
My System is to Kill

In a virtual reality game called "Tranquility Online," a young boy named Niles finds himself in a mysterious and unsettling situation. He's chosen as a Player Killer, a newly introduced class in the game. Armed with a medieval-looking knife, he embarks on a journey to understand his role and the reasons behind it. As Niles explores the game's eerie and blood-soaked cemetery setting, he grapples with questions about his own motivations and the ethics of killing other players. The game's creators promise monetary rewards for player kills, which both tempt and trouble Niles. Niles encounters Nova, a ruthless and experienced Player Killer, and becomes involved in a deadly confrontation with other players. In a desperate bid to survive, Niles taps into unexpected powers but ultimately falls victim to Nova's ruthlessness. The story explores the blurred lines between reality and virtual reality, as Niles wrestles with the moral implications of his actions in the game. With each kill, he earns rewards and climbs the leaderboard but also risks losing his humanity. As Niles contemplates his choices, he must decide whether to continue down a dark path or seek a different way to navigate the virtual world of "Tranquility Online."

SayofChains88 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

What It Takes

"I am already level 11, you dumb brat!" Nova smirked. 

He held a large scissor blade across Nile's neck angrily. 

"It wasn't easy getting to this level, you little shit!" Nova whispered.

"Don't you fucking talk to me, you filthy piece of shit!" Nile spat. Nile glared at him.

Aodh and Mr. Coen glanced at each other before distancing themselves from the members of their group, though they stayed close enough so that if any issues arose, kills, they could help while observing the proceedings.

"The only rule they don't know is that eventually they will be ousted from the project in a month if they have the least kills, kills, as it shows their brain waves are not what we need for this project…" Aodh snickered. 

"Nova may be the first one to give us a real-life response, but this also depends on the lower cortex, where the amygdala is located, and if we can monitor it in the first couple months of the project," Mr. Coen explained. 

They gawked around the room as they could see the data above their heads showing the progress of each individual user.

"The number of kills in every scenario will either increase dramatically or decrease within this month, hence why we gathered them to observe without their knowledge," Aodh noted.

"Every VR set is specially equipped with a medical backup in case we need to send someone to their house, including IP tracing and police warrant to enter their homes…the team is composed of trained nurses and doctors for these kids," Mr. Coen stated. 

Owl stopped talking to Survey as he gawked at the two strange men before turning back around.

"This is going to be interesting…." Owl muttered. 

"I know you can read lips, so hit me?" Survey smiled. 

He grabbed tightly to his daggers as he stood there with a pause before he suddenly dashed forward and sliced at him. The two blades clashed, causing sparks to fly everywhere as Survey blocked with his chakram. After the clash, he jumped backward as Survey followed him. 

"You better kill a lot so we can stay together on this project," Owl mumbled. 

"I see…so that's why you decided to do this," Survey laughed. 

Survey smashed the ringlet into his friend's daggers fiercely, causing the two boys' eyes to widen as he tried to recover. Survey kicked him in the gut, making his feet buckle, causing the white-haired boy to fall to the ground.

"Weird, they picked only one woman for this project," Owl thought. 

"There is a reason for it we do not know yet, but surely the other server has more women," Survey giggled. 

"You are prettier than the one on this server," Owl winked. 

"Stop fighting this instance!" Aodh shouted. 

Nova watched Niles's expression as it looked like it was getting exciting as stared down at his puny knife. 

"You might think it's funny seeing me like this..you are not going to last even three seconds against me Owl," Survey taunted.

Aodh looked bored at his subject's statement as he glanced toward the Surveythe Survey. Owl only shrugged as he continued playing his game. Survey grinned as his hand hovered over his weapon and his body tensed up.

Niles looked at Survey calmly as Owl locked daggers again with Survery. 

"What are you waiting for? Attack me!" Survey chuckled.

Niles remained motionless as he observed Survey. Aodh gave up, staring intently as they continued their session.

"You were given the easiest weapon to use!" survey taunted.

Niles narrowed his eyes slightly, his grip tightened on his dagger. He let out a breath slowly before charging forward, but was stopped by Nova. 

"Don't…something is going on. It looks," Nova whispered. 

"Huh?" Niles responded, confused. 

"Can we leave now?" Ouiji yawned. 

Mr. Coen looked annoyed, watching Ouiji complain. He shook his head as he pulled out his VR digital phone. 

