
My Little Moon

VOLUME I is completed & VOLUME II is on going... A small favor, "Be Little Moon's trust. Try to make me a memory in her heart and you be her confident and...." he stopped talking. True in a way: The true feelings of true two soulmates, blended into an imaginary story to be captivated by a fictional third person. Who tells the story and gets tangled up between them. Will he be able to untangle the situation or will he let destiny take cause... ********************************************************* PEEK A SNEEK...but read for more..... A Silent Love Between These Soulmates, Compromising each other's love to save one another from dangers known to them and keep apart. ---------------------------------- Will I be able to full fill Mr.D's wish? This may be the hardest task I have to do while tangling with my feelings and emotions. Will she agree? ---------------------------------- "She's my soulmate... I love her..... but... Mr.George, I want you to be with her...first be her friend." "Why me" "You are the only other guy she talked about except me for the last 12 years....." ---------------------------------- "Mr.D, I have known her before but she doesn't know I am that actor but she knows me as a writer." I looked at him. "I know it already George. I know you like her. And I do give you permission to pursue her." ---------------------------------- "George, she's worth more than my life. Please keep her safe from harm. Especially from Amy." ********************************************************* Join my discord: https://discord.gg/tjXXmXyR

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118 Chs

If I didn't...

We still went on with our work for the day. Seems like we have to work straight for two to three days to finish off the new CG scenes to sent to the art department. I haven't been in myself after that day. When I went to the studio after a few hour's sleep today, I saw Little Moon fast asleep on a pile of paper.

I held her up (bridal style) and took her to the sofa, she was in a deep sleep. While I took her to the sofa, her head was on my shoulder and she tightly held on to my t-shirt. Maybe she felt secure with me holding her. I sat on the sofa with her head on my lap. A few unruly hair strands were covering her face. I tucked them under her ear with the slightest movement so I won't wake her up accidentally.

She murmured "Brother D" several times and held my hand tightly. By smoothly stroking her cheeks I let her know I will not leave. With time I had also fallen asleep to be awakened by a tap on the door.

With "be quiet" motion, Ted and Mark were there at the studio door, looking at us. I gave them a good morning nod.

"How was the trip?" I asked Ted softly not to wake her up.

"Not bad. It was good Mark went with us." He answered looking at Little Moon and holding her hand for a little while.

"Are you guys tired? Did you'll have any breakfast?"

"Not Tired, Mr.George," said Mark. "May I make some breakfast and tea for all of us?"

"Good idea, Mark. Let me help you with it, while these two sleep for a while more," said Ted standing up.

"No, I will help you, too," I said.

Ted pointed to Little Moon and winked saying, "Brother D told me you guys worked continuously. So you two have a rest."

"We'll bring the food up to the open balcony," said Mark heading to the pantry.

"Brother George, wake up" I heard a little voice from a dream. When I opened my eyes Ted was holding a cup of tea. Little Moon was still asleep. So I quietly left her on the sofa with a teddy bear to hug and went to the studio balcony.

Ted and Mark have together made sunny side up eggs with toast, which was delicious. We talked about their experience and the fun they had during the trip. They have also arranged another trip in a few more months. Mr.D has always been in touch with Mark to find out about the safety of Ted and his friends. I wondered where did he have time to look out for Ted while doing the drama project with us in here.

"When did you guys come back?" asked Little Moon cooming to the balcony, who had just woken up.

"Must be about two to three hours miss" said Mark. Setting up some tea for her.

"Ted, how was water rafting?"

"That was fun, but scary at the same time too. We really loved it." Ted said happily.

"It's because it's scary I didn't want you to go." pinched Ted's ear teasingly.

"OUCH!!!... ok next time we are planning to go on a hike."

"Where?" asked Little Moon strictly.

"Still didn't decide, sis. And having Mark with us was really helpful."

"Thank you, Mark, for taking care of the kids." nodded Little Moon while Ted screamed,

"KID!!! meeeee!!"

"Yes for me you are still the 3 days old newborn baby in my eyes." She said to him.

"But don't say Kid in front of my friends."

"Why?" she asked.

"I will feel embarrassed., and they will make fun of me as well."

Mark and I laughed at Ted's explanation and Little Moon's submission of "I can't be sure, I might say KID in front of your friends."

Ted talked about the project in the hope to divert the discussion instead of him.

"How was your progress?"

"Didn't you see it's going on well, by looking at the office?" I asked him almost laughing.

Ted looked around the office and realized there are papers everywhere and Wacom tablet near the sofa, colored pencils thrown everywhere. He nodded in agreeing we had been busy. After a little while, Ted and Mark went to their rooms to have a rest, while Little Moon, went to refresh in her room.

While I was hoping to have a bit of lone time in my room Mr.D called.

"Hello George"

"Hello, Mr.D."

"I went through the new CG scene, I think they are perfect."

"Thank you Mr.D. But you really need to compliment Little Moon for her creativity."

"I realized she has done her best work the last few days."

"What about the locations and the theme song, Mr.D?"

"Lee has found the proper locations for drama. He has been a great help, George."

"He is really resourceful when it comes to such matters."


"Mr.D, Little Moon suggested a no voice theme song, but I do disagree."

"I agree with you, we need to set the feel for the drama with the theme song. Maybe get the song popular first."

"There's about one month and a week left to arrange everything before the filming crew gets together. Do you think we can finish all this by that time, Mr.D?"

"Yes, we can get all done by then. We are using all the right candidates for this creation so nothing will go wrong." He smiled.

We both were quiet for a few minutes when Mr.D asks, "Is something bothering you, George."

"Hmm... yes. But I don't know if I should tell you or not."

"Is it something related to Little Moon?" I looked at him and said,

"I kissed her."

I was expecting an angry, scolding from Mr.D. But he was calm and said, "I was expecting something like this."

"I sometimes feel like I shouldn't have done it, Mr.D."

"George, did you forget why I send you there. It is to get to know her better."


"Yes, I knew you liked her, even before you did," said Mr.D, making me surprised.

"Giver her some time. She will get used to it. Continue to go on with work as usual. Let time and feelings guide you two."

I nodded agree with him. Yes, feelings grow with time.