
My Job Is To Save The Innocent Throughout The Multiverse?! (SI/AU)

This story begins with a young man, who died in a car accident and after his death, he was resurrected in an extra-dimensional plane, which appeared to be a banking call center. In this place our MC (Main Character), was attended by a receptionist and invited to work for a ROB (Random Omnipotent Being), whose objective is to save the innocent people who pray for help. Only the original characters and plot belongs to me. The cover image, the universes and their characters, belongs to the original creators, not me.

Bryan_Growl · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Chapter 6 - Forces Assemble.


"Hehehe." - Jonathan gave a scary maniacal smile so big it looked like it was going to split his face in half.

Even his team was scared as they had never seen him like this before.

He said goodbye to his team and went straight to a solo training ground, that was much smaller than the team ones. Arriving there he closed the door and started laughing crazily like the Joker. So he declared.

"It's time for the Thanos Grindset!"






As soon as Jonathan arrived at the individual training camp, to test his new character [Rou], a great sadness hit his mind.

Unfortunately, the character [Rou] that he had acquired was [Rou's] Goblin form, and that meant that the only [Ability] he had was [Absorption].

If only he was in the evolution [Vajrayaksha Overlord] he would have the [Abilities]: [Synthesis] and [World Enemy - Insatiable Gluttony].

But now that is just a distant dream. However, he was not shaken by this misfortune.

Using the [Ability]: [Answer Talker] as a guide he plotted his next steps.

First he ate his own arm in the form of [Rou].

⟨New [Ability] Acquired!⟩

⟨[Ability]: [Absorption]!⟩

Great. At least now I can use this [Ability] in other forms.

So using [Absorption] he started to eat parts of his other [Characters] which made him acquire several [Abilities] in his base form.

This is the list of [Abilities] and [Techniques] he has acquired.


[Species Shifting], [Ignition], [Water Creation], [Return], [Heal], [Shield], [Escape],[Haki (Veteran)];



([Absorption]: Acquired of the [Rou] form trough [Absorption]),


([Flawless Healing]: Acquired after eating half of the [Fix-It Hammer] in [Mega Rayquaza (Shiny)] from trough [Absorption]),


([Respawn], [Super Jump], [Summon - Fix-It Family Magic Hammer]: Acquired of the [Fix-It Felix Jr] form trough [Absorption]),


([Answer Talker]: Acquired of the [Kyomaru Takamine] form trough [Absorption]),


([Intimidate], [Moxie], [Mold Breaker]: Acquired of the [Mega/Gyarados (Shiny)] forms trough [Character] evolution),


([Dragon Ascent], [Air Lock], [All Move Set: Rayquaza], [Mega Evolution], [Dynamax!], [Semi-Immortality], [True Flight], [Hyperspace Flight], [Self-Sustenance (Type 1)]: Acquired of the [Mega/Dynamax!/Rayquaza (Shiny)] forms trough [Absorption]),


([Link]: Acquired after eating half of the [Identification Card] in [Mega Rayquaza (Shiny)] from, and restoring it with the [Fix-It Hammer]).



[Techniques]: Firefighter: (2/2), Pilot: (1/3), [Pain Resistance]: (3/5), [Handyman]: (3/3), [Engineering]: (2/5), [Builder]: (2/3), [Willpower]: (4/5)⟩

During this painful process, Jonathan acquired the [Techniques]: [Pain Resistance] level (3/5) and managed to raise [Willpower] to level (4/5).

All this grinding and training took about 1 day, which left Jonathan with only 1 day left for the start of the Tournament of Saints.

Deciding to acquire more [Abilities], using [Absorption], he left the individual training camp and went to talk to Jeane.

Arriving at the level 1 counter, he asked her to go to the world of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien to try to acquire more varied [Abilities] and possibly some broken ones like control over time and space.

"There's this Task here, which is at the limit for level 1 Tasks." - Jeane said.

"And what would that Task be?" - Jonathan asked.

"This one here." - She said and showed him.

{[Task]: Help Ben and his team to stop Ultimate Aggregor from absorbing the baby Celestialsapien.

[World - Ben 10 Ultimate Alien]

[Status]: Incomplete

[Performance] :-

[Note]: "Once I have all your powers combined, nothing can stop me from attaining the ultimate prize!" - Aggregor}

"Perfect!" - Jonathan said excitedly.

"Alright then, I have already booked the assignment. You can go now." - Jeane replied with her usual friendly smile.

"Thank you very much." - He said giving good-bye.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Jonathan ran towards the teleportation circle and went to his Task.

As soon as Jonathan disappeared, a handsome man with white hair and dark skin, wearing white clothes with gold details, appeared from the other teleportation circle.

