
My Mr psychiatrist

A crazy event that pulled two opposite in attraction. She's a drama queen and blabbing mouth, while he seeks calm in silence, she's a trouble maker and he a peace maker. As a love expert ,creator and host of a famous show 'Bring love to life' , June tend to fail in organizing and achieving love for herself, she's a goal getter yet can't seem to grab a man for herself. When her career and show faced a risk of falling due to secrets she had hidden,she was compelled to take help from a psychiatrist with hopes of controlling the damage. Both skipped in the crazy journey in battle over destiny that seem to be pulling them together. "You're insane, trust me there's no cure for you." "And you're unworthy of your profession, I have no idea why I talked myself to come here, clearly you're a mad man" g,she meant every word,grabbing her hand bag she stumped out of his office. They're like cross roads that have no interest in each other but are fated to greet one another.

MisMuoka · Ciudad
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34 Chs

Breakup (Thirty Four)

" Let break up" the words comes out with no gap or hesitation.

Her fingers pulls out the diamond ring that symbolize their love and pledged , placing it on his hands that weighs in the ring as a mountain burden.

"From this day on, I want nothing to do with you. You and I have nothing to share" she declare with a warm smile that tears her from within.

"June…" , "At least hear me out"

"June!!" He screams out chasing after her feet that won't halt for his explanation

"June, am sorry. Please don't leave me"

His words came as a quick raining breeze that spread nothing but harsh feeling to the skin. With no second gaze at him, she sends her legs for her car that drives off the second his feet comes for it reach.

Is it really the end?, did she go through all the journey to have it end like a shattered glass?.

He was out of line this time around, she forgave him for his absence at her birthday but this..it one to explain his innocent and being drugged by her but that isn't sufficient for her heart to let go of what she heard. And even if he told of nothing of such transiting between them , she can't just let go of those moans, her ears can't deceived her. He knew, still went to her after his promise to her to never meet Bella on any personal reason.

Fallen weak on his knees he buries his hands on the ground as he let his eyes run the spring of sadness.

With face buried in hands, she let those tears she had promise not to let run for any man. The cab driver sneaks view from the front mirror. His curious head urge him to inquire of her situation but again it's against the protocols laid in serving their customers.


"Cancel everything!" Her orders are taken aback by her mother and Dora's mother, they both share an intense look of something being wrong.

"June what happened?" her mother concernly asked

"Just cancel the orders, and everything the wedding is off"

Her mother got off on her feet, gasping her way to her. The cancel orders and everything is slight okay but wedding off ,that's huge and definitely something is up about it. Her daughter is responsible enough to take decision out of calm head and that...

" You can't just cancel everything or call of the wedding, don't forget this also involves my daughter's marriage" miss Betty narrows her eyes at her friend who seemed not to read the situation. Her swellen eyes and pale skin comes to her mother's notice, he body still warms in the night gown which hinted something as she had figure.

"Let get you inside" her mom guides her to her room.

When she called for her to visit she didn't expect to meet her in such state and the whole talk has left nothing but worries in her chest.

"Did he do anything wrong?" She asked, sure only he can turn her daughter's state to where it is.

"Talk to me June, I know I haven't been a good mother but I do listened to words you say" she cups the cheeks soaked in liquid sprinting from her eyes.

"I don't know what to do mom, am ..so hurt" she crumbles in her mom's arms, filling her heart discomfort in her warmth.

She did warned him not to hurt her daughter now he's dead.

" He cheated mom, he cheated"

That's was her fear, all these years she stayed away only with the fear of influencing nothing but pain to her daughter. No one understands the Peirce than her, the taunt ful long nights , the sleepless eyes crying its strength out. She wish she can take the pain from her.


"Dr James, they're here"

James move his steps in order of the nurse that pose front to the direction.

"Hi" a man pushes forward with a hand shake that James reluctantly accepts , till the nurse came through with a introduction of the two men in high polish hair that laid cool. Thier pale and color pupils came to his notice, no need forward to distinguish their purpose.

"Dr James , this Mr Grey and Alex . They're from Hollins hospital." Right , it rings through.

He had sent invitation concerning Bella, apparently she was under medical care in that hospital but one way or the other she sneaked out of the facility without approve authorization of sane mind. And of course her first run was back home to ruin everything .

"We apologize about everything, clearly we didn't put tight hold on mis Bella. After her disappearance we searched everywhere for her but couldn't find her"

Clearly they didn't search well enough or else they would have found her.

"I should thank you for showing up" James said through catching his tone to their calm and spill through anccient.

"Of course" the other said catching glimpse of Bella in the sack cloths that forbids her hands to clutch to any part of her body or anything.

His head goes with the artificial wind in stroke of her condition, it far worse than he presume. He isn't that surprise as she used to trash every medication given to her, her constant rejection to medication led her mind to detiorate.

"Mis Bella suffers from ….. it started three years ago. Her shows weren't hit as they were before and soon the company signed a new start, young to replace her. The trauma and stress drove her into a cold world of her own" one said to James ,

They futhered explain the lady she confused as a friend was the girl brought to replace her but soon after her welcome she was found demise in her apartment. Local police found the girl's death linked to Bella but denied every possiblity, that furthered cause the company to drop every contract had with her.

