
My System Is Unreliable, What To Do?

Feng Yongrui had just died, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself bound to a "System", allowing him to travel to many worlds and complete missions. At first, Feng Yongrui was elated. Would this System help him conquer worlds, find his true love, or reach the pinnacle of life? System: Heh, dream on. ...Because of his System, Feng Yongrui found out that when he traveled from one world to another, he would always find himself in difficult situations... Join Feng Yongrui as he goes from one world to another, and, against all odds, complete his missions. *** First world: System: Oops, I lost the information about this world~ Feng Yongrui: ...Then how am I supposed to do my mission? Second world: System: Host, the System has accidentally transferred you into the wrong person~ Feng Yongrui: ...You don't need to sound so happy, right? Third world: System: Host, unfortunately it seems some of the information I gave you is... false... Feng Yongrui: Wait, then all this time, I was doing the task for the wrong person?! ...Nth world: System: Host, it seems like -- Feng Yongrui: ...I'd rather not know what went wrong this time, QAQ ***

Daoist5hO6Jh · Oriental
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169 Chs

Lei Bei (Arc 3)

"You should help him get out of there first," Stan said to Feng Yongrui.

"I know..." Feng Yongrui said. He summoned his magical prowess and did a simple spell to suck the "ice", turning it into liquid and gathering it in his palms. Since Feng Yongrui had water-based powers, this kind of spell was relatively easy for him.

Feng Yongrui managed to take away all of the ice, turning it into water and dispersing it unto the floor. When the ice was gone, it revealed a young man lying on the ground with his eyes closed. This man had a pair of Saiga horns, just like He Yi, but his horns were gave a more profound and dark feeling compared to He Yi's.

Feng Yongrui leaned closer to look at the man. He had sharp features and a pair of delicate eyebrows. Before Feng Yongrui or Stan could say anything, the man suddenly opened his eyes.

"What the..." Stan muttered, jumping slightly backwards.

Feng Yongrui was even more taken aback and he hurriedly took a few steps backward, flustered.

The man didn't seem to understand the situation he was in. He blinked several times and sat up. He touched his clothes in confusion and looked around the room.

When the man saw Stan, his eyes grew dangerously dark and he glared at him with ferocity.

"It's you! You're that brat from the Vampire Clan!" he hissed.

Stan rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, yes, I am from the Vampire Clan. I'm glad your eyes still work well."

"Erm... So, who are you?" Feng Yongrui asked.

The man jumped up in surprise and looked around the room.

"Who! Who is it?!" he cried, anxiously scanning the room.

Feng Yongrui laughed. He almost forgot that he was invisible.

"Hahaha, he's scared of you!" Stan cried, giggling and pointing at the man mischievously.

Feng Yongrui also smiled.

"So, what's your name?" Feng Yongrui asked again.

The man did not answer Feng Yongrui. Instead, he stood up and summoned his magical prowess as a spear materialized in his hand. The spear was strikingly beautiful, its handle was black and the pointed head gleamed under the light.

"Lilith! Is it you?" he roared. The man swung his spear around the room, glaring dangerously at the empty space around him. If looks could kill, Feng Yongrui felt that he would be dead by now.

Feng Yongrui moved to the corner of the room, avoiding the man's spear.

"Hey, you still haven't answered the question! What's your name, huh?" Stan said, looking at the man provocatively.

The man turned around and glared at Stan.

"Hah! I almost forgot that you were here!"

Without hesitation, the man aimed his spear at Stan's throat. The latter did not flinch at all, only looking at the man with empty eyes.

"Hey, Lazy Bae, what are you doing?" Stan taunted. "What, are you going to kill me?"

The man scoffed. "Do you think I don't dare? My Shadow Demon Clan has put up with you guys for long enough! As long as I kill you, both you and your sister will die!"

"By that time, who do you think will take control of the Vampire Clan, hm? Hahaha, none of you are capable enough... As long as you two die, I, Lei Bei, will no longer have any regrets!" he exclaimed.

"Hey, do you really think it's easy to kill me? My sister sealed half of your magical prowess... You're so weak right now," Stan gave a small, cold, laugh. "A person like you? Trying to kill me? Pfft..."

The man, no, Lei Bei, squinted his eyes and moved his spear slowly, drawing a thin line of blood across Stan's neck.

"Even if my magical prowess is sealed, I can still kill a puny ant like you!" he hissed.

Lei Bei swung his spear, ready to strike a deadly blow... But before Feng Yongrui could shout, Stan gave a small smile.

