Rai is now back on Earth. As an Omnipotent being, it get boring sometime especially now when his wives is out exploring Earth and having some 'girls time' without him. To get some entertainment, Rai decide to send some poor soul to anther world. That lucky person is Ken Lee, a Neet and an orphan. I don't own Dragon Ball or any series related to it. I made this for fun and entertainment only. I also don't own the picture. I found it on deviantart.com by a guy name Akaggi and modify it a bit.
My name is Ken Lee, I been living in this world for 7 years now. In those 7 years, I have become one of the strongest 'man' alive. Where might I be you wonder. Well, I am in a world that most people would've considered fictional, I'm in the world of Dragon Ball.
I know, sounds crazy right? Even I thought this world was fictional. That is until I tried to be a hero and got killed, the key word is 'tried'. Thinking back, sometimes I wonder why I did that, I don't even like heroes that much...
Anyway, my mother passed away when I was born so I never knew who she was. My father though, I never liked him very much. I used to live with him along with Grandma. It seems like Father blame me for mom's death. Although he never tried to be a father to me, he was not an abusive father either. That's unless he's drunk. Even then he doesn't hit me, he just yells a lot for even the tiniest of reason.
Grandma was the only family member that really took care of me when I was small. She always seems to find a way to cheer me up whenever I feel down. She took care of me in place of Father who didn't and Mom who couldn't.
Unlike father, she was the best Grandma anyone could ever hope for. Even though Father was never a big part of my life, Grandma was always there for me so I never felt that I have a bad family. In fact, I was that one kid that always seem to have too much energy to spare.
Everything was going good for me until a week after my 9th birthday. Grandma fell sick and was admitted to the hospital. Without her there at home, I start to notice how much I depended on her. Still, being 9 I thought she had something common, like a cold and that she will return home after a while. Everyday after school, I'll always visit her.
This became the norm for me for the next three months. It was Friday right before summer vacation started. I went to the hospital, happy I can spend more time with Grandma. It was then that I got the news of Grandma's death. For a few days, I try to understand what's going on, not truly knowing what it means for someone to die. It wasn't until later that I understand that it means I won't be able to see her again.
About a month after the Grandma passes away. Father drop me off at an orphanage and never came back. I don't blame him as we never really like each other much. The only reason he didn't put me into an orphanage sooner was because of Grandma. Father still pays for my school even after he left me at the orphanage.
With Grandma gone, I felt like there was something missing in my life. Although I try to not show it at school, my teacher and friends still notice that I was less energetic than usual.
As I got over Grandma's death and accepted it, I slowly got back to my old self. Even then, I never feel complete. This went on for about a year until one of my friends introduces me into the world of Anime and Manga. I was instantly hooked on it with my favorite series being Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Naruto, and One Piece.
Dragon Ball was my favorite because, like me, the owner of the orphanage was also a big fan of it. Being an orphan, it was kind of hard to get copies of the shows to watch or read, but because the owner was a fan too, he was nice enough to let me borrow his manga to read. He even brought all the Dragon Ball movies and would sometime put it on to distract the kids when the adults needed a break.
At 11, I'm getting ready for Middle School after a long winter break. At the bus stop, city bus not a school bus, I'm waiting with a kid from the same orphanage as me. His name is Kaine and he's about 3 years younger than me. One of the caretakers is supposed to be here with us but he has to use the bathroom so we were left alone for a bit.
With nothing to do, I start to read the latest Dragon Ball Super manga I borrowed. As I'm getting close to the ending, I hear Kaine scream "HE..." before the sound is suddenly cut off. Looking over, I saw two masked men carrying an unconscious Kaine into an alley near the bus stop. I know I should go look for help but instead of doing that. I drop the manga and run after the two kidnappers.
As I was got close to the alley, I overhear one of the kidnappers, which I will now call Kidnapper 1 says "Hurry up, we have to leave before the caretaker comes back. We don't want an ex-military soldier behind our back."
The other, who I named Kidnapper 2 ask "What about the other kid?" Hearing them talk about me, I quickly hide behind a dumpster.
"What about him? He's too old for what we need." Kidnapper 1
"You think he might have seen us?" Kidnapper 2
"No I checked, he was too engrossed in what he was reading to pay attention. Now hurry up and help me move him into the car." Kidnapper 1
'Shit' I thought before hearing "HEY! What are you doing to that kid!" making the kidnappers turn toward me. I wonder who would be stupid enough to alert the kidnapper before looking around and realizing that it was me.
Not knowing what to do, the Kidnappers and I just stare at each other. A few seconds pass before Kidnapper 2 said, "I thought you said he didn't see us."
"Well, I was wrong. Now go take care of him before anymore trouble comes along" Kidnapper 1 reply annoyed.
"Why don't you do it?" Kidnapper 2
"Cause I said so." Kidnapper 1 glare at him.
"Fine, just hurry up and get the kid into the car" Kidnapper 2 grumble
'Double shit, what am I supposed to do now.' I look around for something, anything that can help me in this situation. Not finding anything, I look back at the kidnappers only to find Kidnapper 2 right in front of me.
"Umm... I-I don't suppose we can t-talk about this?" I ask as I nervously back away.
"Sorry kid, nothing personal but I have a job to do." Kidnapper 1 said confusing me for a second before feeling pain from my abdomen. Looking down, I can see Kidnapper holding the hilt of a knife with the blade in my stomach.
Realizing what happened, I wanted to scream but instead I grunted in pain as the knife as remove from my stomach making me fall to the ground. 'Is this it?' I thought to myself "Is this how I die?'
"Hey will you hurry up" I hear Kidnapper 1 from the distance
"Right…" Kidnapper 2 said before he hurries back to the van.
'NO! I don't want it to end like this. I have to at least do something otherwise I would have died for nothing.' I muster up some energy I didn't seem to have before and look up at the kidnappers. I can see the Kidnapper 1 close the back door of the car before moving to the driver's seat.
'That's it!' I thought. Mustering all the energy that I have left, I move one of my hand to the wound on my stomach and feel blood on my hand. Using my blood, I start writing down the car's license plate number on the ground in front of me. Making sure it's far enough so when I bleed out, my blood won't cover it.
Just as I complete it, I can hear the car engine starting and soon darkness overtook my vision as I pass out.