
Chapter 21: CALLAN

“Jealous… of me?”


“But why, she’s beautiful and smart, and she has an amazing job, and she’s got that great apartment looking over the park and….”

“For women like Marion, that’s not enough; besides, that’s not what I meant. She’s jealous of us.” I let it hang in the air, watching her closely for her reaction to my bold statement.

“But why? I don’t understand.” I saw the flash in her eyes, even as she told herself that I couldn’t mean what she thought I did.

I knew her so well already it was uncanny. Poor little Kitten, she wore her heart on her sleeve and her every emotion on her face.

“Because she knows I want you…and I no longer want her.”

She grew quiet for a bit, worrying her lip with her teeth as she seemed to be pondering her next words carefully.

“She said you were…lovers, is that true?” Her voice had gone soft and uncertain, and she withdrew her hands from mine. Fuck that!