"Eh?!" - Jeane said confused when seeing an old and familiar face, because she knows that the presence of this man indicates that big problems are happening or will happen.

Approaching her the man said.

"Hello Jeane, how long has it been."

Jeane stumbled over her own words in bewilderment. - "Lo-Lord Deus?!"






*Meanwhile in an unknown place.*

"Just one more day my lord, and at last, we will be free." - An unknown figure said with a fanatical look.

"Yes, the time has finally come." - Said the figure sitting on the middle throne with a stoic countenance, to his subordinate. - "Inform everyone to rest well, for tomorrow we march to the gates of Valhalla, and we will destroy that den of hypocrisy that God calls the Nexus!" - Exclaimed the figure known as The Mad One.

"As my lord wishes." - The subordinate said leaving the enclosure.

"You heard what i said, get ready for the biggest battle of our lives." - The Mad One said to the other unknown figures sitting on his sides on thrones.

"Yes." - 6X

Once the figures agreed to the order, they disappeared from their thrones, only leaving The Mad One in the throne room.

"Hmph! This time I have an army God, let's see how you stop me again. You'll regret having me imprisoned here, GOD!" - The Mad One shouted releasing his bloodlust.

His rage was such that it made the castle, the kingdom, and the entire island that is the size of a continent, which floated above nothing, tremble.






*In the Hall of the Deities Valhalla.*

"Hmm?!" - A being made of pure energy without defined form known as Emmanuel said.

He was already used to feeling The Mad One's surges of rage, but somehow this time something felt different and yet familiar.

"Something wrong Lord Emmanuel?" - A figure similar to a lord and at the same time a warrior, known as Deus asked.

"I felt a change in The Mad One's tantrum. I have a bad feeling." - Emmanuel explained.

"That... is indeed very worrying my Lord." - Deus said with a bitter expression on his face.

"I will not force you to fight this time, as I never did or will, after all, Deus, you are one of the few Valhalla Saints that I consider my personal friend. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you, after all he was your best friend." - Emmanuel said with a sad face.

"Not anymore. He has lost his way and must be stopped at all costs." - Deus said with a firm look.

Emmanuel nodded and looked at the other warrior known as Yasha.

"And you Yasha, are you prepared for the possible upcoming battle?"

"Yes, my Lord." - Yasha answered without hesitation.

"Hmm. Yasha gather the other deities. We need to be prepared for battle. I'm sure The Mad One will take advantage of this year's Tournament of Saints to attack Valhalla and try to destroy the Nexus again." - Emmanuel ordered.

"Yes, my Lord." - Yasha answered and disappeared from where he was kneeling.

Turning his attention back to Deus, Emmanuel said.

"Deus, my friend, I have a very important task for you."

"Yes my Lord, what would that be?" - He asked.

"There is a Saint named Jonathan Newman, codenamed Poseidon. He has been confirmed to be Code: 2H. I need you to take care of him, for we cannot allow him to fall into the hands of The Mad One, or the fine balance we have built will be broken, and we will be pressed into the battle to come. I want you to watch him and see if he's trustworthy or not. If you see that he can join the rebels, I authorize you to kill him." - Emmanuel ordered with a serious expression on his face.

"As you wish, my Lord." - Deus said disappearing from the place where he was kneeling.






*In Ben 10's Omniverse*

*Ben 10 Ultimate Alien*

"Hmm?! Where am I?" Jonathan asked.

He was confused, as whenever he went on a Task, he would respawn in an open field, forest, city, or beach.

But this time he was floating adrift in a space filled with blue formations like energy.

What confused him was not the fact that he was floating in space, but the fact that where he was, it didn't resemble the outer space he had already visited in previous Tasks.

"Hello, young Poseidon!"

"Huh?!" - Jonathan said, startled by the sudden appearance of a man in a white coat.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I startled you. Unfortunately it's a bad habit I've developed from traveling a lot. Hahaha. I'm Professor Paradox, it has been a long time, my old friend. Or would it be better to say nice to meet you, as this is the first time we've met. Haha. Time is so confusing sometimes." - Said Professor Paradox introducing himself with his hand extended for a handshake.

"It's okay, nice to meet you." - Jonathan responded by shaking hands.

'If indeed the Professor knows me like an old friend then I have probably created a new timeline where I interfered by visiting this universe and used [Link] on it. Interesting.' - Jonathan reasoned in thought.

As soon as he acquired the [Ability]: [Link], a curious thing happened. Everyone he's ever met or just met, are automatically registered with [Link] and can remember his existence, even when he leaves their worlds and they also manage to keep in touch in real time like on Facebook.

