
Chapter 1

Echo's that is all am hearing right now. The Cluttering of metals is getting louder ,Oh God where am I?.

Why is it getting cold in here huh? Oh Gosh don't tell me I fell off the bed today am sure I got a bump on my head .My eyes!!! I cannot open them they are heavy my body too!! .My body is getting cold by each second .I feel like am resurrecting my body is getting light and heavy at the same time. Something is holding my toe I moved all of my toes but this one isn't something is holding it back.

Killay eventually manages to open her eyes and scans her surroundings (vision is still blurry ) she breathe like she hasn't breathe for a long time.

Phew why am I not seeing my surroundings ....Oh Lord don't tell me am now blind. I try to lift my hand and my arm I hear bhaaa, .Immediately I scan my surroundings fast I manage to look on my right side only to find some human who is asleep and naked!! I check myself I am too naked Oh God am going to be killed in cold blood today I start panicking feeling colder I look on the other side only to find bodies next to me...I start breathing heavily ,this cold is not doing any justice wasn't it Autumn this month. My mind is flooding with thoughts what happening to me ?AM IN A MORTUARY.