"No, I won't tolerate that. These kids have no idea what they are doing. It will just be in our best interests to keep them here until they become stronger in their ideals so they can take on the task given." Mr. Coen replied.

"Mr. Coen, you have been quietly talking amongst yourself for a while now and were so bored that those two have started fighting," Ouiji laughed. 

"I agree, we have enough data from this small meeting…please release them, Mr. Coen," Aodh nodded. 

Nova looked concentrated on everyone, suddenly aware of something off about the room. He turned around and saw that there was one camera in front of the door.

"Maybe they want us to be aware that even in the digital realm, we are being watched," Nova pointed out. 

"That's just dumb!" Niles shouted. 

"And that is why you are going to be last on the scoreboard!" He scolded. 

"Say you!" Niles yelled angrily. 

"Prove it with that baby knife of yours! Little street urchin bitch gonna really shank me with that?!" Nova teased. 

Niles pushed his knife up in a rage at Nova; however, Nova simply laughed as he walked away, leaving Niles to deal with himself.

"Please double-click your pen to leave [Girenia]" Mr. Coen shouted. 

"See you on the battlefield, shrimp dick!" Nova waved. 

He stomped his feet as Nile tossed his weapon watching Nova waved off his opponent with a taunting remark, a mischievous glint sparked in his eyes. He knew that the battlefield was where true tests of strength and skill awaited him. With a confident smirk, he stomped his feet, channeling his anticipation and excitement.

As he prepared to make his grand entrance onto the battlefield as the whole game itself was PVP, Nova reached for his weapon. But instead of merely tossing it aside, he decided to turn the situation into a captivating spectacle. With a flourish, he twirled his weapon around his fingers, displaying his dexterity and showmanship.

The weapon soared across the room, leaving a trail of awe and astonishment in its wake. It twirled and flipped, dancing through the air as if guided by an invisible hand. And just as it reached its peak, Nova's weapon began to transform, morphing into a mesmerizing burst of vibrant colors and light with each killing. 

Each swipe as he watched his victims bleed out, feeling a sense of justice in his blade. Each swing as he watched his opponents writhe in pain, space, screaming. His target's blood spilled like water, dripping down the ground as a crimson pool formed beneath them. His targets' cries echoed throughout the vast space, causing goosebumps to rise on his skin.

"You were the first one dead, if I remember right," Aodh laughed. 

Watching the screen above, Niles felt intimidated by Nova. Niles clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as Aodh's taunting laughter echoed in his ears. He gazed up at the screen above, where Nova's graceful and deadly performance continued, mesmerizing everyone in the room. The vibrant colors and light that emanated from Nova's transforming weapon seemed to hold a power that Niles had never witnessed before. 

"Ishin!" Nova shouted. 

"For now, this will be your den to rest when you aren't killing players," Aodh stated. 

As Nova effortlessly dispatched his opponents, Niles felt a mix of awe and intimidation. The sheer skill and confidence displayed by Nova were overwhelming, making Niles question his own abilities. Doubt crept into his mind, whispering that he could never reach such heights of mastery, but instead of succumbing to his insecurities, Niles felt a fire ignite within him.

Pushing aside his fear and self-doubt, Niles took a deep breath and focused his gaze on Nova. His eyes narrowed with determination as he studied every move, every flick of the wrist, and every calculated strike. Niles realized that beneath the mesmerizing spectacle, Nova was more than just a skilled warrior; he was a master of strategy. 

As the battle continued, Niles began to analyze Nova's techniques, searching for weaknesses and patterns. He observed how Nova anticipated his opponents' moves, effortlessly countering and incapacitating them. Niles knew that if he could understand Nova's strategy, he could find a way to overcome his own limitations.

"You haven't even come up on the list for PK, Niles," Mr. Coen grinned. 

"What does that mean?" Niles gulped. 

"The others don't know yet, but you will be kicked out of the project," Aodh laughed. 

"Is there a reason you aren't on the leaderboard yet?" Mr. Coen asked. 

Niles' brain stopped as he stood there nervously waiting for some explanation; he had been the first to be killed in this group.

"I am sorry for not giving it my all…I will go now," Niles replied.

He turned and made his way out of the room while the two men watched him exit. As Niles exited the room, he ran down the hallway with his chest rising high with his arms pumping in the air.

"I am fucked!" he shouted.

"I heard this due to my secondary skill, but you are better off quitting if you aren't gonna commit," Palope smirked. 

"No one asked for your opinion!" Niles yelled.