
My legendary powers

LOST_ANNE · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The Test

I woke up the next morning getting ready to go to Easton's house. "Morning mom!" I said as I walked into the kitchen. "Morning, there are eggs and bacon on the stove" She said. I made my plate and sat down to eat. "Mom, is it ok if I can go to East- my friends house?" I asked her. "Yeah but make sure you come on time" She said and I put my plate away and left the house. As I was walking I saw the girls from school. 'I can't believe Robert is having a party at his house on Friday!' I heard one of them say. 'I'm so glad that his friend Nicolas isn't coming' Another one said. I walked up to them and they stopped. "What did you just say?" I asked them. "None of your business" They said. "Well, I already heard you and I'm going to that party!!" I said and walked away.

I knocked in Easton's house door and he opened it. "Hey! Nick, come in" He said and let me in. "How have you been?" He asked me. "I've been doing good," I told him back. "Are you ready to start?" He asked me. "Yeah, I'm ready" I said and we left the house. We walked inside a coffee shop and sat down. "Hi, how may I help you?" The waiter asked us. "I would like a black coffee please" I said. "Same here" Easton copied. 'Eww black coffee' I heard her say in her head. "Black coffee is good, not gross" We both said at the same time. "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud" She said and walked away. "Not bad! You're doing well" Easton said. She came back with our coffee's and we gave her a tip and left. "Next stop the museum"

We walked in the museum and looked at the pictures and statues. "Let's practice," Easton said. "Hey! What type of picture is this?" Easton asked while pointing at the Mona Lisa painting. 'What type of question is that? Is he dumb?' I heard him say in his head. "Well, my friend here isn't dumb, you are for not answering the question he gave" I said. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud, I'm so sorry. That's the Mona lisa she came here last week because the other one got damaged" The guy said. "It's fine and next time don't say anything bad about others," Easton said and we walked out and got into the car. "That wasn't so bad. One more stop to go!" Easton said and started up the car.

We stopped at Roberts house. "What are we doing at my friends house?" I asked him. "Oh, he's your friend? Well he's my brother" He said and we got out. "He never told me he had a brother" I said as we walked up the stairs. "I'm his first friend he ever had and now I count him as my own brother" He told me.

The door opened and Robert's mom was standing there. "Hello boys!" She said. "Hi! Is Robert home?" I asked. "Yes, ROBERT!" She yelled. Robert came running downstairs. "Yes mom" He said. "You have visitors" She said and let us come in. "Oh, hey Nick and Easton" He said as we sat down. "Hey!" We said at the same time. "Do you two know each other?" He asked, looking between both of us. "Yeah, we do," Easton said. "We just wanted to hangout," I said and Easton nodded. "Ok, let's go to the park" He said and we told his mom bye and walked to the park.

We sat down on the bench and talked. "How do you guys know each other?" Robert asked. "Well, it's a long story but our mothers know each other from work," Easton said. 'That was stupid to say Easton' I said in my head and he looked at me. 'Quit that!' He said back. 'Just telling the truth' I said and started laughing. "What are you laughing at?" Robert asked. "Nothing, Oh and I heard that you were having a party on Friday and I wasn't invited" I said crossing my arms. "I know you weren't invited because you hate parties!!" Robert said. "Whatever, you don't even tell your second best friend" I said. 'Dang! Someone in their feelings' Robert says in his head. I stood up so fast. "No one is in there damn feelings!!" I yelled and grabbed Easton's hand and we went back to the car and drove home.

"That wasn't so bad after all, but when you go back to school tomorrow don't think he won't know that something's up and now it's the time to tell him about your little secret" Easton told me as I got out of the car. "Got it! I'll see you later then" I said and walked into the house. "I'm home mom and dad!!" I yelled while locking the house door. " Welcome home!!" I heard my mom say.

I walked into the kitchen to see my mom cooking. "What are you cooking?" I asked her. "Fried chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes" It smells really good. 'Go get your father's My mom said in her head. "Got it!!" I said and walked to his office. "Dad! it's time to eat," I told him at the office door. "Coming!" He yelled.

"That was good mom, thanks" I said and walked into my room and fell straight to bed.