While on the case, it later found that she's mentally not fit to stand trial for the case.


With seconds escape after the chance of release hands to have her food, Beth grabbed the opportunity to her pace her hands to loose free her feet and scram out the scarp building with many corner blocks. After a quick search for the door way, she finally got a shine on her skin.

With a feet dragged on ,she stalked to the first people her sight laid on,

" Can you help me" she break through ,catching the couple attention.

" Can I use your phone to call my mom?, please"

The lady gives in the second she requested, taking sight of the bruise on her fire head and leg that she keeps rubbing a finger or more on.

"Dear what's your name ?, are you alright?" She concerning asked evading all signs from her male partner to stay away from her.

"Pick mom" Beth muttered with every second the line goes dead with no respond.

'Try again'

Is the voice that sings in her head every time the call isn't answer. By now both her parents line were decline .

"Dear you can tell me if you're in any sort of trouble" the lady said

"I am in trouble, she's insane. Call my mom, she ki…"

"Hush baby hush" her voice is silence by lizzy sudden appearance at her side, she grabs her hand and squit it behind her back.

"I apologize for my daughter's act but you see, she suffers from health issue" she calmly said with the most convincing smile.

"She's lying, she isn't my mom but a kidnapper. She'll kill me" Beth screams out, getting Lizzy to crack an awkward giggle.

"Ma, hand her to us. We'll call the police , she says you ain't her mom" the lady request, suspicious at Lizzy's 

"Of course I am her mom. You've no idea, my daughter suffers from mental issue and as a mother it breaks me to see her like this" a two or three drops came falling

"Will you stop meddling in others matters. She's clearly insane and needs help so let the mother handle her and stay out of it" the man say haking the lady's arm away from Beth continuous cry for help and protest.

With that she's dragged back to the cage.


"Is this the girl that approached you" the man asked the couple that had encountered Beth.

With the several mis calls on both parents phones from the same line spiked hint to the inspector , an aspiring young man who's uniform coated his body just fine.

With the forty eight hours gone by as set, he finally stand the case on his chest and furthers in with every connection he could get to find the girl's location.

Luck on their sides the first trial to the line was received by the lady who gladly accepted the invite to the station.

"Yes, she is the same girl but looked so ..weak. " the lady said irgnoring all the signs from her partner to stay silence.

" Where's my daughter, how could you let a stranger take her away?" Linda scolds out

"Ma please calm down and have us do our job" the average size man said, slopping in the attire fit uniform with stars on the top shoulders

" Can you tell me what happened next?"

" A lady came by and took her away, she claimed to be the mother and confirmed her daughter's suffering from mental illness " she said averting her gaze from Linda's.

Regretful and guilt bound to not listening to her heart and help the girl when she was in trouble, if only she would have pushed in with her guts feelings then perhaps a mother wouldn't be tearing out.

" Can you recognize the woman if shown photos?" The inspector asked in haste to seal Linda coming scold to the lady. After her discrimination of the woman that took the girl away, she quickly identified her as Lizzy with Thomas approved concord.

"That's her, she the woman that took the girl away" she confirms with Lizzy photo being shown in Thomas phone.

" Bolly, have her location found" Mr inspector said to the side man that seemed to be invisible all these while the investigation's going on.


"Don't come close or she dies, I swear if you come any near then this bullet goes through her head" the shaky voice firm as the fingers that presses seconds away from the tricker that's against Beth's head.

All thanks to Linda,the plan as sketched got ruined when she forced her way to her daughter screams, alerting their presence to Lizzy, handing her enough time to hold their daughter hostage.

"Please put down the gun, lizzy you don't want to hurt her" Thomas staged forward with gap hands in the air, rendering a silence speech to the dishearten mother with broken dreams.

"Hmm" Lizzy lips takes forms in deviousness, letting her inner darkness to conquer every little hope he has to talk to her.

"Funny how you talk like you know me. This is all your fault, we're in this situation all because of you. If only you had come to my call on time then maybe my baby would be alive and this" her free hand takes rest on her tummy with heavy gasp of sadness.

"But it all gone, my baby and dreams, and it all your fault." She screams out , pushing forward the gun to Beth's thick dark hair. Causing a shiver in her skin and pores

"This is my fault, I accept it. It all my fault Lizzy and you deserve so much, we talk this through but first please let her go ,she had nothing to do with any of this"

Nothing " she huffs out, company of a hard chuckle.

"She's the reason you didn't come to my aid, she stole you away and took my unborn baby away. While I suffered she was busy having fun with you, so it only right I send her away to the place my baby went"

"Don't you dare"

Lizzy eyes catches Linda scolds, igniting her fingers to dig in Beth's arms as she groans for relief.

"Just like my baby yours too will be gone, you'll get to know the pain of losing a child"

On the trials, he inspector signed to Thomas to push in with the conversation while he takes a slip sneak behind Lizzy, taking her hands unaware. With quick struggle he pulls her hands behind her back on cuffs after snatching the gun from her control.

"Mom" her feet ran for the embrace of her mother then joined by her dad.

" This isn't the end, do you hear me. I'll have her kill" Lizzy scolded whole being dragged to the cage car.



"I'm back, and this time I won't leave till I make you mine"