
My name is Atit gurung.I'm from nepal and i am 19 years old.I live nad

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What is My name is Atit gurung.I'm from nepal and i am 19 years old.I live nad

Lee la novela My name is Atit gurung.I'm from nepal and i am 19 years old.I live nad escrita por el autor Atit_Grg publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Forbidden Love: The Princess And Her Cursed Beast

A Crown Princess, soon-to-be Queen of the Empire of Urankia, was in the horns of a trilemma in choosing a suitor who would sit next to her in the Thorne. Spoilt to the core and had everything she wanted at her fingertips, she lived a life of luxury to the highest degree. Then on the night of her debutante, she meets a devil crafted in man skin, a beast to be more precise, but to her eyes, he was a God of Impeccable Beauty. He was a werewolf, the species her kind trampled on and saw them as nothing but dirt underneath their soles. Strong, wild, and dangerous, it was like she was staring at destruction itself. Yet she desired him, she craved for him badly. How? A werewolf, a mere slave, a cursed creature, and a rogue scavenger caught the eye of the Princess of Vampires amidst so many suitable males. She became aggressively attracted to him and all she wanted was to have him to herself. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Why do you keep on running away from me?!" the Princess finally spat out with frustration. The werewolf paid no attention to her and walked down the hall as though no one had spoken.  "Why do you keep on hiding your feelings for me?!" the Princess yelled and stomped her feet on the floor.  The werewolf stopped in his tracks but didn't make any move to turn back. The Princess rush down the hall to stand in front of him.  "I can see it in your eyes, I can feel it! I know you want me as much as I do, just admit it already!!" she said with conviction. The werewolf looked up with his nonchalant face giving not a single emotion away.  "You think?" the werewolf raised his eyebrows with a low scoff.  "I know" the Princess stepped forward and grabbed his shoulders as she rose to his height.  "And I'll prove it" she brought her dangerously close to his as she stared deeply into his honey-colored orbs.  ------------- And one more thing, Once she had him in her clutches, she wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon. She would have to work hard to earn the cold heart of the werewolf and nothing would stop her from doing so.  But just when she thought she had him within her palms, an event throws her off the core and she is left conflicted. Will she still be able to claim the cold heart of his? With their realms at each other's neck, will she be able to push through all the obstacles her way? And even if she did, would the werewolf ever reciprocate her undying feelings? Watch out this Princess is driven through hell back and forth all because of the burning love she possesses for the werewolf. A forbidden love tale with the potent power of an avalanche. Forbidden Love: The Princess and Her Cursed Beast.  MATURE/ HARSH CONTENT. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO RAPE. ---------------- -Published on May 2021 -Participating in WSA2021 -Check out my other books as well =The Reason I Burn For You =Avenging Angels *Cover photo, not mine, if you want me to remove it, kindly message*

QueenRani6 · Fantasía
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A shapeshifter's journey across worlds

Vincent, un homme ordinaire travaillant comme comptable, assiste impuissant à la fin de son monde, mais reste étrangement vivant. Soudain, une lumière éclatante l'entoure et il se retrouve dans une pièce en forme d'hémicycle, entouré d'hommes, de femmes et de créatures fantastiques. Le dieu créateur de l'univers lui explique qu'il va se réincarner en bête divine dans un monde nouveau. Guidé par son instinct et sa connaissance des mondes fantastiques, il découvre un nouveau monde. Il doit apprendre à survivre dans son nouveau corps de bête divine (il finit par prendre une forme humaine, mais ne l'utilise pas souvent). Il finit par explorer plusieurs mondes (ex : Naruto, bleach, zelda) dans le but de vivre une vie libre de toute contrainte. L'histoire explore les thèmes de la transformation, de l'identité, du destin et de la quête de liberté. Vincent devra non seulement lutter contre des forces obscures cherchant à le détruire, mais aussi contre les limites de sa propre nature. "A shapeshifter's journey across worlds" est une aventure épique dans laquelle un homme ordinaire est confronté à la réincarnation dans un monde fantastique, cherchant à percer les mystères de son existence tout en découvrant les défis et les opportunités de sa nouvelle forme de vie. Le MC devient op à la fin de chaque monde, puis de nouveau faible au début de chaque nouveau monde. Le synopsis changera une fois que les dix premiers chapitres auront été publiés. Cette fiction est assistée par l'IA pour l'orthographe. Le rythme de publication est de 3 à 4 chapitres par mois (j'ai un travail, je ne suis pas un écrivain professionnel)

