
My Little Moon

VOLUME I is completed & VOLUME II is on going... A small favor, "Be Little Moon's trust. Try to make me a memory in her heart and you be her confident and...." he stopped talking. True in a way: The true feelings of true two soulmates, blended into an imaginary story to be captivated by a fictional third person. Who tells the story and gets tangled up between them. Will he be able to untangle the situation or will he let destiny take cause... ********************************************************* PEEK A SNEEK...but read for more..... A Silent Love Between These Soulmates, Compromising each other's love to save one another from dangers known to them and keep apart. ---------------------------------- Will I be able to full fill Mr.D's wish? This may be the hardest task I have to do while tangling with my feelings and emotions. Will she agree? ---------------------------------- "She's my soulmate... I love her..... but... Mr.George, I want you to be with her...first be her friend." "Why me" "You are the only other guy she talked about except me for the last 12 years....." ---------------------------------- "Mr.D, I have known her before but she doesn't know I am that actor but she knows me as a writer." I looked at him. "I know it already George. I know you like her. And I do give you permission to pursue her." ---------------------------------- "George, she's worth more than my life. Please keep her safe from harm. Especially from Amy." ********************************************************* Join my discord: https://discord.gg/tjXXmXyR

SD_ · Real
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118 Chs

Mr.D's cute fight and memories

It's been a few days after the incident. Ted has gone on his team-building trip with his friend and Mark. Leaving Little Moon and myself at home to be busy with work. Little Moon was healing well but her shoulder wound seems to be hurting when she tries to draw.

"Good Morning, Mr.D" who was video calling the morning.

"Good Morning George. How is the progress on the emotional breakdown of the script?" as usual, work first with the boss.

"We sent it last night." Screamed Little Moon while drawing character lying on the floor. She looked cute with a messy hair bun and her signature loose flyaway sleeve crop top and flared skirt, showing off an inch of skin from her waist. She looked serious with a pencil stuck on her ear.

"OK, I will ask Kevin to get them...Where are you?" I showed where she was lying and MR.D laughed at the comical face she made at him. She looked adorable. I hardly see this side of her with anyone else but Mr.D.

"I want a reward."

"I can give you a reward," said Mr.D looking at her as if he wanted to pet her.

"Will this be ok" he showed a tattoo on his upper arm - a treasure map - made on a birthmark shaped like an island.

"You really made it toa tattoo... I thought you were scared of the pointy thing.." she said with a laugh. And she agreed to that reward while I looked at both of them trying to figure out what was the joke about.

"OH! boy!,... Your confused expression is priceless, George.." said Mr.D while both of them looking at me and laughing.

"Don't be confused, George," said Mr.D. "Most of the time I visit her, she used to draw maps on my birthmark saying it's my island. I used to take photos of them when I got back home." And he showed me a number of images with various maps drawn on his birthmark.

"WHAT!!! you photographed all of them" screamed Little Moon.

"Yes, there are my treasure maps, so why can't I?" teased Mr.D.

They both seem so childish sometimes, but they were happy every time they spend together. I was secretly jealous of them but I was glad to be a part of their love and help them out to take away the painful future that might be predictable due to Mr.D's illness. Meantime I was trying to imagine how life would be with these two around as a family around me.

"Booo... you" pretending to hit Mr.D.

"My treat George, I will order a five-class dinner for both of you. You both did work hard," said Mr.D.

"Agreed Mr.D." I send a thumbs up.

"So how about the CG part, my bunny?" asked Mr.D from Little Moon who seems to be concentrating on a sketch. She just motioned a thumbs-up signal.

"Just look at her, George. This is the girl who wants things to be perfect but hates to discuss how things need to be done in order to make it perfect," said Mr.D disapproving.

"Brush off and hush.." cried, Little Moon.

"Please listen to your brother" I interrupted their fight.

"FINE!" said she, while seating up on the floor cross-legged.

"Can I please see the drafts you have done?" pleaded Mr.D.

"Hmm.." She showed about 10 sketched-up CG scenes to Mr.D and me while explaining each of them.

For about an hour or so we went on discussing the sketches made. Making alterations when necessary. Later the art director of the CG team joined in as well. We discussed for about two to three hours and finalized four sketch scenes to be made into CG at the time being. It was tiring work for Little Moon but she was seen in her highest element, that she was shining like a star.

No wonder Mr.D wants her to take over the company after this project was over.

Little Moon went to make some tea while I chatted freely about things with Mr.D.

"Hmm, George.. I am sorry about what happened with my sister."

"It's ok Mr.D But I feel worried about Little Moon."

"She has endured my sister's harsh personality from time to time. She understands."

"That day her attack was so vicious. What if something bad happened, Mr.D."

"Little Moon thinks compassion and accepting her is the best way to cure and help Amy. That's why she doesn't want me to interfere a lot. But this time Amy went a bit farther." Mr.D with a worried expression.

"Did Ted tell you about her motivation, to you?"

"Yes. Amy is capable of doing such things."

"But if that happens.."

"I know George if she goes blind in such a way, she might not want to live." We both went silent for a while. "I have thought of a way to keep her safe." I nodded as he seems to come to a conclusion on what to do.

"George I was really impressed with your performance till now." Said Mr.D acknowledging my hard work.

"Thank you, sir. But I have to thank, you and Little Moon are so easy to work with. I know this story will be a big hit."

"Hmm... there's another thing I want to talk to you about." I was wondering what else does he need.

"Not to worry, it's business-related."

"oh ok."

"I was thinking of making you the main director of the drama and to make you a shareholder of the company."

"Mr.D" I was surprised to hear this, specially at this time.

"I mean it, George. I see that you are capable of helping Little Moon too. So we can bring this CG company to its highest level. You do have the potential as well George. I saw it while you were helping her with the designs and the scripts."

"Mr.D when did you know.. I am helping Little Moon.."

"Didn't you forget the security in her home?" He smiled. Then only I realized he has been watching us all the time.

"I hope you will consider my proposal George, for the sake of my Little Moon." I saw him distracted. When I turned around she was there standing with a tray of cake and tea while smiling at Mr.D.

If imagination can become true...

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