

/--Do you think we'll meet again?-- I asked... --for sure-- little did I know, that last, awkward, nervous smile was the last I would see of her. Sure I was in high school then, but I'm more mature now, her moving across the country didn't phase me one bit. I actually didn't know back then but she was moving due to her father's business. Now that I have a college life, surely I'll win her parents over for sure and ask for her hand in marriage!/ I walked confidently around the convenience store and people gave me funny looks because of my over joyed exterior. I decided to buy a small cake in celebration of finally going to confess to her. /Don't wanna get too big of one, I'll end up spending too much I'll go in debt from student loans, speaking of which, I need a job/ I decided on a cupcake and returned to an apartment near my college. once I got in my best friend David tackled me to the ground and stole the cupcake from me. "Hey! what the hell man!" I hit his arm and snatched the mini cake back. "damn you and your cleverness" David posed dramatically. "oh quit it." I rolled my eyes and bumped him with my elbow as I went to the kitchen. "ah! domestic violence" David fell over after spinning. "oh come on bro, you know I barely touched you, that's over doing it." I huffed. "oh I know, but teasing you is what's fun~" David swiped about half my frosting and ran. "you son of a bitch! get back here" I chased him out the door. he suddenly stopped a couple blocks down and I crashed into him and we both fell onto someone. "shit!" I exclaimed and quickly shot up, afraid of squishing whoever it was like a bug under all our muscle. David sorta just laid there so I quickly picked him up. "we are so sorry!" I quickly slipped out. "we?! you're the one that chased me and caused this!" David acted to be offended. "as if, frosting thief!" I glared. "will you two shut the hell up? you're both annoying and I don't give a fuck about your apology" the guy we fell on stood up. "the hell?! who do you think you are?!" David grabbed his collar. I pulled David away from him, shocked to hear such awful things from a harmless looking nerd with thick lenses and a huge sweater. "don't worry, I don't like your boyfriend man" the nerd sighed. "who the hell said we were dating brat!" David shot back. "what ever, I'm leaving ya bimbos."

the nerd walked away and I held David back. "what the hell man! we aren't girls!" David seemed angry for real. "and? don't let his words get to you, you don't even know him." "that's the whole reason it upsets me! he doesn't even know us and he says horrible things like that!" I could see David nearly grind his teeth. "come on, chill out, there's class to go to if you want, I'll charge your phone for you." I pat his shoulder with a smile. "thanks man! you're a life saver!" David whistles as we're on our way to our classes.

let's get to 100 chapters! I'm all fired up!

Hazel_Trancycreators' thoughts