Azilakiller · Cómic
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O Príncipe Amaldiçoado

``` Este livro é sobre fazer bebês. [COMPLETO no capítulo 715] O príncipe herdeiro foi amaldiçoado no dia em que nasceu, prevendo que jamais seria feliz. Pior ainda, nenhuma mulher poderia tocá-lo sem morrer. Assim, encontrar uma esposa para gerar um herdeiro tornou-se o maior desafio da família real, já que o príncipe é filho único. Até que um dia.. uma servo que tentou matá-lo não morreu após tocá-lo. Emmelyn era uma princesa de uma de suas colônias que jurou vingar a morte de sua família matando o príncipe herdeiro. E foi assim que ela acabou no seu castelo. Percebendo que ela era a única mulher com quem ele poderia ter um relacionamento sexual, sem matá-la, o príncipe fez um acordo para deixá-la ir e libertar seu reino de sua opressão se ela lhe desse três herdeiros. Emmelyn disse sim, mas todos os dias que estavam juntos, ela fazia planos para matá-lo e obter sua vingança. Emmelyn conseguirá o que deseja, ou acabará cada vez mais envolvida com o inimigo que era considerado o próprio diabo encarnado pelos seus adversários? EXCERTO: "Você será a mãe dos meus filhos," disse o homem com um tom autoritário. Suas palavras descaradas deixaram Emmelyn sem palavras e chocada, ainda mais do que o beijo que ele havia dado em seus lábios antes. "Eu preciso de três filhos de você." "Eh... espera.. o quê? Espere um minuto," Emmelyn, que saiu de seu choque, esfregou os lábios apressadamente como se tentasse remover as marcas do diabo deles. "Eu não quero ser sua esposa! Não quero me casar com você, seu diabo!!" O homem franziu a testa e estreitou os olhos ameaçadoramente. "Quem falou alguma coisa sobre casamento?" NO DIA SEGUINTE "Vamos," disse o príncipe. "Vamos pra onde?" perguntou Emmelyn, sem entender. "Vamos fazer bebês." *** CONFIRA MEUS OUTROS LIVROS com todos os maridos devotados: - A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa - EM ANDAMENTO - O Rei Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO - Em Busca do Pó de Estrela - COMPLETO - Os Alquimistas - COMPLETO - O Príncipe Que Não Pode Se Apaixonar - COMPLETO - Até Que A Morte Nos Separe - COMPLETO EU NÃO FAÇO HISTÓRIAS DE ROMANCE LENTO. Este livro é MUITO ENGRAÇADO e MUITO PICANTE. Apenas para ADULTOS e pessoas de mente aberta. ME COMPRE UM CAFÉ? https://ko-fi.com/missrealitybites Assista ao trailer do livro no TikTok/Instagram: @missrealitybites Servidor do Discord: bit.ly/missrealitybites ```

Missrealitybites · Fantasía
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A Hero turned Succubus Story

Having been reborn as a Greater Succubus, Lilith finally embarks on her adventure outside of her Village. With her childhood friends (minions) by her side, she aims to lead a life free from responsibilities and expectations. Having suffered as a Hero in her previous life, Lilith wants no part of the spotlight and is very content in accumulating her strength while behaving like a pure healer to everybody watching. Would the World Admins force her into another struggle against the new Demon Lord, or would Lilith just shrug it all away as she focuses on enjoying her own sexcapades? Follow Lilith as she adventures around the world, seeking fun and pleasures that she rarely got to experience in her first life. ... This story is a Fan continuation of a series 'A Hero turned Succubus Tale' and is in no way intented to disrespect or damage the Author's original work. While hoping for the Author to be well and healthy, while also hoping that they start to publish the story again, this series hopes to expand on the story and to cure the bout of disappointment that remained within me due to the hiatus. This story will have lots of sex, but some plot as well, so it would be a mixed bag of those things. With Lilith being a Succubus, the mature content is inevitable