
Making Friends

When Peter was talking about their Dad's old project, Xavier started to remember more and more about Oscorp. The main thing being that Harry's father, Norman, was slowly dying. He had ordered multiple projects in an attempt at healing himself, but in the end he failed. His latest hope had been Richard Parker and his project, but apparently a competitor had started snooping around and drove him away. (Don't know if that's true, I made it up.) He also remembered some of what was going to happen to Peter. 

'How could I forget something like that in the first place?' He questioned himself.

Peter and Xavier spent the whole weekend cleaning up our father's secret lab. That included getting rid of all of the dirt, webs and putting everything in order. Peter was in charge of sterilizing all the lab equipment while Xavier took care of repairing all the electrical work and anything they found needed repairs.

Xavier also started eyeing the other train cars left behind. 'We could renovate those right?' 

Aunt May got suspicious of the boys spending so much time out of the house, but they told her that they found a hangout spot and were fixing it up. She was rightfully worried that her teenage kids were out at night, but when we came back home unscathed two days in a row, she calmed down. She was curious, but Xavier told her it was in an abandoned building, not an abandoned subway. It wasn't much better, but at least she wasn't having nightmares about the street collapsing on them


Monday, Xavier started actually trying to make friends. Not only because he needed access to Oscorp, but also because Peter had been doing that himself recently. He had already been getting buddy buddy with Harry in class, so Xavier decided to follow his lead. 

He began making more friends the next day at school, which was surprising for anyone that knew him. Xavier had been known as the introvert of the Parker brothers after all. Harry was pleasantly surprised that Xavier started reaching out to him, having found a good friend in Peter he hoped his brother was the same. Xavier also reached out to MJ, Cindy Moon, Gwen Stacy, and the new kid, Miles Morales. 

Xavier found it strange how easily he got along with them. Mabey it was because they all were mature, each of them being in AP classes, or mabey he had slightly regressed mentally. Either way he was having fun for the first time in a long time and he was glad for it. So far into his new life he had been drifting around and waiting to grow up, focusing on getting good grades in order to get a decent job. 

Another thing was that the more he talked to them, the more memories he recovered. Like the more he interacted with main or side characters, the more he was allowed to know. He had even started to remember different Spider-Man villains like scorpion and Doc Oc. Xavier also remembered Green Goblin, the maniac bomber with a foul mind- who happened to be Harry's dearest dad.

'I need to write all of this down somewhere. What if I forget all of this again?' Even now more and more information was pouring in, the events of the ps4 games, Tobey's Spider-Man, even the MCU. Xavier made a note to himself to ask Aunt May for a few bucks, he needed to write this down lest he forgets again. 

Hanging out with his new friends made him think about those other train cars next to 'The Lab.' If he could move those down the track some, then he could make them into a pretty good spot to hangout at. 


"Hey Harry, you wanna come with us and make a hangout spot? I'm gonna ask Miles and the girls too if that helps?" Xavier asked.

"Uuh, I'll have to ask dad but I'm sure he won't care. Just as long as he knows where it is." He grinned. He was looking pretty hopeful at that thought. "I don't care where it is as long as I get out of studying the stock market again." He said with a look of dread.

The group was all sitting in AP chem, their last period, waiting for class to be over because they had already finished their homework for tonight. "Yea sure it's a bit sketchy but no one else has been there in a bit so it's safe. Meet us over at Frank's Pizza in… two days." Xavier decided that was enough time to find a good spot for the cars, and went over to the next spot where Miles and Cindy were standing. Halfway there, Xavier started walking slower and quieter, wanting to scare Miles. He had picked up a bad habit of scaring the hell out of him whenever he could. 


P.S. I know nothing about how New York's layout works nor do I know the layout of where anything is. When I mention a place like Frank's I've made it up. In the later chapters when Xavier and Peter start traveling the city, I'll do more research but this is where we stand right now. 


He was working with Cindy, wearing his earbuds so he couldn't hear anything. Perfect. Cindy saw Xavier over her shoulder and shook her head at him. 

"Really?" She mouthed. "Yes, It's funny." She shook her head again and turned back to her homework. Xavier could swear he could see the faintest of smiles on her face, but mabey he was hallucinating. 

Miles didn't notice a thing. He crept up behind him while he hummed to his music, and looked over his shoulder, he was drawing something. Xavier looked a bit closer and… It was a love note! Instantly a smirk grew on his lips and he whipped out his phone and snapped a picture of the note. Miles had drawn a big heart on it, and had two names like this: "Miles + Hailey???"

Xavier yanked one of Miles's ear buds out, "Whacha doin' bud?" He laughed 'This has to be the biggest grin I've ever had to grace my face.'

"AAH!" Miles yelped like a dog. He froze for a second before rushing to cover up the drawing. "First of all, you saw nothing. Secondly, stop doing that!" 

Xavier waved his phone in Miles's face, "No, and I'm pretty sure I saw something…"Dragging the last words out.

"...What's the price Xavier?" He had the funniest of dead fish faces he'd ever seen.

"Oh nothing just come on down to Frank's next week and mabey I'll forget." 

"What? That's it? Uh I mean yeah sure buddy I'll be there." He was confused for a second but changed his attitude when he saw me grinning, looking over at Hailey Cooper, the deaf girl from the games. Xavier had noticed that he'd been stealing glances at her at every chance he got. "Don't you dare say a word." He growled at me. 

"Hehe I'll see you later man." Already turning to Peter's table where MJ and Gwen were talking with him. 

He noticed Xavier first, which was surprising. Seeing that he had been oogiling Gwen for the past ten minutes. "Oh hey Xavier, What's up?" 

"I've been enlisting help for fixing up the hangout spot. Already got Harry and Miles, I know Cindy's gonna tag along, so I thought I'd invite these two." Gesturing at the girls. Peter gave him a look that said, 'What?!'

"I wanna make a hangout out of those old train cars we found." Xavier gave him a look that said, 'I'll tell you later.' 

"Well this sounds fun so I'm down, what about you Gwen?" MJ spoke up. 

¨Why not, there hasn't been anything good to take a picture of so a secret hideout would be good for the school paper…¨ Peter perked up when Gwen spoke, more motivated now than when we fixed up our dad's lab. 

¨Well, it sounds like we have a plan on our hands. Meet us at Frank's next week, we'll go from there." And operation Hangout has been set into motion.

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