
My Magic Systems

Thousand of years ago, a magic portal was accidentally opened therefore creating a link between the monster and human world. With this opportunity, the monsters began to attack the earth with the hope of looting and terminating every living soul in it. Although, we humans fought back we weren’t strong enough to defeat the monsters. At the point near extinction, we humans found the core stones. The core stones were known to contain different kinds of magic with extreme powers. Due to this discovery, we humans developed the systems. These systems are known to give special abilities to whoever posses them but, will this be enough to save earth from the destruction ahead? (P. S support me by reading this book to the end)

Anonymous_234 · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Chapter thirty-three: So many

After Tom, May, and Li Xian had gotten everything they wanted to buy, they purchased some items for Rick before coming to his house.

"Ding," the doorbell rang.

Who could it be? Rick's dad asked his wife. They were not expecting any visitors so it was very surprising when their doorbell rang.

Suddenly, Li Xuan shouted from outside, "we are Rick's friends can we come in".

He was already getting impatient even though he had not used up a minute outside.

After hearing them, Rick's mom opened the door and let them come inside before asking them why they came to her house.

We came to give Rick some things besides, it has been a long time since we last saw each other. Since they returned, they had not seen Rick and were not aware of his current condition.

Well, Rick is in his room upstairs, his mom told them where he was. Although he had warned his parents and begged them not to disclose his location to anyone including his friends, she decided to make an exception for them after noticing their kind behavior.

Thanks, they replied as they began to climb the stairs.

After a while, Rick's door suddenly opened as three people walked Inside.

What, he shouted in disbelief. If it were only the boys who walked into his room, he wouldn't have been this shocked but, May was currently with Tom and Li in his room.

I'm sorry, May let out shyly as she immediately left the room.

Rick had just taken his bath and was currently wearing his underwear before they suddenly entered his room.

How could you enter someone's room without knocking? Rick asked Li Xian angrily. 

Hey, why are you directing all the anger at me? Tom was also with him when they walked into his room but, he just ignored him as if he had done nothing.

I know Tom would not have done something so stupid. He has been to my house several times and he always knocked before entering.

Shit, Li Xian facepalmed. Tom had somehow managed to push all the blame on him causing Rick to lash him with his words.

Fine, I apologize for coming into your room without knocking. So from now on, I will always knock before entering your room.

Hmm, Rick harrumphed coldly. As long as Li Xian kept his words, they were no reason for him to remain angry at him.

Rick, can I come in now? May asked from outside his room. She had overheard their conversation and was surprised by Rick's character, " pushing the blame to outsiders while maintaining his friendship."

Yes, you can, Rick answered her after he was fully dressed up.

Rick, we got you some things, May told Rick while trying to rade the atmosphere. On getting inside the room, she noticed that everyone was behaving awkwardly so, she decided to ease them up.

"Oh," that is nice of you, he told her with a smile. Apart from his parents, no one cared about him apart from them.

[Nb: Them is Tom and May]

Since you got me something, I also have something to give both of you, Rick let out. He had been planning to visit both of them so he could share the healing pills with them.

"Ehem," what could that be? Li Xian suddenly asked. He had not seen Rick with any precious material apart from his katana so he was eager to know what the surprise was.

Abruptly, Rick brought out four high-quality healing pills from the one his father gave him after his return.

Rick, how we're you able to buy these? Don't tell me you stole them, Tom asked with disbelief. Although his parents could afford them, they were rare to find and we're only seen in big auctions.

No, I didn't steal any of them. My dad bought twenty of them for me after I returned so that I could be safe, I told them.

Li Xian's face suddenly turned red. He could only afford ten low-level healing pills per month but right now, Rick was holding about twenty high-level ones which was a great fortune.

All healing pills were divided into three types. The high level, medium level, and low-level healing pills. Each of these pills was extremely expensive because of the low amount of healing magicians. So Li Xian was surprised that a random person could have so many high-level healing pills with him.

Anyway, here are two pills for both of you, Rick told them as he gave them the pills.

Thanks, May told him before continuing, "Rick, do you remember the time I told you uncle harry was coming over before we went for the mission? She asked.

Yes, I told her. She had once told me that her uncle would be visiting her but we couldn't get to meet him because of the mission assigned to us.

Since you remember him, that's good. Anyway, he will be visiting my parents this weekend so you can tag along if you want.

Sure, I replied to her before checking the items they got for me.


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