

Xavier led the group to the manhole cover that he had unlocked and climbed down, followed by the rest of the group. What they saw was a set of five sizable train cars that had nothing inside except for seats. "This is what we're fixing up. With the Osborn's sponsoring us we were gonna get rid of the seats and make each one into a separate room."

"What do you mean sponsoring?" Harry protested.

"Well none of us can pay for it so unless you want nothing in here, do nothing." Peter leveled him with a dead look in his eyes. 

Ignoring that exchange, Xavier explained what he wanted from the cars. One room for each gender, getting to decide on decorations themselves. One middle room for the group lounge. One for the kitchen and the last one as a guest room for anyone the group wanted to bring around. 

With the plan laid out for them, they got to work. First everyone removed all the seats from the cars. Then they ripped out the walls and replaced them, Xavier laying out electrical work that connected to an industrial port on the platform. Next was the furnishing, with MJ leading that project. And finally, Xavier, Peter and Miles set up the kitchen together from the supplies that Harry bought. His father was happy to pay when he heard that he and his friends were making such a place. Only caveat- He had to know the location. Xavier refused as it was connected to the tracks the Lab was on, so he suggested a buzzer attached to the manhole. That seemed to satisfy Norman.

All in all It took the group the full amount of time leading up to the tour at Oscorp to finish the hangout. Everyone was pretty happy at accomplishing something like this and celebrated with an overnight sleepover, where Cindy started to make subtle moves on Xavier. Nothing big or obvious, things like sitting close enough where their shoulders brushed, or wiping off his food crumbs, or even just staring at him for a bit too long. Whatever the reason, Xavier started doing the same. After all, what's wrong with a little flirting?

Xavier at this point remembered the scene of how Peter got his powers and started planning. He wanted to steal a few sets of the spiders to study, as well as a cover up for Peter. Xavier just wanted to go with Peter as he knew that he had been planning to go anyway.


The next day was the intern tour at Oscorp. Peter and Xavier both brought the supplies for the 'heist' as Peter took to calling it. Xavier was really excited at the thought of getting powers, especially when he thought about whose powers he'd be getting. 

"What's up guys? Are you ready for the tour?" Said the guide. She was your typical pretty blonde that they put at every entrance to make customers more comfortable in buying their goods. Everyone nodded. "Good, let's get going." She beamed at us. 

She led us past many of the promising projects that the interns were allowed to know about. The first of these was a prosthetic program led by Doctor Octavious. It was in its early stages at this point but seemed similar to the project from the game. Peter and Xavier were interested in this project. Peter for helping people, and Xavier for the access to high-grade tech.

The next project was all about clean energy. It was run by Professor John Davis, who taught at the community college before being swept up by Oscorp. Miles was interested in interning here. Mabey it's because he had electricity powers?' Xavier thought to himself. 

There were a few more projects before the group walked by the spider exhibit. Xavier and Peter gave each other a look before slipping out unseen, or almost unseen. Cindy saw them sneak off, but whether she says anything… That's to be decided. 


Surprisingly, there was no lock on the door into the lab room. "Wow, there's so many." Peter muttered. "Come on Pete, we don't have long before someone starts asking questions." Xavier said, pulling out the tubes from his bag. After Peter nodded, he handed him five of the tubes before starting to house some of the spiders. "You get the males, I'll get the females. Remember, only one of each type, we want to breed them." 

Luckily, the spiders were all labeled which made the job easier. Unbeknownst to him, a spider repelled from the ceiling down onto Peter. Xavier caught the movement out of the corner of his eye and smirked. 'It's starting.' That's when he felt a bite on his own neck, interrupting his thoughts. Xavier yelped and smacked his neck, finding a Golden Orb Weaver dead in his hands. Peter followed soon after him, getting bit by the same type from the movie. 

'Hell yes!' Xavier was fist pumping, Peter was panicking. Two sides of the same coin. "Holy crap, what if it's venomous?!" 

"Peter calm down, I doubt they would keep venomous spiders in an enclosure without a lock. Now we've got what we need, let's get back to the group before they start looking for us." While stuffing the spiders into his bag and running out of the room with Peter. Not noticing the spiders hitching a ride on them.


