
Absorbing Solar energy

"Royal Ancestor, welcome back." The King welcomed Aethon with a huge smile on his face. The heads of the noble families were also standing behind him. Some are pleasant while some are tense.

He was originally prepared to attack the Aclein Academy three days ago just like he planned.

Several nobles who decided to stick with him also sent their Elites to help the royal family after they heard the Church sent two peak-rank-7 experts from the headquarters.

However, to their surprise, the King suddenly announced that they will wait for a few more days and dismissed them. Back then, everyone thought he wasn't being confident and probably looking for more support.

Now, after seeing the old man on the flying giant stingray, they realized why he did that. It's because the royal ancestor has broken through to the nine-star realm and is in the state of stabilizing his soul energy. So, he wanted to wait.

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