
Goblin Battle Royale 3

(Ellie's POV)

Today is the sixth day. After what happened yesterday, I'm full of excitement and happiness. Arthur finally accepted my feelings and he even confessed his love for me. I might be the happiest person in this world right now. Especially after what we have done last night.


"Kyaa? Are you okay, Ellie?"

"I-i'm fine!"

Oops, I let out an embarrassing sound. I didn't expect him to appear behind me. But even remembering the last night caused me to fill with happiness and blush. I will cherish this memory for the rest of my life. He seemed puzzled by my reaction but he didn't push me to answer or anything.

He sit next to me and we chatted for a while. It was just a casual chat but somehow it felt really good. We sometimes sit and just chat and talk about some meaningless things. He would tell me about his old world and his early memories from the time when he reincarnated in this world. It's been two years since I met him and these days have been wonderful for me. I want these days to last forever.

"I need to return to working on the second floor. I am adding some rocky terrains to make it harder for adventurers. I also plan to add wolves on that floor."

"You are adding wolves? I thought we would make the first five floors goblin only."

"I'm adding varieties. Also, I have a plan to solve the energy source problem. But it needs time and some other things to make it better."

"I see. Will you be able to finish before the final day of the battle royale?"

"I should be able to. I return as soon as I finish the floor."

"Okay. I'll continue to monitor the footage of the battle royale."

He said goodbye and teleported to the second floor. Adding wolves surprised me but I think it makes sense. Only putting goblins and their evolved forms against adventurers would be meaningless in the long run. Adding more monsters in the early floors doesn't sound bad. And wolves are weak monsters barely stronger than goblins. They also have evolved forms but much less than goblins. They are a good choice to add.

Now back to the battle royale. I will monitor the battle royale until he returns. Yesterday a lot of goblins died and the remaining tribes are slowly moving closer to the middle part of the floor. This is actually making them vulnerable to many attacks. Tribes were settling some spots and they would be active around their settlements. But since they are forced to move towards the center they have to abandon their settlements. Perhaps we should find a better way to force tribes into evolution. Like defending their own base or something like that.

Goblins are both territorial and wandering monsters. So, battle royale is a good way to push individual goblins to evolution, especially since they are made from Arthur's mana. It makes them evolve faster than our predictions. Well, evolution is a process, not something that would happen overnight. A lot of goblins are already in the evolution process and some of their aspects are quickly improving. For example Blux, he is one of the most improved goblins in the induvial scale.

Blux's regular aspects are right now equal to five ordinary goblins. His agility and endurance are the most improved ones. They are equal to seven ordinary goblins. In induvial scale, he is one of the strongest goblins. Even the warriors of Gienba's tribe have the power of three goblins. But against large numbers, Blux can't stand a chance. This is the most basic example of the evolution process. It will take some time for the evolution process to complete and their race change.

Today, a total of 34.426 goblins died. The highest kill count ever. With this, already half of the goblins died. Actually more than half. About sixty percent of them. I think from now on the kill count will sharply decrease and the battle royale will stagnate until the last day or the day before it. At least that's what I thought.

Renka's tribe has killed about three thousand goblins today. Their numbers are already over two hundred now. Renka has definitely a good strategy. She is recruiting wandering goblins to join her tribe and she is able to make them loyal to the tribe. Maybe she will have mind control or similar power when she completes the evolution process. She is a good leader, not even a single goblin died from her tribe from the beginning.

The craftsmen of her tribe are also making armors now. Since there is no animal or other creatures on this floor, they are making armors from the scrap metals or the armors they find in the loot chests. Seeing this I placed more loot chests around the forest. This time most of them contained raw materials. The previous chests caused induvial improvement and this time I hope they will cause improvement in tribe scale.

As for the Gienba's tribe... they are becoming wilder while attacking other tribes. They also recruited some goblins. Well, recruiting may not be the correct word here. They treat the goblins like slaves or laborers. It is cruel but the same thing is happening right outside of this tower. There is a war going on between demi-humans and humans. I guess it is the instincts of the living beings to make the defeated side suffer.

