
Meet the Boys

"Sir at 2 o' clock you have got a meeting with the Mayor, the subject is the opening of the new residential areas in the east and west region.

At 3:05 you have afternoon tea with the Queen.

At 4:20 you will receive a visit from the Duchess of-"

"Minsik please, can we do this some other time? Frankly I'll be busy for a while this week, just reschedule everything" Said Haneul

"But sir...these are your main duties" replied the older man .

"Uh huh~yeah got it. hey could you go and call that servant boy over ? "He replied distractedly

" It is Chang-ho,sir".

"Yeah,that. Call him. I need my bags packed; the boys should be here any minute."

"But sir-"

" And stop calling me sir my gosh! We've known each other since I was 5." He exclaimed exasperated, before collapsing on his bed.

Minsik gave a little nod of understanding, before making his way out.

Haneul finally relaxed attempting to catch up on some sleep. He had actually almost managed to doze off when a bunch of loud voices were heard through the corridor.

It didn't take too long before 5 good looking guys came bursting through the royal doors.

" Han~ah!" Said the shortest one.

"Bro! Long-time no see ,what's up?" Said the guy with the stringy like hair.

The others followed suit with their greetings not noticing the shy figure at the door who was silently observing their interactions.

" Say Jaehyun could you kindly let go? I kind of need to breathe" said Haneul

The little guy had Haneul in a bear hug and he was literally squeezing the life out of the royal's body.

"Oh yeah sorry. I’m just kind of excited for the trip, It's just so great!

Aren't you excited?"

He squealed happily.

"Of course he is " interjected a sassy Jung-il

-"But unlike you he is being cool about it. You known that thing called acting like your age...Hyung "

He said his tone dripping with rhetoric sarcasm

Jung-il was the type who looked rude and snobby ,but truth be told he was one of the nicest guys on earth, just a little blunt and short tempered.

Chang-ho had been watching the whole interaction between the prince and the 5 boys, for some minutes now.

He was really surprised to see how carefree and nice he could be towards others.

Especially seeing how he was mostly rude and hot tempered with the castle's staff team.

He had been actually worried when he had been called by the staff supervisor, Yuna saying that Minsik requested that he go to attend the prince's needs.

The woman was really scary, she had a pretty face but most of the times she looked like she was about to collapse,her face was always sporting an unfriendly frown,she was also skinny, too skinny but anyway he'd better make his presence known he didn't want to get in trouble for listening to the boys private conversations.

So, he took a breath, actually two deep breaths before clearing out his throat.

"Good morning princ-

"Oh my~ Oh my GOSH! He is SOOO cute!" A voice boomed all of a sudden.

Chang-ho was lost for words, moreover he was flabbergasted. He had just been attacked by the little one, who ended up sitting on top of him whilst pinching his cheeks.

"Jaehyun... please leave the poor boy alone" said the exasperated boy with candid features.

He is really pretty, thought Chang-ho

"I'm Do-hyeon by the way" continued the boy and this is Bright, Jung-il , Kang-min and Jaehyun."

Chang-ho blushed furiously.

"I..I..I'm Jung Chang-ho " he replied shyly

He then looked at the little one Jaehyun "could you...could you please move, I need to get up." He told him

Jaehyun blinked at him

"Ah~ sorry "

"Is he coming with us?" Said the guy named Bright.

Everyone's attention turned to Haneul who had been temporarily forgotten as soon as the young boy walked into the room...

"No" he stated resolutely

"Absolutely not.He is just here to pack my bags he is just a serv- personal assistant" He said correcting himself at the last minute. He knew his friends didn't like how he treated his personnel and people in general.

He could clearly remember the last time he made the mistake of cursing out one of the chefs for cooking his steak medium rare,while all he wanted was a well done steak.That day he had gotten a lecture 3 hours long courtesy of Jaehyun .

"But he could be fun,he looks just like me !"exclaimed Kang-min who had been quiet till now.

"Yeah lets bring him along the more people the better the trip" added Bright

The others followed suit. Like always they ganged up on him succeeding in persuading the young prince, despite his obvious reluctance.

‘Ridiculous’ he thought to himself as he rolled his eyes in annoyance

And this is how, Ladies and Gentlemen Chang-ho ended up being in a van with 5 strangers and a prince headed to some place unknown to him.

The guys refused to tell him his destination. Not like they had any obligations to tell him.

But this was just, this was just so weird, like what are the odds of you being kidnapped by your own employer?

….Exactly! Close to none.

Chang-ho honestly felt drained.... and it wasn't even afternoon yet!

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