here, right? And, just as said by the Author 'The_World_Tree1048' before, I too admire the popular works like 'Tales of a Seductress', 'A Goblin's evolution' and a few other unnamed novels. Really great inspirations to make you feel like typing something out as well. ... I really hope to see the story till the end, but real life often hampers in between. If you guys can, please support the Fan continuation to help me keep my motivation level up, and to let me know if what I am doing is actually worth the time or not through the novel specific tier ('Tier a' possibly?) Writing Fan continuations for hiatus novels became a hobby of mine before I knew it, and I hope to continue it too! What would I do with the fundings? Well, I need to take some costly skill courses to supplement my ongoing graduation degree and to earn some big bucks in the real life too! Help me out here guys!! patr.eon.com/ImmortalGod (Remove the dot after patr) . .. ... *Cough!* S-Sorry about that... it just came out that way. Ahem... The novels I choose depends on my own preferences (Slice of life, Romance, Smut, Slow life, Comedy, Childcare, Family, etc.), while I defintely hope not to encounter a select few ones (Horror, Propaganda/Political, Ntr, some Martial Arts ones?). However, you could commission your own desired hiatus novel too. 'Tier d' of my Patreon page is specifically for Fan commissions and as long as the work stays commissioned, the releases never halt, planned to be weekly releases directly published on public platforms like ScribbleHub, WebNovel or Wattpad. Please note that there is a limit to my ability and time and I could only possibly have 5 novels Fan commissioned concurrently, other than my own picks from Tiers a, b or c. For any further than that, I would have to note them on the waiting list. The chosen Fan commissions would be mentioned on the Tier d listing, and if there are any spots open, they would be reflected there as well. More info on my Patr.eon Page: patr.eon.com/ImmortalGod (Remove the dot after patr) ...

ImmortalGod · LGBT+
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Loving Melody

Lou Qi Ran is the Princess of Lou Country, she only has an older brother, the Crown Prince of Lou Country, Lou Song Hao. Her father and mother are the Emperor and Empress of Lou Country. Lou Qi Ran was the epitome of beauty itself, as if a goddess had descended down on earth. Everyone called her "the Goddess of Goddesses". Not only was she beautiful, she also treated everyone fair and square. Hua Chimeng is the Crown Prince of Hao Country, he has two younger brother. There were many who thought that he was very evil, but sinfully handsome. Although he was named evil by the people, his looks drew many young ladies to him, no one was able to catch his attention nor heart. All except for one girl, but that girl suddenly passed away one day, which led to Hua Chimeng to become as cold as the bitter winter. They don't have any interactions until the birthday banquet for Hua Chimeng. Through this banquet they both welcome many new surprises along the way. Watch how these two grow together and the unknown images that keeps haunting Lou Qi Ran get solved. Everything belongs to me, except for the title cover, the editing and everything is all done by myself, all rights belong to their owner. - - - - - - - I also want to note that all of the Chinese historical things I wrote might not be accurate to the real facts. But that’s because I don’t know a lot but just some facts through the research I’ve done (which isn’t much... lol but still forgive me). Hopefully, you guys understand and don’t criticize the writing based on inaccurate facts I had written into my story, because like I put this is a fictional story. I also want to point out that if there were any resemblance in names, character, businesses, places, events, or incidents it was purely a coincidence because this book is purely fictional. This is an original work of mine, so any resemblance is due to imaginations of me, the author. This is also my very first book on Webnovel, so I really hope everyone enjoys, I'm not an expert in writing, I'm just solely writing from the imaginations and fantasy that goes through my head. But also, please don't plagiarize or copy my book in any way at all, thank you! I update very irregular (at most 1 chapter per week..month). My book will be free, so to those who don't have the luxury to buy chapters ( like I do..), don't worry I got you! All Rights Reserved.

