
Marineford and gathering information

After resuming its course, the battleship headed towards Marineford. During the travel time, Kaito discovered that he was on the Grand Line in the first half of this known as Paradise. He suspected at what point in history he was, but decided to stop investigating until he got to Marineford, once there he could gather more information. On the other hand, Kaito could see the interaction between Sengoku and Tsuru. From his conversations and that of the marines on the ship, Kaito discovered that Sengoku was an admiral of the navy and Tsuru was a vice admiral. Upon discovering this, Kaito assumed that he was moments before the execution of Gol D. Roger. Kaito knew very well the story of One Piece and knew that Sengoku became Admiral of the Fleet after the execution of Roger and the rise of Kong as commander-in-chief of the World Government. Now all that remained was to discover how much time was left for Roger's execution.

Marine - Admiral Sengoku, we are about to arrive at Marineford -

Sengoku - well, send the security codes to open the doors of justice -

Marine - yes sir -

Tsuru - what will we say to Kong about Kaito -

Sengoku - I will talk to him personally -

Kaito could hear their conversation, he was playing with Sengoku on the deck of the ship. Although Kaito had the mentality of an adult man, he liked to behave like a baby and play with his now grandfather. He also liked to spend time with his also now Grandma Tsuru.

Both Sengoku and Tsuru were much friendlier than Kaito expected, in the anime they were always very serious, especially Sengoku. But Kaito thought that his behavior changed to become admiral of the fleet which made him more responsible and more stressed. He could now imagine Garp's motives for not rising to a higher rank.

The battleship approached the gates of justice, and they opened. Kaito was fascinated by the sight, it was one thing to see him in the anime, but another was to see him in real life. The immense doors fascinated Kaito who stared at them for a few seconds.

Sengoku - they are awesome is not like that -

Sengoku spoke to him while he also watched as the doors opened. Kaito nodded without realizing it. This did not go unnoticed by Sengoku, but I do not mention anything about it. Sengoku thought that she had imagined assent to the baby.

After passing through the gates the battleship headed for Marineford. Once again Kaito was impressed by the views. When he saw the navy headquarters, he could not help thinking about the war against Whitebeard.

After the battleship docked at the docks, Sengoku grabbed Kaito and carried him in his arms in the direction of the main building. Tsuru followed them. Kaito could see a bit of Marineford on his way. Upon reaching the top floor of the main building, Sengoku requested to speak with the current admiral of the Kong fleet.

Kong - forward -

Sengoku entered with Kaito and Tsuru. Kong frowned when he saw Kaito in Sengoku's arms.

Kong - tell me Sengoku what does this mean? -

Kong asked as he pointed to Kaito. Kaito made no move, he knew that this was an important moment in his life and he did not want to create problems.

Sengoku - he is Kaito my grandson -

Kong - your grandson? -

Sengoku - yes, he is also Tsuru's grandson -

At Sengoku's words, Kong frowned again and looked towards Tsuru who nodded.

Kong - he's not a biological grandson of either of them, is he? -

Sengoku - that's right. We found him floating inside a raft near the Calm Belt -

Kong - and then why they did not leave it on the nearest island -

Tsuru - the nearest island was a few days away from that site, we assumed it was not from a nearby area -

Kong - and you decided to adopt him as your grandson? -

Sengoku / Tsuru - that's right -

Kong stared at Kaito for a moment, then looked back at both Sengoku and Tsuru who had a serious and determined face. Kong knew he could not change the thoughts of these two people, although he worried that he would interfere with the work of the two, in the end he decided to let Sengoku and Tsuru take care of the baby. He made them promise that they would not neglect their responsibilities, they accepted and promised it. After leaving the room, both Sengoku and Tsuru sighed in relief, they did not see that Kaito did the same.

Sengoku - well, it's a relief that we can stay with Kaito -

Tsuru - yes, well now give it to me, I'll take it to my room -

Sengoku - ehhhh !!! And why do you take it with you, I could also live in my room -

Sengoku - well, first of all, because I will take better care of him, second, you are an admiral and you have more responsibilities than me and third and more important because I say so! -

Sengoku could not contradict Tsuru to hear his reasons, nor did he want to make her angry and receive a beating from her. In the end they decided that Kaito would stay with Tsuru and that Sengoku could visit him whenever he wanted. At all times Kaito saw how his grandparents behaved and did not stop having fun, they were very different from what he had seen in the anime, he was thrilled to think that he was going to meet more One Piece characters and discover what they were like.


Time passed and now Kaito was two years old, after living in Marineford with his grandparents he got to know many people. When the officers learned that Sengoku and Tsuru had a grandchild, they were very surprised. One of these people was Garp who never stopped teasing Sengoku by telling him that his wife was now Tsuru. Tsuru for his part always ended up hitting Garp. When Garp tried to play with Kaito, Kaito always ignored him, Kaito did not like Garp very much, he could not understand how he could throw Luffy when he was a child into a forest and make him survive inside the forest. Garp was discouraged to see how Kaito ignored him, this made it this time Sengoku who made fun of Garp and said that Kaito was very smart for ignoring an idiot.

The rest of the members of the navy, did not have much interest in interacting with Kaito, in the end he was just a little boy. Occasionally, when Tsuru was not at Marineford and Sengoku was the one who looked after him, he took him some meetings with the high commands. At the beginning there were people who were against, but they could not complain about an admiral. As for Kong, he did not care, but there were people who showed his discomfort as Vice Admiral Akainu. There were others who expressed their complaints, but behind Sengoku's back, but they ended up getting used to seeing how Kaito behaved in an educated way when accompanying Sengoku to these meetings. The officers were surprised by the intelligence that Kaito showed. I was always attentive to what was discussed. Both Sengoku and Tsuru were happy about how the officers came to praise Kaito's behavior. Kaito for his part, always paid attention in meetings to collect useful information. Through these meetings he was finally able to know when One Piece had been reborn. It was just this year that Roger had surrendered to the Navy and was going to be executed. With this Kaito knew that he was born the year two before the great era of piracy. This is very happy. He had more possibilities in the future than if he had been born later.

There was a day when her grandmother Tsuru came to her room, which she had gotten after insistently asking Tsuru to have a little more privacy. Kaito saw how his grandfather Tsuru had a serious face.

Kaito - what happens obachan -

Tsuru - nothing's wrong Kaito, I just came to take care of you -

Kaito felt that Tsuru's behavior was strange, before he could ask again what was happening to his grandmother, he felt a tremor throughout the room.

Kaito - what was that obachan? -

Tsuru - ... do not worry, he's just a bad man who came to cause trouble and your grandfather Sengoku and your uncle Garp went to punish that bad man -

At the words of Tsuru, Kaito could guess what it was, it was the moment where Shiki had come to Marineford demanding that they let him kill Roger. I also knew that it was Garp and Sengoku who fought Shiki and captured him.

Throughout the night Tsuru took care of Kaito to avoid that this ran danger. The next morning it was learned that Shiki had been captured and the news spread like wildfire in Marineford as in the whole world.

A few days later, Roger's execution in Loguetown was announced. Both Sengoku and Tsuru would attend the execution, Sengoku wanted to take Kaito, but Tsuru was against it.

Kaito - obachan I want to go -

In the end, after seeing how Kaito used the most powerful weapon in the world, the look of a puppy, Tsuru accepted that Kaito accompanied them.

Kaito - (well, I'll be able to attend the moment where everything started) -

Little did Kaito know that his path would also begin, on his way back to Marineford after witnessing the execution of the king of pirates.

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