Their warriors are mostly vanguard with blunt and crashing weapons. There are some archers among them but they are few in number. They lost three warrior goblins today. But in turn, they killed more than six thousand goblins. Gienba is the strongest goblin in that tribe. Actually, she is the strongest goblin, at least physically. She is as strong as three warriors from her tribe, which roughly equals nine or ten ordinary goblins.

They have relatively more advanced armors compared to other tribes. Some of their craftsmen became blacksmiths. Their tribe is more balanced than other tribes. If we are going to make bigger goblin settlements they should be the core of the example we should follow.

The remaining tribes are getting more powerful too. The weak goblins are quickly eliminated. When I look at the big picture, half of the forest became empty. From today onwards they would be fighting in the center until one tribe left. Well, according to the results I might save more goblins. After all, our goal is as many goblins to reach evolution as possible.

Dash tribe was unfortunately wiped out today. They were able to survive until today but they were unlucky to meet with the tribe of wandering goblins. They were annihilated without mercy. Their bodies were ripped apart. Wandering goblins are the most brutal and savage goblins. After Gienba's tribe, they were the ones who killed the most goblins with a kill count of four thousand. Also, their numbers are a hundred and fifty.

Five goblin settlements were burned down today. They were of course primal settlements. Anyway, today is over with forty percent of goblins remaining alive. I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

On the seventh day, things were calmer. Gienba's tribe remained in their base today and they only killed the goblins who get close to their base. They are reinforcing the cave and even expanding it by mining and digging the ground. Gienba made a wise decision. From today onwards their base will be receiving more attacks as other tribes are getting closer and closer.

There was no other noteworthy news from Gienba's tribe. But on the other hand, there was an interesting thing that happened on Blux's side. He accidentally finds Gienba's base and saw how they defend their base from wandering goblins. He didn't attack and just observed it. After a few hours of observing them, he went back into the forest and somehow also find the wandering goblins' base.

Wandering goblins' base was about three hours away from the Gienba's tribe's base. While Gienba's base could be considered in the central part of the forest, wandering goblins were outside of the center but still close to attacking anyone in just a few hours. I think Blux is planning something, like making those two tribes fight against each other or something.

The wandering goblin tribe has also reached the number of two hundred. Unlike Renka's and Gienba's tribes, they are full of warriors and no craftsmen or someone with a similar job. They even use holes on the ground to hide at night. They aren't good enough to form a functioning settlement. Well, I can't expect much from monsters with bare minimum intelligence. Still, they are likely to fight with Gienba's tribe in the coming days.

They killed about two thousand goblins today. Since they have unlimited stamina and no fear of death they can kill more than real monsters can. They all are basically killing machines.

Renka's tribe finally reached the two hundred and fifty in numbers. They also expanded their hunting grounds. It looks like they will be the strongest candidate to take the spot of the first in this battle royale. Seeing them hunt like this makes me think that it would be good to add animals on the higher floors and completely mimic the natural environment of the world. After all, Renka's tribe is mainly a hunter tribe and if a tribe like them appears, later on, it will be better than they would be in an environment that would let them grow stronger in more natural ways.

They killed roughly three thousand goblins today. I think this has to be a first, since the beginning of the battle royale they haven't killed more than Gienba's tribe killed but today it changed.

They also managed the equip all of their members with armors. Well, most of those armors would be useless in real fights but what's important is the thought, right? Anyway, they are the biggest faction in the battle royale, and they are also far away from the Gienba's and the wandering goblins' tribe.

Some other goblin tribes also tried to increase their numbers by recruiting goblins from other tribes but so far it has always ended with bloody conflicts that killed members from both sides. Also, most of the surviving tribes arrived at the center of the forest. It was a big place that has many hiding spots so there wasn't immediate bloodshed but it will happen tomorrow, probably.

Today total of 16.985 goblins died. There are hardly 22k goblins left alive. So from now on, only the strong and the ones who are close to evolution will remain. We are close to the end.