage of numbers and him. Even though the induvial strength of warrior goblins is high, he can causally cut them down like they aren't any different from pieces of butter. I'm going to call him Falx.

Falx once again moved and attacked Gienba. This time Gienba was more focused and she blocked every slash of him. But suddenly Falx kicked her in the chin and sent her a few meters back. From the moment his kick landed on her chin, he return cutting down the warrior goblins. Gienba rolled to the ground and immediately stood up. It was only twenty seconds but Falx was able to kill ten warrior goblins.

Gienba let out an enraged roar and rushed at him. She hit him with the backside of the spear and sent him flying. In her rage, she actually gained even more power. Perhaps she is close to achieving her evolution or saying finalization might be better.

With Gienba busying the Flax war returned to what it was. Wandering goblins were butchered by warrior goblins. Still, unlike before this time some of the warrior goblins were getting heavily injured. If wandering goblins can pull out another one like Falx, they could easily win this war but it doesn't seem likely. As minutes passed by both sides were losing their numbers. If this continues, Gienba and her tribe will be completely wiped out. I nervously gulped. They are precious candidates for evolution and losing them would be a huge loss. Should I intervene and save them?

While I was thinking about what to do I noticed that several small tribes were approaching the battlefield. They were circling the battlefield and seemed somewhat organized. I think they will attack whoever is left from this battle. That would make all of our candidates erased from the tower. Urgh! Fine, I will intervene. But what should I do? Simply teleporting them away won't do.

While I was thinking, another tribe appeared on the scene. This tribe was seemingly not part of the other tribes who were circling the battlefield and instead attacked them. Both Gienba's and Falx's tribes noticed a new battle broke out in the woods right near their own battlefield. It was really weird that see two goblins noticing the urgency of the situation and making a ceasefire by just communicating with their looks. I'm definitely going to talk about this with Arthur.

Gienba took the lead of her tribe and retreat back to their base. This was not something she did before but after the damage her tribe took was simply too grave that she had to retreat. A group of thirty goblins tried to block their way but Gienba and a few warriors killed them in under a minute. They returned to their cave and Gienba ordered the injured to rest in the deep chambers build inside the cave. She only had twenty warrior goblins who could still able to fight and there were about fifty goblins who followed them to their base.

Gienba was still grateful after what happened on the battlefield and in her rage, she massacred those fifty goblins by herself. After all, they were just ordinary goblins, and against the strongest goblin, they were just some small fries.

Meanwhile, Flax and his tribe escaped the battlefield taking advantage of the distraction of the other battle caused. There were seventy goblins who tried to stop them but against Flax and his goblins they couldn't hold on for long. Flax lost more than half of his tribe but also inflicted pretty heavy damage to his enemies. He kept himself hidden for most of the time but when he come out he changed the tides. And now even the tribes that were trying to ambush them were wiped out by other tribes attacking them.

On this battlefield, 589 goblins died. Most of them were from the goblins that were trying to ambush Gienba's and Flax's tribes. Their tribes were still able to come out alive but other tribes were wiped out. Another tribe was drawn to the battlefield after hearing the noises and battle escalated. End of the day hardly ten goblins survived but they were also killed off by Blux. He was watching everything from a safe distance and when everything finished he get rid of the survivors.

On the side of the Renka's tribe, things were calmer. They didn't recruit any new members and killed a thousand and five hundred goblins. They also didn't make any progress on anything. They just guarded their base and killed anyone who come close to it.

Today total of 7.248 goblins died. There aren't many goblins left alive. With the help of the system, I ordered all of the goblins to move to the center part of the forest and I choose a specific location. It was a 50 km square and I'm planning to have a final battle here. I will slowly push goblins there and on the final day, I mean the day after tomorrow, I will kill every goblin who stayed outside of the circle.

This battle royale already took too much time. There are a lot of goblins left alive a little more than ten thousand. I don't want this battle royale to keep going even after ten days. There is still the ninth day before the final day but I want to be sure of it won't take longer than necessary.

Today is the ninth day. We have a wonderful development that happened at the dawn today. Gienba finally evolved today. She evolved into Goblin Chief, at least that's what I think she evolved into. Red tribal tattoos appeared on her body and she grew taller. Aside from these, a single red horn grew from the right side of her face. This was the exact definition of goblin chief Arthur noted before.

Goblin Chief is twelve times stronger than the average goblin in every way. The goblins under her also strengthened and their strength doubled. Her new race is also affecting her subordinates. I think there have to be some conditions to trigger this evolution like leading a tribe, I should write this. Arthur would be very interested in this.

Aside from Gienba's evolution, nothing else happened on their side. They only killed some stray goblins who come close to their base. Some of their warriors are still injured so they aren't attacking and only staying in defense. Monsters are made of mana and while they stay inside the tower they are slowly healing with the energy circulation of the tower. It still takes time for them to heal but at this rate, they should recover until tomorrow.

Renka's tribe finally moved towards the new central area I choose. They come across a lot of goblins on their way but with their large numbers dealt with a lot of them. They reached an area they could use as a new base for laying ambush for other goblins. And in just a half-day they killed a little more than a thousand goblins. They might really win this battle royale. But it will be hard for them to take down Gienba after she evolved today.

Flax and his subordinates found a cave hidden among several trees. This cave was close to the base of Renka's tribe. They might fight against each other tomorrow. Today they are lightly injured after fighting hundreds of goblins they come across. They killed a total of nine hundred goblins today. This number might seem absurd with their own number of eighty-six. They are stronger than average goblins and without getting exhausted they could fight longer.

On the Blux side, things were a bit more chaotic, I guess. He killed sixty goblins by himself. Of course, he didn't fight sixty goblins at the same time but he could take seven average goblins at once. He is going to be a killing machine when he evolves. He is also smarter and more cunning than the average goblin. He even cause a huge battle yesterday where hundreds of goblins died.

Blux's evolution is also close. He should be evolving tomorrow at dawn or dusk at the latest. Similar to him Flax should also evolve soon. The evolution is triggered by battle, at least this is the case in Gienba's case. She reached the evolution state after yesterday's battle but it activated itself when she was in her base. Perhaps their evolution is fully triggered when they met all the conditions and when they are in a safe location.

The death count of today is 5.948 goblins. There are only 7123 goblins left alive. So far there has been only one goblin evolved and that one is Gienba. Tomorrow is the final day the biggest developments should happen.