

I saw my Gem when I was in class 3 it was my games period and while playing I saw him with his best friend outside his class. As soon as I saw him there was a weird feeling inside but I don't know what was it and what type of feeling it was. I just felt some butterflies in my heart. Every tension and problems where going far away from me.

After that day I used to everyday go to school just to have a glance of him. He was more than 3 years senior to me. And as he was the topper boy, he was always in some of the other programs in the school. He was teacher's favourite student and a favourite person and the lovable person. He was even famous in whole school.

One day I gave him my water bottle to fill water as I can't reach the tap. From that day onwards I kept the bottle very careful but unfortunately it broke. Everyday I fell in love with him more and more. My Gem was a very gentleman and he was the whole school crush but he himself don't know that he was that famous for everyone.

GEM was really handsome, cute and gentle with everyone. He has a long hair than normal boys. His hands are always in his hair. He used to treat everyone very gently and camly. and that's why everyone were in love with him even though he was a very shy person since he don't talk with any of the girl even with his classmates too. He has only one bestfriend and used to always share every thing with him.

GEM was 6.1 feet tall that's why he used to mostly play basketball since he was slim and fit. He has a perfect body. He always keeps his one eyebrow raised with the hot smile in his face. He is always simply dress always wear the watch in his left hand he has a cut mark in his right eyebrow and a dimple in his right side cheek just down his eyes. GEM has red fluffy cheeks. His skin tone is fair. He has brown eyes. He have a nice jaw line and a very cute and pink lips. His eyes always shines brightly and with confidence in it. His hair fall down his eyebrow till his eyes. He is the perfect one on this earth.

But the most worst thing is that I always used to follow him but he never even once look at me even never noticed that even I existed for him. 💞🥲