"Come on, come and kill me. As long as I get hurt, my sister will know about it and come rushing to my side. Is that what you want? You want her to come here right now and subdue you? I mean, if that's what you want, sure. After all, you're just an attention-seeking dog for the Shadow Demons," Stan spat out.

Lei Bei glared at Stan, and the latter did not back down either. Their eyes were locked in a fierce staring contest...

"Ahem," Feng Yongrui cleared his throat.

"So... what's happening here?"

Feng Yongrui was met with silence.

"How about you two... sit down and talk nicely?" Feng Yongrui suggested, looking at the two of them awkwardly.

"SHUT UP!" Both Lei Bei and Stan turned around and yelled at him.

Feng Yongrui: "..."

Fine. He would shut up.

"Please, continue the staring contest," Feng Yongrui said flatly.

"...I'll wait."


Meanwhile, in the Phantom Realm, the Crown Prince, Chen Longfei, was sifting through the reports given by Feng Yongrui, the "Creative Writer". As he read the most recent letters, Chen Longfei clicked his tongue.

"Unexpectedly, he managed to find out Xu Chao's small habits... This person is getting more and more interesting..."

Chen Longfei leaned backwards and thought about it. The first time he received the letters, he thought they were just a small joke and something he didn't need to think about too much.

After repeatedly getting those letters, he gradually found them to be interesting -- although they were poorly written, the fact that someone could write something as bad as that was entertaining in and of itself.

When he decided to recruit this person as his spy, he simply did it on a whim. After all, why did he need more spies? He was the Crown Prince. His spy network, the Black Ravens, were already the best in the world.

Why would he need the puny help of some random person who claimed to "adore" and "respect" him? This person obviously only wanted benefits...

But, after that one time when the "Creative Writer" wrote a letter warning him about Lilith's plans, he began to take this person more seriously. This person was able to find out something that his Black Ravens could not.

While the Black Ravens were amazingly good at their job, there were still places they could not go to and areas they could not reach. After all, the Black Ravens weren't the only ones who had magical prowess.

Lilith's people were bound to have a high level of magical prowess as well, and they were definitely strong. Since he didn't want to openly clash or investigate the various clans, everything that he did had to be calculated and every step he took had to be careful.

He couldn't let the Black Ravens' existence be exposed.

So, while the Black Ravens were good at their job, he had also instructed them not to spy on places that might put them at risk of exposing themselves...

But this "Creative Writer"... he wasn't a member of the Black Ravens, and he hadn't been trained professionally... How did he find out about Lilith's plans?

The "Creative Writer" must've been able to locate Lilith's base or secret meeting place of some sort... But those kind of places were usually well-protected. There would be guards everywhere or a high-level array placed in that place...

How did the Creative Writer get inside?

Chen Longfei called Xiao Niao to come over, and the latter bowed towards him.

"Master, what do you need?" he asked.

"Last time I asked you to investigate the Creative Writer, remember?" Chen Longfei asked.

"That is true, Master," Xiao Niao replied, nodding his head.

"What was he like again?" he asked.

"Erm... His name is Feng Yongrui, a Yon... he's part of the Imp clan, with poor water-based powers," Xiao Niao said.

"A Yon, huh?" Chen Longfei squinted his eyes.

"Should we pay a visit to the Imp Clan someday?" he mused.

"Master, if you would like to go, then this servant will prepare everything you need," Xiao Niao said.

"Hm... Go ahead and prepare it. I'll be going incognito," Chen Longfei nodded.

"Understood, Master."


Meanwhile, Stan and Lei Bei were still glaring at each other. Lei Bei was seated on the floor, opposite Stan, while still clutching his spear nervously. Stan was seated in his usual place, but his eyes were glaring coldly at the other man.

In the middle stood none other than Feng Yongrui, who looked at the two sides with amusement. These two were really...

Bad tempered!

"Ahem, so... you both are saying that Lei Bei is from the Shadow Demon Clan... And as for you, Stan, you're actually Lilith's younger brother?" Feng Yongrui asked, confirming his understanding.

"Hmph!" Stan glared at the empty space in front of him.

"That's right! I'm Lilith's younger brother! What's that got to do with you!" he hissed.

Feng Yongrui turned to look at Lei Bei.

"As for you, Lei Bei... You're a servant of the Shadow Demon Clan, am I right?" Feng Yongrui asked.

"...Why do you care?" Lei Bei scoffed.

Feng Yongrui: "..."


Someone wants to kill you. You...

a) Beg them to spare your life.

b) Bargain with them and convince them they can't kill you.

c) Kill them first.

Comment below~~