
I do not mind such good morning kiss

*/message from author/*

<<sorry everyone for delaying updating the story, I aimed to update it fast but my laptop broke and I lost all the data and all the chapters and other stories I was aiming to publish, I have written up to chapter 60 for this novel; but I lost all of it and I am trying writing everything from the start, I was so happy to see your comments and love to this novel so it encouraged me to write everything once again.

I hope you keep supporting me with your sweet words, and thanks you are really such great lovely readers.

Enjoy the story now.>>

He removed the piece of cloth while his hands were shaking from fear to find out that his beloved mica was calling him out among the crowds, upon hearing her sound, the CEO called her loudly, mica saw him among the crowd and run toward him with bright innocent smile and said finally found you.

When the CEO saw her, his eyes filled in tears and hugged her tightly while crying like a child, mica who could not understand what is going on, was surprised to see the CEO crying like that but he did not allow her to see his tears she could only tell from his sound that he was crying.

The people were keeping looking at them; she tried to push the CEO and told him the people are staring at them. But the CEO refused to leave her and kept hugging her and said " do not leave me alone again."

After hearing those words mica comforted him saying its ok that she is here now and she will not leave him while patting him in his head.

After the CEO calmed a little a bit he looked at her and stared shouting at her, why the hell she did not pick her phone when he called her and why she is wearing other color of kimono from what she was wearing in the morning.

Mica explained to him that after they got separated from each other she could not find him and bumped in to two couples who were in date and without noticing while walking she poured the drink she was holding in to that girl kimono and that she felt bad for that because they were in date so she asked her to change the kimono with each other since she was in date with her boyfriend and gave her the address of each other, so they were to return each other kimono back.

CEO "are you an idiot or you are pretending to be like one, do you call that a reason to give your cloth to someone you just met in the street"

Mica "can you tell me why are you angry and yelling at me in the middle of the crowd, I did not do anything to get yelled at like that"

CEO "that woman who you give her your kimono was found out dead near the rocks with wounds all over her body"

Mica "what?"

When mica saw that woman like that she got shocked and then her boyfriend come among crowds when he looked to his girlfriend he started crying for his girlfriend while holding her hands and the police come accompanied with the ambulance.

After getting back to the hotel, mica was sitting covering herself with the blanket, the CEO was worried about her he kept asking her to eat some food or to drink water but she was refusing.

The CEO was afraid that something might happen to mica after watching such incident again, first her friend Liza car accident in front of her and the woman that they found near the river.

CEO "hey, mica please talk to me, you did not say a word after we come"

Mica "…."

Mica did not say a word after two hours she went to sleep, the CEO felt relieved that she slept and he putted the futons in the ground and slept in it.

But mica was shouting while sleeping saying do not go and saying blood and calling her mother and father.

The CEO hugged her saying its ok and he is with her, mica hold him tightly saying do not leave me.

Mica pov (point of view)

Morning light come through the window and I tried to get up but I felt like there is heavy rock pushing me down, I looked by my other side and saw Alex and he was in the same bed with me, and he was holding me tightly with his big hands that was wrapped around my waist.

When I saw him sleeping next to me I threw his hand from me and tried to release myself but he kept squeezing me like toy.

But to be honest I did not really hate it, being around him is not bad as I was expecting , who would thought this bossy CEO have this gentle side too,

Hhh, the way he is sleeping with innocent face and with such messy hair make him look like child, and he have such nice skin and has long eyelashes.

I kept staring at him and his lips looked beautiful, I did not understand what have gotten to me, without realizing I found myself trying to kiss him.

I moved more closely to kiss him but then I kept saying to myself that indecent thing to do and I am really becoming pervert to do that to defenseless man while he is sleeping.

Just then the Alex opened his eyes and saw me trying to kiss him, I was flustered when I saw his eyes opened and kept saying it was not what you think, and I was getting out of the bed that when my hand slipped and my lips rested in him and kissed Alex in his lips accidently.

CEO Alex (pov)

my eyes widened from shock when I saw mica on top of me and now she is kissing me , to think that mica was the one who was making the move this time make me really excited , mica moved fast away from me saying she is sorry while shaking; she did not believe herself that she did such thing.

CEO "I do not mind such kisses every morning"

Mica "it was just accident"

CEO "really, then why did you come and putted your face next to me like that if you do not want a kiss"

Mica "it just …"

CEO "just what?"

Mica "stop questioning me, what about you why did you climb to my bed"

CEO "you were the one who told me to stay with you"

Mica "I did not say that"

CEO "I even recorded your voice while saying that"

After letting her hear her the voice record while asking me to stay with her and not to leave from last night , her face completely turned to red and asked the me to delete it , but of course I refused , I have to make use of this record to my benefit and tease mica a little bit.

She tried to take it from me by force but I could see she does not want to get closer to me And with big smile in my face I said that unless she kiss him again I will not delete it.

Mica "to do what?"

CEO "come on it is not like the first time we kiss no need to act all that shy ,it is just one kiss and I will delete it"

Mica "...keeps it i will not do as you say am not your toy"

CEO "ok then I will put this as my ringtone in my phone and I will send it to jack to tell him about what all happened especially today also I will put it in my social media saying that my girlfriend who rejected me once is so over for me now."

Mica "you cannot do that"

CEO "I am already uploading it"

Mica "stop it, I will do it you pervert animal"


Hi everyone sorry for making you wait, I hope this new chapters will gain you love and enjoy it, I am happy to see all the comments and likes that made me double my effort for you.

I know many readers enjoy reading without commenting and liking but I hope you give me your thoughts about the chapters and to know if there is something I need to fix,& sorry for my bad grammar from the past and I am trying to fix it so you can enjoy it more.

Do not forget to share, like and to rate the story ^_^.

Enjoy your time.


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