"Right, before we go help the young Ben, I was wondering if you could help me with another problem after this is over." - Said Paradox cryptically.

"Sure!" - Jonathan answered immediately. 'After all, being friends with Professor Paradox might be of great help in the future.' - He thought.

"Excellent! I knew you wouldn't let me down." - Paradox said with a friendly smile on his face.

"So, shall we go?" - He continued, showing a pocket watch, and then pressing a button on the side of the watch. Then in an intense blue-white glow, they disappeared.






On a distant planet called Galvan Prime, or Galvan Mark ll, which is filled with advanced technology, there was a huge tower with a green symbol resembling an hourglass.

This tower is the laboratory and base of operations for the brilliant Galvan scientist and the first thinker named Azmuth.

Azmuth was looking at the horizon in his monitoring room when a blue-white light flashed behind him.

Being a genius he immediately recognized the light pattern and spoke.

"It's been a while, Paradox."

He said turning around to find Paradox, and immediately being surprised by the presence of a young blond man, tall and with a well built physique.

But being experienced, he didn't show reactions and just questioned.

"And who would this young man be?"

"Hello Azmuth, it really has been a while. Ah, how rude of me! Here, I would like to introduce you this young man called Poseidon, and I have brought you here to discuss a matter of the utmost importance. I talk about the Map of Infinity." - Paradox said with a serious expression.

"The Map of Infinity?!" - Azmuth asked in bewilderment finally etching an emotion, concern.

"That's right. In a few hours a being called Aggregor, will obtain a power that will allow him to overcome the challenges I created to hide the four parts of the Map of Infinity, and obtain the complete map. If his plans were just to get the map, I wouldn't interfere. But his goal will bring great destruction and instability to the fabric of reality of the multiverse, causing irreversible damage to the structure that forms this sector of the omniverse." - Paradox explained with a heavy expression.

"That's really bad, and what about young Ben Tennyson, have you contacted him yet? You usually ask for his help on these occasions. And what is the purpose of this Aggregor?" - Azmuth asked now really concerned.

"Don't worry, young Ben is already working on it, he just doesn't know it yet. As for Aggregor's goal, it is to absorb a baby Celestialsapien. if he succeeds in his plan, he will be nearly omnipotent. Of course, bothered by this mess the other celestialsapien will be furious, and then there will be a war between the Celestialsapien and him. The rest you should already imagine." - Paradox replied.

"Hmm. And this young man? Where does he fit in this race against time?" - Azmuth said turning his attention to Jonathan who remained silent the whole time.

"Ah, young Poseidon came a long way, especially to help us in this endeavor. It may not seem like it, but he is very skilled, and will be a key player in our mission." - Paradox explained.

"If you're the one saying it, I won't question it anymore." - Azmuth said, approaching Jonathan and introducing himself. "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm known as Azmuth the first thinker, smartest in 3 galaxies, probably 5." - He introduced himself, holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Hello, I'm Poseidon, nice to meet you." - Jonathan introduced himself by answering the handshake.

Impressed by Azmuth's technology Jonathan began to question the Galvan about his creations, which he happily answered.

During the explanation of one of his creations, specially the DNA scanner of nearby beings, caught Jonathan's attention. The DNA Proximity Scanner is a new technology that Azmuth has implemented in the new Omnitrix that he is building as the definitive version.

"Hmm. Azmuth, couldn't this scanner of yours be used to determine the properties, as well as the origin, of not just beings but also objects?" - Jonathan asked.

"Well, good question. I hadn't thought of that yet, something like a general identifier, but that goes beyond just identifying, determining the origin of an object or being, based not only on data collected in the database, but on data collected in real time. Hmm... Would you allow me to use your idea in my research?" - Azmuth asked excitedly, his mind bursting with brilliant ideas.

"Sure, no problem." - Jonathan replied with a friendly smile. 'Although I don't even know what he's talking about, I just thought of a technology that works like the Appraisal skill, which those characters use in the RPG genre.' - Jonathan thought.

"Haha, suggesting an idea he hasn't thought of yet, to a genius like Azmuth, is pretty rare young Poseidon." - Paradox declared smiling.

So they spent hours talking about technology, until Ben was finally defeated by Ultimate Aggregor.

"The time has come! Azmuth, you know what to do." - Paradox said looking at Azmuth who just agreed and teleported to where Ben was.

"Our time has come too, young Poseidon." - Paradox said teleporting both to the Chronorandomization Barrier.

