

Chapter 25

The Rhino was running wantonly throughout wall street, breaking through anything in his path. Being the fastest, Xavier arrived well before Peter.

There was a path of destruction leading from a subway station five blocks away to here, which seemed to be Rhino's goal. He had already damaged one of the office buildings, which was an investment company, and was heading to another.

Seeing this, Xavier jumped down from the roof he was watching from to stop him. Shooting webs at Rhino's back, he landed on the ground and planted his feet. He was dragged for at least 2 meters, cracking the concrete from the force he was holding back.

"Whah?" Rhino was confused at the lack of speed. He turned his head to look, only to see Xavier.

"Hey big guy, think you can surrender peacefully?" He said hopefully.

Rhino just grunted and grabbed one of the webs on his back, ripping it free and throwing Xavier as a result.

"I'll take that as a noo!" Xavier released the web, shooting another at a lamp post as he flew by it. Using his momentum, he swung around it and shot himself back at Rhino.

"It's not nice to throw people!" Rhino wasn't expecting him to come back at him so fast, so he couldn't react in time. Two shoes to the face later and Xavier was already crawling onto his back.

"Urgh! Get off of me little bug!" He was getting frustrated, grabbing at Xavier.

"You gotta catch me first." He taunted.

"I can always catch a bug!" Xavier was too occupied at taunting Rhino and grabbing something out of his inventory, that when his danger sense went off he couldn't evade, allowing the big lug to grab his leg. "Crap."

Flying into the street, two dark spider legs grew out of his shoulder blades and caught his momentum, making him jump over onto his feet instead of slamming into the ground.

"Let's try something else." He said, grabbing his staff out of his inventory and falling into a fighting stance, his new limbs curling over his shoulders.

Seeing this, Rhino grunted. "Little stick will not hurt the Rhino!" He yelled in a heavy russian accent, charging at Xavier.

'Not yet… not yet…' He thought to himself, waiting in Rhino's war path. He waited until the big lug was only a meter away to duck to the side, right under his hulking arms. He touched his side and stuck to him, swinging up and raising his staff.

With it being roughly half his height, he was able to swing it with one hand– right into the back of Rhino's head.


The armor covering his head now had a big crack throughout it, spreading like spiderwebs. Having taken such a hit straight to the head, Rhino was dazed.

"At least with this thing, I won't need to run him into walls to daze him." Xavier muttered.

Shaking his head, Rhino set his sights back on Xavier. "I will SQUASH THE BUG!"

Raising a finger Xavier corrected him "Actually, it's arachnid."

"RAGH!" Rhino swiped at him but he evaded easily.

'Hmm, let's try these babies.' Xavier reached back and attached his staff to his back, then he adjusted something on his wrists. But the left one jammed.

"Mother-" While he was distracted with his jammed web shooter, he was once again caught off guard, Rhio hitting him with a mean back hand to his side.

Xavier was thrown into the nearest wall, implanting himself in it. "Hehe. The Rhino has caught the bug."

"Urgh. Why am I getting distracted so easily?." He dragged himself out of the wall. 'It won't happen again.' He promised himself.

While he still had some distance, he looked down at the jammed shooter and saw what was wrong. He had made them to work like a mini spinneret, using many small little parts that would collect and shape the webs he made.

'Stupid little wires.' One of the wires had been knocked out of place when he was thrown around, resulting in a section of it stop working. This made a bit of the web get stuck at the wrong spot and jam the whole thing.

Slapping it, he managed to make it go back into place. 'That'll work for now.'

Suddenly, his sense of danger went off again. Looking up, Rhino was once again charging him. He jumped over him, he shot a web into his face. His new spinnerets would collect a large amount of web to shoot something akin to an impact web, so Rhino wouldn't be able to rip it off so easily.


Swiping a ball out of his inventory, Xavier whipped it towards Rhio's back. As soon as it hit it opened up to a disk and began to spark, letting out a lot of electricity. Enough to put down an elephant.

"UGH!" Being shocked, Rhino began to spasm. He tried to grab it off, but it was in the small of his back.

"All right, let's wrap this up." Xavier reached up to web Rhino up, but he was interrupted by an orb flying right in front of him.

In his vision, time seemed to slow down as his danger sense once again began to scream at him. 'Isn't that? OH SH-' Just as he realized what it was, it blew up.

The shockwave blasted him across the street and into a lamp post. "Urp." The combined impact of the bomb and hitting the post made him spit up blood.

"HAHAHA." He heard someone cackling above him. 'What? No way…'

Looking up he saw a man standing hunched over on a hoverboard, laughing so hard he was holding his stomach. 'Too big to be Harry, must be Norman in there.'

The man was dressed up in a futuristic looking exosuit, the armor looked similar to the plating Scorpion had on his suit. 'Where the hell is Peter at when I need him?' Getting up from the ground he noticed something- He felt no pain.

Looking down, he could see that the concrete was cracked where he had pushed off. 'Huh?'

That's when he heard a voice in his head. 'I'm only just now awake and you're already in danger?'

"Aww, he's not hurt anymore. Let's change that." He heard from above him. Norman swiped his hands and multiple razor blades were flung at him.

Suddenly the shadow limbs that were handing from his shoulder blades doubled, a new set coming from his lower back. The new limbs moved automatically, either blocking or deflecting the blades. The only thing was that these ones had thick golden veins running through them.

'What's this?' He asked in confusion. So far, he hadn't been able to handle creating four limbs yet and he hasn't tried to make them just now. Glancing at his status, he hasn't spent any more Ki.

[Xavier Parker]

[Status: Host of Dredd]

Lvl: 1

Ex: 87/100%

Health: 100/100%

Ki: 90/100

Vit- 54

Str- 10.5 Tons

Agi- Top speed- 130 Mph

Dex- Moderately Flexible

Wil- 32

Int- 29

Cha- 37

His Ki wasn't spent so what happened? 'Wait what was that about Dredd?'

'That would be the voice in your head.' He said with upmost seriousness. Before he could argue his danger sense alerted him that Norman was beginning to attack him again, so he had to refocus on the fight.

"Distracted much?" Norman questioned, throwing several razor blades at him.

Xavier jumped out of the way, shooting a web at Norman while he was still throwing. Luckily for him, it struck true, landing square on his eyes. It was also at this moment that a certain red and blue crusader made his grand entrance.

"Sorry I'm late!" Peter yelled out, swinging straight at Norman like a wrecking ball, nocking him off the hover board.

"Take care of the Rhino, I've got this one! Nice getup by the way!"

"Took you long enough."

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