
The gala(6)

she stared at herself in the mirror,feeling very tempted to splash water on her face and wash away what she felt.but she knew it wouldn't do that,it would just ruin her make up and she didn't have the strength to clean it and do another one.

'my husband'

the words kept replaying her in her head and it gave her a pounding headache.hearing it from Maya's mouth and him not denying it made it the more real that they didn't have a future together.there was no hope for them starting over.she wouldn't get herself involved with a married man who already had a child.

she turned on the faucet and washed her hands feeling resolve course in her viens.if she met him again she would make things clear between them and let him know that nothing could happen between them again.he...he should focus on his family and let her be to live her own life.maybe she should get herself a boyfriend to let him know that she was serious.