
Past part two

After wearing her academic attire she took her motarboard and ran downstairs and bumped into Mr. Edward calvin (her father).

Her father held her before she fall down and said

Father ( with concern) - Calm down princess don't worry. I will drop you to your college.

Looking at her daughter in graduating attire he held his tears.

To see her father being emotional she bow down before giving motarboard to her father to place upon her head.

Her father placed the motarboard on her head like a proud father and lead her to the dinning table where Jase was already settled, before she sit, she heared her mother shouting from the kitchen that

" Jane don't you dare to go without having your breakfast" .

They looked at each other and said in sync "not again mom" and started giggling.

Olivia her mother came and placed the coffee, bacons, strawberry pancake and scrambled eggs on the table and they all started having their breakfast.

After finishing the breakfast her father stood up and got ready to drop Jane but Jase snatching her hand insisted to drop her.

Both sibling set in jase car and drove to her college. Before getting down from the car

Janet (with making face)- "ok bye piggy head don't be late and don't forget to take my snaps."

said Jane with opening the car door.

Jase - You fatty.. stop spouting nonsense , everyone is looking at us... just go.

after saying that he bid her goodbye.

In University of London

Moving into the hall room jane was searching her best friend Avery and before she look towards her she popped out from nowhere and said

Avery- Jane... what time is this? what take you too long? now hurry i haven't fix my graduation cap yet, help me with it. saying that she dragged jane to the backstage in changing room.

After final touch up they went to their seats.

Graduation ceremoney started with the greeting and applauding for our principal as well as for the special guest ( our chairman) which was invited by our principal.

we both were so engrossed in our chatting that we didn't even glance at our degree benefactor.

Host was busy announcing one after another name of our class fellow and now its avery's turn. I was so happy for my best friend that i was continuously clapping aloud.

Avery accepted her degree from the principal sir and with the grinning face march down to aisle .

I was going to congratulate her but in meantime our principal himself grabbed the microphone and started to announce

Principal- I am honored to invite our chairman to represent the award to the class topper.

Now a big round of applause for the elite and my favourite student of the college Ms. Janet Calvin.

I stood up from my seat and looked at the place where my father, mother and brother were seated with the proud smile on their faces and then returning my gaze i moved up to the podium.

When i came in front of the person which was holding my degree, I was so shocked to see his handsomeness.

He was the most eligible bachelor of the country, dream man of every girl, most charming just like a greek god.

He was "The Everett walter" ceo of the walter's group and also our chairman .

I was literally drooling over him and looking at him just one word wanted to escap from my mouth that is Woww....

I was so mesmerized in him that i forget everything.

I came out from my dreamworld when he cleared his throat.

I hurriedly accepted my award and leave the place.