
Mina of Twice

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. Names(Aside from Mina), characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The events happened here is purely fictional.

Once upon a time, there is a beautiful Japanese woman named Mina. She is 26 years old and is a member of the popular South Korean girl band called Twice. Despite her busy schedule, Mina always made time to show kindness and good manners to those around her. She is fierce but kind at the same time. You can say she is also quite mysterious person.

However, Mina had a secret that no one knew about.

She was secretly married to her Canadian boyfriend, Oliver. They have a handsome 2-year-old son together, but no one in the public eye knew about their relationship. Mina and Oliver kept it hidden from the world because they didn't want to draw attention away from Mina's music career. It might even turn fans into haters and Twice might be hurt in the process.

Oliver is an engineer and was working in Japan when he got into a terrible accident. He was hit by a rushing truck carrying gravel. He was crushed and fatally hurt.

He was taken to the hospital immediately but the accident left him brain dead, and Mina was devastated when she heard the news, and she rushed to the hospital to be by his side. She was at a tv show when she heard the news. She left immediately and left South Korea.

When Mina arrived at the hospital, she couldn't believe what she saw. Oliver was full of wires and only a machine keeps him alive.

As Mina sat by Oliver's side, she felt lost and alone. She knew that the man she loved was no longer there, but she couldn't bear to leave him. She stayed by his side day and night, hoping for a miracle.

Mina sits at Oliver's bedside, holding his pale hand tightly. She looks exhausted and emotional. She tried to keep his hand warm.

"(whispers) I don't know if you can hear me, Oliver, but I need you to wake up. Our son needs you. I need you."

Suddenly, Oliver's heart monitor starts flat lining. Mina jumps up, alarmed.

"Doctor! Doctor, help! Nurse!" Mina called everyone

Several nurses and doctors rush into the room, pushing Mina aside. They work quickly to stabilize Oliver.

It's been several minutes doing cpr but Oliver's heartbeat isn't coming back.

"Ms. Mina, I'm sorry to say this, but your husband's heart stopped beating. We did everything we could, but..." Before the doctor could finish what he is saying Mina is pleading while crying.

"No, no, you can't give up on him. Please, there must be something you can do. He's all I have. My son needs him. Please.." Mina cried

We've tried our best to revive him, but I'm afraid he's gone. I'm sorry."

Mina sits back down beside Oliver, tears streaming down her face. She takes his hand in hers and starts to pray.

"Please, God, don't take him away from me. I need him. We have a son together, and he needs his father. Please, bring him back to me. Please don't get him from us."

Suddenly, Oliver's hand twitches in hers, and his heart monitor starts beeping again.

"(gasps) Oliver? Doc! He's ..He's back!"

The doctors rush over, checking Oliver's vitals. Mina watches anxiously.

"I don't understand it, but his heart's beating again. He's stabilizing." The doctor was shocked

"Oh, thank God. Thank you, thank you." Mina was so thankful and overjoyed

The doctors move Oliver to a different room to run more tests. Mina follows them, determined to be by his side no matter what.

Something miraculous happened. Oliver's heart started beating again. The doctors were amazed and couldn't explain how it happened. They told Mina that Oliver was in a coma and might never wake up, but Mina refused to give up on him and now, Oliver's back.

As time passed, Mina spent every moment she could by Oliver's side, talking to him, playing music for him, and telling him about their son. The day finally arrived, Oliver's eyes opened, and he looked at Mina. She couldn't believe it, and tears streamed down her face.

Oliver had lost his memory, and he couldn't remember Mina or their son, but Mina didn't give up on him. She spent every moment she could with him, helping him remember their life together. She is still thankful that he is alive.

Oliver's memories started to come back, and he remembered how much he loved Mina.

Oliver's eyes open, and he looks straight at Mina.

"Mina?" Oliver said in soft voice

"Oh my God, Oliver, you're awake. Is anything painful? Are you alright?" Mina was taking care of him

Oliver blinks a few times, trying to focus. Then, a look of recognition crosses his face.

"Mina. My wife. My beautiful wife" Oliver finally remembers her.

"Yes, yes, that's right. You're going to be okay, Oliver. We're going to get through this together.

Oliver smiles weakly, and Mina leans over to kiss him on the forehead.

"I love you, Oliver."

Oliver whispers back, "I love you too, Mina."

He knew that he had to make things right and be the best husband and father he could be. They were finally able to be together openly and share their love with the world.

Mina and Oliver's love story was one for the ages, and they proved that true love can conquer all, even when faced with seemingly impossible odds even death.

The End


Listen to A thousand years while reading this. Hahaha