

Today, as any other day in his school life, his appearance is much worse than the previous one due to the violence he faced yesterday, another tooth is missing from his upper front teeth, now the number is four. And so many bruises and wounds over his body that he was unable to treat them.

Rash tried hard to keep his figure straight and not to show any kind of weakness to others, he just hoped to spend his day with minimal damage. Moral violence is normal things today, well he's too stupid to let it out sometimes.

Why? There is no specific reason, sometimes he feels so bitter that he reacts violently despite knowing that he will definitely lose. Like yesterday's incident, he was insulted again and again, yet he did not respond until someone threw a raw egg into his school uniform trashing it in the spot, even though it was somewhat worn out but it is the only one he currently has because the second uniform has been completely torn off. Rash could not stand it anymore at the time and lashed a harsh punch that boy noise, the boy was high level and retaliated by abusing Rash even more.

Rash felt like laughing so hard right now when thinking about how that punch landed.

Only when there were five minutes left before the class time, problems came to his door again, the boy who sits in the last seat in the second row, one of the strongest people in the first year, sat in his place and stared towards Rash mockingly, "Oy... Trash, you are unusually beautiful today. What happened to you? "

Rash tried to ignore him, what happened? Weren't you watching everything that was happening yesterday while laughing out loud?

But it didn't help, Steve didn't stop there. Rather, he said sarcastically, "Trash... I've told you over and over again, I'm going to turn your life into hell until you hope for death and don't find it."

Rash's reaction was bland as if he did not listen to anything, his life is really Hell, so why does he care more, he just wonders why no monster has appeared in front of him and ends him forever? Isn't my luck bad?

And this damn Steve, just because one of the beauties in the school turned him down, he is doing this to me.

The story began when Steve tried one day to confess to that girl, what happened? He immediately received a categorical rejection, he tried again, but every time the same thing happens, until that girl was fed up with him, so she told him that she loves another person.

Who is he?? He wanted to know who, well, he wasn't the only one in college to confess to her and all the special boys he knew didn't succeed either, so who is that person?

He tried to find out many times without success, and one day, he heard Luna's beautiful voice, the voice he had always dreamed of. She was talking to someone else, her voice felt like she was happy, "Okay... Good-bye then, until we meet tomorrow."

He thought she was talking to one of her girls classmates, but the person who appeared in front of him was Rash.

Poor Rash, he didn't understand anything at that time.

Because of the shock that happened to Steve, his mind stopped working, and instead of checking again who that girl was talking too, blood rushed to his mind and decided to empty his anger on Rash.

After he understood the matter, Rash tried to explain the situation, unfortunately he could not, Steve did not believe him no matter what he said, and even if it seemed very stupid to think of it this way, still all of that did not stop Steve.

That girl? I don't even know her name, and she also does not know me, so how could she be talking to me?

Ah... Actually, nobody knows my name anyway, everyone calls me Trash.

Steve put his hands behind his head and stretched a little, then spoke to Rash while he was yawning, "I didn't get a good sleep yesterday. Come on and give me a massage. Maybe I'm going to think about making your life less painful."

Tch... this idiot, he thinks I'm afraid of him?

I'm not even afraid of dying, just come and try it.

Rash thought to himself, but didn't say anything out loud. He did not move from his place because only a few minutes and the professor would come, well not that the situation might be any better off anyway.

"I am waiting..." Steve is still adamant in his decision, as if it were a matter of must. While his foot is moving up and down, suggesting that time is running out.

Rash sighed deeply, "Okay." Then he got up and went to Steve's seat, which was a few steps away in front of him, in his hand he was carrying the chair that he would sit on. Steve felt more proud, that's how it always should be.

And for the other students, they only had laughter, so why should they intervene when the person is a Rash?

In fact, nobody knows why. When Rash is mistreated, everyone will tacitly agree. Perhaps because he is unable to obtain any capabilities?

But is this really the reason?

Rash stood behind Steve, then he held the seat with both hands, and with all his strength he hit Steve's head with the chair, unprepared Steve fell to the ground because of the force of the blow, while he was, Rash did not let go and descended on him with many more attacks. What caused Steve to hold his head between his hands and to close himself like ball to protect it.

At that point he had even forgotten to use his abilities to protect himself, causing many of the classmates in the class to rush to help him while some others stopped Rash's frenzy by pinning him to the ground.

"Haha… haha… hagha…" Rush burst out laughing from between their feet, even though the laughter didn't sound very good due to the lack of his teeth, but he felt a great sense of accomplishment. Now he has to face the volcano of fury again, but he just didn't care at all, it's good if Steve could kill him anyway.

Steve got help from some of his colleagues, but he shook their hands because of the embarrassment he was put on, how could he, with such strength, be exposed to such an insult? Also, the situation in which he appeared with, will be a disgrace to him in the future no matter what.

But everything happened and everyone saw it clearly.

Steve touched the place of the blow on his head with his hand, and when he looked at his palm he saw some blood, then his organs began to shiver more violently from the intensity of anger. "Today... I am going to kill you."

He grabbed him by his shoulders and raised him from the ground until he was in parallel opposite position from him, while thinking of the worst way he could vent for himself, Rash spit on Steve's face, while there was a broad smile implanted to his face.

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