

In a distant universe a war between two technologically advanced civilization have been ongoing for a hundred years.

The Ulterion Star System, composed of 2 neutron stars and 8 red giants, a total of hundred planets occupied by its natural inhabitants the Jeerion Race.

A typical male jeer is a bipedal intelligent being, seven foot tall, blue iris, pointy ears, sharp nose, thin lips, flat teeth, blue flawless skin almost white, muscular built, flat chest with two nipples like humans, and different hair color according to their descent. Their female counterpart is the same except for their mammary glands which are more pronounced and pointy nipples.

The jeerion race believed that they evolved from the creatures that lived in their oceans. According to their records thousands of years ago their ancestors lives on land and can breath underwater. But their descendants today have lost that ability.

They are polyamorous and open minded beings due to their religious belief that they were created in a single source of energy.

Monarchy is their type of government, currently ruled by their king Magnerion, unlike the typical jeer, royalties have blood red eyes and much taller and more bulky build. Princes and princesses are expected to achieved high degrees of education and be masters of at least two profession and specialties.

All of their citizens learns basic coding, creating artificial intelligence, basic elemental magic, interstellar navigation and combat expertise at school. Most of them even have cyborg implants in there body that makes them more powerful and more efficient in battle.

Their mother planet Acalanatha orbiting the most center neutron star, covered in exuberant vast blue oceans and myriad islands with green healthy forest and wild animals.

The jeers are one in nature.

Sustainability and prosperity is their motto in life.

Vastria one of the outer planet in the Ulterion System is currently being attacked by the Yarramans- a nomad alien race that invades other planets to mine resources for their use, they have slightly more advance technology but uses more powerful and sophisticated magic than the jeerions.

Thundering loud noises across the sky, electric discharges and explosions can be seen in the atmosphere of the planet as numerous ominous looking longitudinal spaceships with red light lining their surface destroys the planet's force shield and begin to descend.

A ten feet tall man covered with blue suit of armor from head to toe, a massive high tech firearm on each hand stood in the center of a control room together with its crew.

"They have penetrated the atmosphere captain!" a crew shouted.

"Prepare all combat units, commence long range attacks, give it all you've got!" said the figure in the armored suit in a robotic voice.

Deafening sounds of alarm reverberate the whole planet.

Countless advance kinds of artillery and firearms aimed at the air and bombarded the clouds.




The spaceships returned fires and released swarms of tiny red vessels.

The previous blue skies is now tainted in crimson.

Blue armored suits collided with red suits destroying each other.

Screams, blasts and smokes are everywhere.

Buildings and houses burned and reduced into rubbles.

The land trembled as innumerable bombs exploded.

The topography of the planet deformed.

The non-combat inhabitants underground in hiding shook in fear, cries of children in everyplace.

As time passes more spaceships descended to the planet, the defending inhabitants dwindled.

In the last moment of the battle.

"All heavy armored units prepare for close combat!" the man in the blue armored suit roared.

"Haaaa!" bellowed by the army behind the the armored suit.

"Defend your planet!"


The blue armored suits are outnumbered by 3 to 1 but still they fought to the end.

Blood splattered on the ground, pieces of limbs, broken armors and dead bodies littered the planet. Non-combatant eliminated.

The blue armored man was very skilled in long range and close range combat, he moves in swift motion avoiding fatal injuries, firing his shoulder cannons with fearsome accuracy and swings his battle blade at breakneck speed hacking through his enemies. Mountains of bodies died in his wake. He was the last standing man in the defending army, but before he is captured he activated a device that made him vanish in an instant.

The defense was at a loss.

-Planet Acalanatha-

In the center of an unknown room a platform with two dark poles stood three meters apart, a vortex of light appeared then suddenly disappeared, a man came out.

The same blue armored suit before was tattered, metallic and hydraulic sounds hissed from the armor as it opened, a blue faced, blood colored iris, tall man, wearing a black skin tight suit surfaced, his broken armor glimmered decreased in size and became a bracelet in his left hand.

He clenched his fists "Damn Yarramans! I will kill them all!" he yelled.

Brows frowned, he grinded his teeth, a visible grudge in his eyes.

He walked outside the room, two guards standing on either side of the door saluted the him.

In a humungous circular room, high ceilings with mural of their king.

Many colorful armored jeers for what seems to be high ranking officials in the army stood mumbling with each other.

The end of the room is elevated. In the center a big chair, seated in there, their magnificent King Magnerion, blood red eyes, white curled hair down to his shoulders, curly white beard, broad chest wearing a shiny blue furred coat, in his right hand a ring with their family crest.

Beside him stood his eldest son Excellion, 8 feet tall, crimson eyes, white short spiky hair, broad shoulders, wearing a shiny blue vest.

"Settle down!" Magnerion exclaimed. "Report on Vastria?"

"Vastria has fallen father." Excellion muttered.

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