
My Mini Stories

"That criminal, thinking he is so great just because he hasn't been caught," Milan said angrily, gritting her teeth. ~ She ran and quickly ducked into an alley keeping a lookout for her chaser. She sighed and slumped while still staying alert. "I hope I lost him," she muttered quietly with watchful eyes. ~ "Wait! That isn't a dog, it's a lion. How is that possible?" She whispered looking at the lion walking towards her. ~ "What?!" I gasped in shock at what I saw and quietly clamped my hand over my mouth to stifle the sound. ~ "Just great. I was kidnapped by a villain in my sleep. Do this people not know that you should never kidnap a lady when she is asleep?" I asked sarcastically as I tugged on my hands that were tied to the chair. ~ Hey, this book as you would have guessed, is a compilation of different short/mini stories that just appeared to me. Do not copy as they are my original stories. So just press that read button and check it out, you can comment and vote on the chapters that you like. Thanks. -Pictures are not mine and belong to their respective owners. -Stories by me, Tennyliz. -Amazing cover by @MelaninVogue on Wattpad.

Tennyliz · Adolescente
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16 Chs

All that glitters...

Charles, Estella and Dorothy were making their way through the forest.

The forest is rumoured to have  treasures beyond your imagination but is also very dangerous and filled with life-threatening traps.

Charles and Estella are siblings while Dorothy was a girl who joined them not long ago. Dorothy wanted to keep all the treasure for herself but knew she wouldn't be able to get it on her own and so requested to join them.

"Are we there yet?" Dorothy asked exasperatedly as she flipped her long hair away from her shoulder.

"We will be there soon" Charles said while checking the map in his hand.

Dorothy huffed annoyed as her hair got caught in some tree branches.

"It would be better if you cut your hair or tie it up" Estella suggested gesturing to her short blond hair.

"I know but I won't just lose my beautiful hair because of a silly forest" Dorothy said rolling her eyes.

Dorothy was a beautiful girl with purple hair and eyes but has a very nasty attitude.

"Do whatever you want, just don't slow us down" Estella said before turning her back at Dorothy.

"How can you talk to me like that?! If not for the fact that I need you people, do you think you would even be in my presence?!" Dorothy asked absolutely annoyed.

"Oh really?! Who are you to be so arrogant? Couldn't you have requested for some guards or payed some people to do this?" Estella asked mockingly

"You!" Dorothy semi-shouted angrily.

Estella just stuck her tongue out playfully at Dorothy before moving on.

Dorothy huffed as she remembered why she had to be with them.

She was a rich girl before as you would have deduced from her behaviour, she lived a sheltered and pampered life which caused her to be so arrogant and spoilt. Everything changed when her father died and her mother couldn't run the family's business, her uncle took over her father's business and she was reduced to living as an average girl. She couldn't accept it so when she heard about the forest, she made up her mind to get the treasure and become rich again but since she didn't have enough money to hire people, she had to settle with this two.

She sighed as she looked at their backs before moving.

They continued on their way having to bypass some traps and stick together.


"Seriously, can this day get any worse?!" Dorothy said exasperatedly as she looked at the quiet forest around her.

She had gotten separated from the group at one point and is now alone.

She huffed before she continued moving forward.

"Maybe I can catch up with them if I keep going straight" She mumbled before stopping when she saw something.

She looked at the sparkle that glittered from inside the bush and bent down to check it well.

"Maybe it is the treasure. Yes! I will be able to keep the treasure to myself since I am the one that found it" She said happily as she reached her hand towards the glitter.

She smiled happily when she caught it and brought it out but her smile dropped when she looked at the object.

"Ahhh!!!" She screamed loudly before everything went silent.


"Did you hear that?" Charles asked as he made his way towards the sound.

"It might be Dorothy. I hope she didn't get herself into trouble, even if she is annoying, that doesn't mean she should die" Estella said concerned as she followed him.

They got to the place where Dorothy screamed but didn't see anything there.

"Dorothy! Dorothy!" They kept calling as they moved forward not noticing the glittering that seemed to have increased in the bush.

They searched in vain for her but didn't find her, they gave up after hours of search and made their way home forgetting about the treasure.


Now, Dorothy's last thought would surely have been;

'All that glitters is definitely not gold'

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