"This is the Chronorandomization Barrier, which I created to ward off unwanted visitors to the Forge of Creation. I need to hide your presence from the Celestialsapien so they don't kick you out of this verse. To do that, I'm going to turn you into Ben when he was a kid. That way you won't interfere too much with the timeline.

You'll have access to the Prototype Omnitrix, but don't worry you'll still have access to all of your natural powers. But I would ask you to keep their use to a minimum. Any questions?" - Paradox explained and instructed.

"Can I eat some things to get their [Abilities]?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes, but restore them as soon as possible so the Celestialsapien won't be bothered." - Paradox replied knowing exactly what I planned.

"Okay, thanks a lot." - Jonathan said with a smile of relief.

"You've already thanked me, for helping me with a problem in the future, so we'll be even." - He said rubbing his right hand.

"Yeah you're right, time really is very confusing." - Jonathan said sincerely with a wry smile.

Professor Paradox just smiled as Jonathan understood what he meant.

Then he turned Jonathan into child Ben and threw him through a portal of white energy.

Jonathan felt the same way as when he used the Nexus teleportation circle.

When his body finally stopped floating aimlessly, he felt something solid touching his feet. Looking down he saw something like a green platform disappearing behind a thin white wall.

On the other side of this wall, he could hear Ben, Gwen and Kevin talking. So he decided to walk towards the wall.

When suddenly Ben went through the wall and left floating without direction, and being rescued soon after by a beam of pink energy.

"I really saw something there." - Ben said pointing to Jonathan's direction.

Seeing that the time had come to interact with the protagonists, Jonathan walked to the temporal barrier and crossed it.

"You didn't see something, but someone. I'm Ben Tennyson." - Jonathan said.

"Ahhh." - Ben said thinking of an explanation.

"That sounds like time travel, huh. You must be a version of me from the past probably." - Jonathan: Ben said reasoning with the team.

"And how do you know this?" - Gwen said, raising a suspicious eyebrow.

"Yeah how do you know this?" - Ben said, repeating Gwen's words like his own, what received a "Really?" look from Gwen.

"You didn't understand what I just said? I'm the Ben Tennyson of the future, but with my body from when I was still a child. What part of what I said don't you understand? I know all this because I've already lived it." - Jonathan: Ben said internally questioning their reasoning ability.

Meanwhile, Kevin just furrowed his brows ignoring what Jonathan just said.

"He looks like you did as a kid Ben, but he talks like a seasoned adult. Maybe he's you from the past with your mind from the future."

Noticing Kevin's words, the team relaxed a bit, but were still on guard, ready to fight if necessary.

Seeing them talking to each other Jonathan was bothered by being basically ignored.

"Kevin basically just repeated what I just said, are you ignoring me on purpose?" - He said irritated.

But Jonathan didn't say or do anything else, just messed around with the Omnitrix a bit using [Answer Talker] and accessed the master control, synchronizing his Omnitrix with Ben's Ultimatrix.

'[Answer Talker] is really a broken [Ability], isn't it.' - He thought.

Looking at the team again he noticed that they were all baffled by the skill Jonathan showed in manipulating the Omnitrix.

Seeing their reaction, Jonathan tried once more to convince them that he wasn't a threat.

"For the last time, relax. I am, by all appearances, an amalgamation of my future mind and my past body, from when I was still a child. And from an alternate timeline, apparently." - Jonathan explained with the greatest level of clarity possible.

"Okay then. We believe in you." - Gwen said.

"Do we believe?" - Kevin said incredulously.

"Yes we believe." - Ben said with a friendly smile on his face.

(A/N: With so much belief, they will end up following Peter Pan to the Neverland. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)

Extending his hand he greeted Jonathan and said.

"Nice to meet you, future me in my child's body."

"The pleasure is all mine. Now let's get on with it. The time we have is short." - Jonathan declared answering the handshake.

Seeing the determination in Jonathan's eyes, the team nodded in agreement with what he said.

Right after they let go of the Rust Bucket 3's wing, they made their way towards the Forge Of Creation.

Leaving the temporal tunnel, the team saw colossal black-colored beings, with what appeared to be stars shining in the night sky on the bodies of these beings.

These beings are, of course, the Celestialsapien.

With unimaginable and unmeasurable power, these god-like beings were in T poses showing off their dominance.

Jokes aside, all of Jonathan's instincts were screaming that he should get out of there as quickly as possible.

But he had to complete the Task. Then observing a female figure among the Celestialsapien, who had her hands outstretched and with a white point of light on top of her hands, the team spotted the baby Celestialsapien.

Seeing their objective ahead, the team landed the ship gently in one of the female Celestialsapien's hands.

Disembarking the ship, the team walked towards the baby. However, the team didn't have time to plan how to stop Aggregor from reaching the baby, as he had already arrived.