am_yang · Historia
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My Longevity Simulation (translation)

ChatGPT translation. officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation You can find other Chatgpt translated chapters till chapter 1282 on https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-longevity-simulation_28050609508559105 ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

TheWorthyOne · Otras
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The Vengeful Cosa Nostra

Shackled by her father's greed, young Annabelle Calvin feels dejected by the world. Yet, her smile remains constant; all of her brighter than the sun. She, however, was misfortunate enough to cross paths with the underworld's wrath. Facing the heartless mafia monsters from the Regis Family, she finds herself stuck in the continuous blood war. From being forced to become a medium between multiple families of the underworld and tormented to no end, Annabelle had come to suffer more than she lived in ease. Only when she was ready to bury it all in, one enigmatic man's appearance flooded her mind with all the memories she'd ever want to forget, making her feel all the emotions she had not wanted to bear anymore.  Hands covered in blood of both the innocent and immorals, the Mafia Lord, Albert Hemsworth was known as the most ruthless of his times. Be it a serious or a simple situation, his only choice was attacking head first, burying all formalities into the ground. Dare one be disloyal and dare one lie to him, because if they did, death was the only destination they were to reach from such actions. While he despised betrayals, as long as he gained the power he needed to annihilate his enemies, he would cross all lengths within the boundary of his principles to do so. He was the Lord and so the rules he set were bound to be followed. If not, simply death wasn't enough for the seditious. Laying low while conspiring for his final revenge was his common way of living. However, life doesn't always let one have it their way. Without realising that what he was seeking for was so close to him, Albert found himself stuck in a never ending bloodbath. However, matters do not just stay this simple. The Regis Family inspite of facing the harsh fall still had an heir to their throne. The young gentleman charms making it hard to look away. The way his words could lure even the smartest of people was a sight to watch. Choosing to walk the same path like that of his father, the young master of the Regis Family sets out to avenge the gruesome death of his father. Little did he know that the mission he was determined to accomplish was an invitation to the wrath of the demons known as the Demonic Cosa Nostra. Betryal was regarded as an act of impurity and hence the punishment was severe. The Demonic Cosa Nostra was in an havoc when the Mafia King took matters into his own hands. His hate for the Regis Family was never burned down and to think that his own men had started forming allies with the nemesis, that Albert was irate would be an understatement.

Scorpious_star · Fantasía
17 Chs


"How serious is this?" He watched me intensively. "It's very serious hence me rushing to meet her immediately, I am afraid for what is to come in the next few days it is nothing good" I glanced at him. "Does she still stay with you?" I questioned. "Yes, although she really wants to come out of hiding, she knows she can't for her own safety and for the plan to pull through so she doesn't fuss about going out" Tyler said. "Tyler has anyone been lurking around your place recently?" I asked the very question he knew was bound to be asked. "No not anymore but just to be extra safe you should mask your scent you know" he nodded thoughtfully. "I already did... although I will do it again for extra precautions, hand me that spray underneath your seat" "A please would be nice... got it" He shaked it a little. "Ok spray me with it.... please" "Park here in front of the lawn and put this jersey and hat on" he instructed. "Is it really necessary? It's so hot right now" I whined like a little kid. "Stop whining and just do as I say Kitten, it's not like your going to die... although if you don't there's a huge chance that you will and not by those guys hand picked by your so called mate" he pointed out as a matter of fact. I held my breath for a moment and decided for the sake of our plans, I will wear the stupid hoodie and hat just as long as I can se her. "I'm so happy you can be sensible Kitten" He pulled my hat forward slightly making me jerk forward as well, I elbowed him in the ribs and got out of the car. "Let's go Tyler" I growled. "You know Tyler you have never gotten on my nerves until now congratulations" I walked in the house shutting the door in his face.

Viviané Louw · Fantasía
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25 Chs


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