
My Parent's Regressed to Prevent me from becoming a Villain

A certain individual whispers. "No matter any timeline he always ended up destroying the whole earth." the entity who began to observed all Seojun fates on a panel that displayed. The entity wondered which path he will let Seojun go eventually after many times of tries. He ended up on the last resort. That is he will turn back time however he will use something that even Seojun would give up doing his goals. That is he made the parent's the one who regressed to take care of Seojun.

Taicho_Kuro · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 [Guardian's Preparation]

"The Guardians' Preparations"

Jason awoke with the dawn, determined to pursue their quest. In the garden, he found Min Ye in meditation, drawing focus from nature's essence.

"Any ideas on how we're going to guide Seojun?" he asked gently.

Min Ye exhaled slowly. "We must understand the things we've missed, the factors that changed him before. Nara possesses knowledge of the president's role in Seojun's abduction. I'll request to meet her at a café today."

Jason nodded. "A good plan. Meanwhile, perhaps volunteering at the children's hospital could help change Seojun's personality and enhance his compassion. What do you think of me assisting after school?"

A soft smile appeared on Min Ye's lips. "Surrounding our son with love, rather than danger, will allow him to change his path."

Their discussion was interrupted by Nara's sudden arrival, gracefully landing in the garden. Nara stood impatiently and said, "Well? What did you call about?"

Lee Min Ye giggled a little; she had just contacted her a few minutes ago, and Nara was already here.

"Not here, let's go to a restaurant near our place," Jason suggested, and both women agreed.

Over a meal, Min Ye explained the quest they had triggered, while Nara listened attentively, her expression serious. "The topic about the quest you both triggered is truly unbelievable, but I will investigate. If I find anything, I'll contact you immediately. We will eventually find the truth."

That evening, Jason excitedly told Seojun about helping others in need. "Can we make cards for them too?" Seojun asked sweetly. Love swelled in Jason's heart seeing his gentle spirit.

Through a different approach as their guide, the Guardians may redirect Seojun's path towards light and dispel the ominous implications of the quest. Their journey had only just begun.


A few hours ago,

Somewhere in an apartment, a child figure appeared, focusing on observing three individuals.

While his parents spoke in the café that morning, unaware eyes observed from afar.

Seojun had awakened before dawn. Through abilities beyond his years, he watched the meeting from his apartment window.

A shadow stirred at his side. "You summon me, my majesty?" asked Igris, Seojun's loyal subordinate.

The boy nodded. "They plan to remove uncertainties to protect me from future threats. As the future king, it is my duty to understand any dangers facing our realm."

Igris bowed deeply. "You speak great wisdom, my king. If you wish it, my subordinates will monitor their every move. If that's okay with you."

Seojun contemplated briefly. He already knew what the future held, but it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on his parents. However, their trust would be shaken, yet his loyal subordinate offered to observe their actions from now on. "For now, we observe quietly," he decided. "But be prepared to act stealthily as shadows if threats to my people arise. No harm should come to those I love."

"As you command," Igris bowed respectfully.

Together in silence, they watched the discussion, listening for any clues they could find. Seojun felt assured that with allies like Igris at his side, he would defend his people from any darkness that threatened the light and love of his realm.

—End of Chapter 4 

(Author Note: I apologized if this was really short I'm really lacking ideas on the next step of Seojun. I will work out things and discover stuffs I would need on how I'm gonna enhance Seojun character. Oh next chapter will introduce new characters that important on supporting the story so look forward to it! Good night~)