

After Capsule is gone Rina thought that "how did he know my father and my family… so, he [Shy] did know about me…" "Now I have to take care of my stepmother, that wench sister, and nefarious fiancé." She walked through the path that leads to her house but she took the back door small hole that the previous Rina used to escape when she was a child in her memory. That small hole is in the back of her garden and no one will come there except her mother who died when she was 6 and her personal maid Shawl, she is kind and the only one who cares about Rina.

Rina can easily go through the hole because she is very thin. There Shawl was crying very much because her miss is gone missing and the Lord of the house is going to come back and the chores of miss gone missing, her stepmother and sister going complain about her and cancel her wedding. Rina went never to her caressed her head. When Shawl sees her miss is fine and came back home.

'First Lady, I was very worried and they told you have run away with other man and…' she spluttered. 'I know, I know you don't have to worry, did father come already?' she asked her with a light smile. 'No Master Chan has not come yet, but are waiting to tell you everything happened yesterday night' she worried. 'You don't worry I know how to handle it, did see Lady Fin [her stepmother] this morning.' she asked with confidence. "Why do I feel My Lady is different today?" Shawl thought and answered 'Yes Miss, I have been waiting outside her for the full night but why?' she questioned.

'I will tell you, now get me a glass of water with salt, and come fast' she ordered. 'Okay, Miss.' She ran to take water, but don't know why Miss need it. Rina saw the Poison Ivy plant in her garden, she knows that can cause fever with some effects, of course, she is a druggist. She went to her room and see that is full of dust. She wasn't able to believe that how did the previous her lived here.

IN THE BRIGHT PALACE [ Shy's palace]

Sky was standing in near the garden and his Mother-The Queen came to see him. 'Greetings Mother' he greeted. 'My son where was you in the night?' She asked. 'I got to do something so I was outside' he doesn't want to answer that question. 'Okay, I will see you later' she left with disappointment on her face. But Sky didn't care about that, when he entered his room and called Capsule out, he know that he got something to say to him.

'Capsule' a cold voice called him. 'Master, Miss Rina found out that I have been following her and let me escort me to her. She told me to go when she reached the end of the forest, she asked me to thank you for your help.' He finished with a joyful voice. 'Mm' Sky didn't react. Capsule know what that means and went off. Sky took the silver hairpin on the table "So you are trained well…" Because he knows that Capsule is not a careless one and no one can find him easily.


Shawl got the water and salt, when she entered the room, she saw her miss is wearing a shabby dress and looked like a sick person. 'Miss, what happens are you sick? She asked in worry. 'Did you get the things I told you?' Rina asked. 'Yes Miss, but do you look…' Rina interrupted Shawl 'Mm Listen to me very carefully Shawl you have to do as I tell you Okay?' she explained her plan to Shawl. 'Okay Miss, I will do as you say' she walked out of the room and waited for Master Chan.

Master Chan got down from the carriage. His wife and her second daughter were there to welcome him with his future son-in-law. He was disappointed when he did not see his first daughter is now her to welcome him after he came back months. His second daughter-Asha ran to him and greeted him as excepted for the gifts he brought her. 'Father welcome back, did you buy the things I told you she asked. 'Welcome back my Lord' Lady Fin greeted. 'Welcome home Lord Chan' Lord Will greeted. Lord Chan only nodded his head.

He loved his second wife and his second daughter very much, but his first daughter is very silent and never asked for anything. Even though he never cared anything about it, because he knows his second wife cared for her. He never knew the truth. His first daughter is responsible for his reputation. 'Where is Rina?' he asked.

Everyone was all in deep silence as they did not dare to say that she ran off with other men. But the mother and daughter smiled with the thought she will be gone for the good. "That carp will be dead now"- Lady Fin. "I am the First Lady of this house; my dream came true and that which is gone"- Asha thought. 'Don't you have mouth say something' Lord Chan angered. 'She ran off…' Asha started but Lady Fin said 'Rina didn't come out of her room since yesterday, I went to see her but the maid didn't allow me.' This made him angered to a high level.

'Why didn't you say that she ran off mom?' Asha asked in a low voice. 'Let your father find the truth, so, we don't get suspected' lady Fin said with a smile. 'Anyway, she is not in her room so don't worry Lord will be added. 'Father will find that she runs off and then let me marry my Lord Will, right?' Asha excited. 'Yes, I will only you dear" Lord Will hugged her from behind that Lord Chan and others didn't see them. 'Come on we have a good show' Lady Fin called them.

Lord Chan was angered by his daughter and walked towards her room, and everyone followed him. He thought of the good of her first daughter but never knew she will be responsible. When he reached his first daughter's garden, her personal maid was waiting on the door. 'Where is Rina?' he asked in a very angered tone. 'My Lord, Miss Rina is… is…' Shawl scattered. 'Move aside' Lord Chan opened the door.

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