
My personal stripper

'Life is all about money and lust' that's what I always believed until I met him

The_Phoneix · Ciudad
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1 Chs

Episode 1

" What the fuck are you talking about, I will make sure you are cut into thousands of peices and been feed to a dog change the meeting place right now " shouted a man in a angry but sexy voice.

" We are extremely sorry sir but this the safest place we were able to find for the meeting please adjust this time there won't be a next time" a man replied in a shaky and scared voice "

(After hanging up)

" Alex fucking show up with you flat ass right now" he shouted sitting on a big black chair.

Suddenly a man with with a cherry like lips and moon like pleasing eyes came wearing a black and white formal coat came his batch said P. A of CEO " May I come in sir " he asked to the man and shurged " Damn he must be too angry after listening the news of having a meeting at the Stripper's clube"

" Why the fuck are you so slow prepare a car for me right now" the master said angrily

" Yes sir " Alex replied and hurriedly left the room.

( Later in the Stripper's club)

" Damn it, you all be prepared Mr. Ji is coming " a old man with a black suit said

" Huh, he is just a CEO if a company why are you all so afraid of him? " a guy wearing a brown suit who was in his mid thirties asked

" You don't know?, he is the boss of the underground mafia gang ' The of dragons '"

"Hush, here he comes " said another man looking outside the glass room in a corner of the Stripper's club

(Everyone stood up as a tall,masculine guy with dark black hairs and eyes on a manly face with cherry like but hard lips wearing a black suit came in being follow by Alex. Everyone stood up and greeted Mr. Ji with both fear and respect )

" If you choose such a place next time I will personally cut you into pieces and feed to the dogs Me. Chen" Ji said looking around in a disgusted face and glancing at a man in his mid fifties. " Now whom are waiting for start the meeting " hi said again in a angry voice and face

" The old guy is not able to pay off his dept as he is raising his daughter he asked to give him a year and he will pay off the dept with the interest" a man said

" Give him seven months and ask him to pay the main and he don't need to pay the interest and if he don't then kill him and sell his daughter as a whore " Ji replied in a calm and angry voice

(everyone looked at him blankly until he gave them a killer look)

"Ye-e-ss sir" a man hurriedly replied in a shaky voice

"Meeting is over everyone get out except you" Ji said pointing his finger towards a young and handsome guy in his mid twenties.

"What's your name" Ji asked

" My name is Rayein" he replied

" Who's that beauty there" Ji asked pointing a very pretty guy with green hair and eyes wearing a stripper's dress

" Oh he is Coco a famous stripper here " Rayein replied with a lovely smile.

" Pretty " Ji smiled

" Then you should see Cherry, he the prettiest stripper in the whole world. People come across world just have a glance of him. You will get to know as soon as he comes to the stage as the whole crowd will start throwing money on the stage and whistling like crazy once he comes" Rayeinsaid with a sparkle in his eyes

( Ji looked at the stage as he heard the crowd going crazy and shouting louder that they were before. A young handsome, Preety guy with a girly body and face came. He was have the red blood like lips sun rays kind skin sparkling blue eyes slowly his eyes started going down he gulped as he felt horny seeing the guy is a white cloth which covered nothing but only his dick and was connected with thin strips he suddenly realized his dick getting excited and looked straight at Cherry's eyes. Cherry noticed him from stage and winked at him teasing by pressing lips and say I . WILL . EAT . YOU . UP and licking his tongue. Ji smirked , turned and left.

This is the first time I wrote something please don't forget to say me if there's something wrong or anything I should change (。’▽’。)♡

The_Phoneixcreators' thoughts