"... and over here is the exhibit on programmable matter. This one is making some impressive progress under its new head Gloria Vasquez." The guide was just starting with the 6th exhibit on the roster, while the boys snuck back into the group, holding their bites. 

Cindy saw them and immediately walked over, "Are you two okay? You're sweating something bad. And what did you do?" Grabbing Xavier's hand and making him bend down so she could see the bite. "Hey-"

"No, you're swelling and this looks like a bite. Go home, I'll cover for you and sign you up for the projects you liked." Cindy can be pretty scary when she's worried. She looked Peter over too, "You too Peter, get some rest. And you WILL tell me about this later okay?" She said, staring me down.

"Yeah yeah, okay." I relented. "Come on Pete lets go." 

As Peter and Xavier left under the watchful eyes of Cindy Moon, their bodies started to burn up. The fever was getting worse and was not relenting. "The Lab's closer than May's, let's go there." Peter pleaded. 

"Yeah sure, a cold Pepsi sounds great right about now." Xavier said. Handing Cindy their clipboards with the projects they wanted to sign up for.

The two of them stumbled out of Oscorp and shuttled down to The Lab as fast as their bodies would let them. When Xavier looked at Peter, he swore he could see some smoke coming off of his shoulders. 'I'm probably smoking right now too.'

When they finally stumbled into the hangout, Peter could barely put the coin into the slot. When The Lab rose out of the ground, the boys practically had to crawl into it. Just in case someone strolled by, Peter closed the Lab, making it fall beneeth the Tracks. The bulbs above them being their only light source

"I'll put the spiders away after I wake up, I'm taking a nap." Peter flopped to the floor, bag still on. Xavier chuckled but persevered, putting the vials on spiders on a stand in order of species. Then it was his turn to flop, but instead of the cold hard floor, he chose the softer body of his loving brother as his bed. 

[Spider DNA detected]

[Initializing System set up…]

"Huh?" Xavier muttered in confusion.

[System setup complete, Welcome to the Spider-Man System user!]

"... HA I have a system. Haha…" He laughed before promptly passing out.


Xavier woke up several hours later to his phone going off in his pocket. He pulled it out to find that he had several missed calls from Aunt May. '... I'll deal with that later. Time to check myself out.' That's when he remembered the system.

"Uhh status?"

[Status: Xavier Parker]

Lvl: 1 

Ex: 0/100%

Str- 18

Agi- 20

Vit- 14

Dex- 19

Wil- 12

Int- 16

Cha- 11

(10 is the average human adult.)


[Basic Martial Arts]

[Meditation- Adept]


[Sticky Hands- The ability to stick to any surface through any part of the body.]

[Danger Sense- Early warning system for possible dangers to the user.]

[Organic Webs- The ability to produce and shoot organic webs.]


[Note: All skills are categorized in this order of strength. Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Journeyman, Master, and Grand-Master.]

"... Well that's a little underwhelming. At least I'm pretty strong." He said disappointed. At least until another message appeared.


[User! Please open the Beginner Pack In your inventory!]

"Sweet! I got a starter pack!" He exclaimed. "Inventory!"

A dark gray box opened up in front of his eyes, filled with checkered squares. All but one being empty, holding the Beginner Pack. He selected the pack.

[Welcome user! Choose two of five choices!]

[ 1- Shared System- Allow others of your choice to join the system as secondary users.]

"Okay that seems pretty good." He muttered. That could be good for Peter and the others to join him, especially if the system is as good as he thinks it is.

[ 2- 100 free coins for the Shop!]

 "Eh could be better."

[ 3- Free elemental ability of your choice. This extends to any of your choices who join the system.]

"That… It looks like the system wants me to get this one huh?" 

[ 4- 1 free common blueprint from the shop.]

[ 5- 10 Attribute Points.]

It was a hard choice, especially because he had no idea how much the shop coins were worth. Xavier decided to go for the combo choice, especially seeing that It was a good choice for down the road, as the currency and points will eventually run out.

[Congratulations on your decision User. Check your status to choose your new ability. For adding new people, look at the main menu- There is a new tab.] 

"Well, that was interesting, but I'll have to check this out later." He said looking at his phone. It was already 11:43. "If we're not back in 15 Aunt May will ground us for a month… Again.

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