Launching attacks from above, Aggregor spared no effort to clear obstacles in his path.

Responding in kind, the team counterattacked from the ground managing to prevent Aggregor's approach from the air.

Watching the team's pathetic performance, Jonathan said with a serious look on his face. - "Time to show these mongrels how to defeat a villain."

Transforming into Chromastone Jonathan immediately flew at near light speeds towards Aggregor.

Charging his fists with electromagnetic energy Jonathan punched Aggregor away at high speed.

Unfortunately without much result because he is invulnerable. Then using his energy manipulation powers Jonathan: Chromastone performed a technique similar to Spirit Division that Vegeta used against Moro in the Dragon Ball Super manga.

Each punch thrown destabilized Aggregor's amalgam form. After a few minutes of fighting Jonathan: Chromastone finally managed to undo Aggregor's fusion.

Ejecting the 5 aliens from inside him Jonathan held Aggregor's body and landed close to Ben's team. Then he detransformed and using the head of [Rayquaza (Shiny)], devoured Aggregor's arm and restored it soon after with [Flawless Healing].

⟨New [Ability] acquired!⟩

⟨[Ability]: [Absorption] learned!⟩

⟨Similar [Abilities] detected!⟩

⟨Merging [Absorption] and [Absorption]!⟩

⟨[Ability]: [Absorption Replication] learned!⟩

"Nice!" - Jonathan muttered.

This all happened so fast that Ben's team could only see blurs in the air. They couldn't even move just watching shocked by the skill shown by jonathan.

"Dude, don't you think you went a little heavy handed?" - Ben asked still surprised.

Ignoring Ben's dumb question, Jonathan just said.

"Job done Paradox, let's go."

In a flash of blue-white light Paradox appeared with an uncomfortable smile.

"Yes young Ben let's go back home." - He said still keeping the lie and not giving time for questions, Paradox and Jonathan disappeared.

"Ben... Don't tell me you could've done that same thing all the time?" - Kevin asked very angry.

"Well... The thing is t-"

"Shut up. Let's go home." - Gwen said coldly don't even wanting to listen to any word Ben had to say.

Carrying the fainted bodies of the 5 Andromeda aliens to the Rust Bucket 3 they left.






In the next second Paradox and Jonathan were floating in the same place where they first met.

"Right Paradox, what do you want my help with?" - Jonathan now back to his normal form asked.

"Hahaha, sharp as ever, young Poseidon." - Professor Paradox said laughing, easygoing as always.

"The question is not only with what, but also when." - He continued looking at his right hand.

Then he took out his pocket watch and showing it to Jonathan he explained.

"This is an equipment that I created with the knowledge and technology that I acquired throughout the time I was imprisoned in the 4th dimension. I call it the Chrononavigator.

With the help of this device, I can channel the space-time energy that is produced by me, and more easily access any point in the space-time continuum.

But just like the Map of Infinity, some beings covet this device of immeasurable power.

So I would like to merge this device with my own body to hide it from anyone who wants to take it from me and use it for evil.

However, there is a big barrier that prevents me from proceeding with this desperate idea." - With an empty look, as if remembering painful memories, Paradox explained rubbing his right hand.

"And what barrier would that be?" - Jonathan asked, waking Paradox from his thoughts.

"Haha, I'm sorry. I got a bit distracted.

Where was i?

Oh yes.

Unfortunately, due to the negative effects of this experience, which drove me completely insane.

My body, mind and soul became disconnected from the space-time continuum. Thus making my body imperishable, almost indestructible.

Any changes I make to my body are immediately undone. Let me show you an example." - Paradox continued.

Opening a small portal, he put his right arm inside it and closed the portal severing his arm near elbow height.


Grunting a little from the excruciating pain of having his arm cut off. Paradox was panting for a few seconds, until suddenly a faint bluish light shone where his arm was, and as soon as the light disappeared, his arm had been completely restored. As if absolutely nothing had happened.

"Sigh. Unfortunately that is my dilemma, young Poseidon." - He said regaining his composure.

"I understand. So tell me, what should I do to help you?" - Jonathan asked him.

"Haha, it's pretty simple. I want you to use your ability to eat and absorb that section of my right arm, which I exemplified earlier. Due to the nature of your ability of absorption, my arm will not regenerate unless I really want it to. Rather than the process being involuntary." - He explained.

{[New Task!]: Help Professor Paradox in the process of surgically install the new Chrononavigator.

[World - Ben 10]

[Status]: Incomplete.

[Performance]: -

[Reward]: ???

[Note]: "Don't talk to me about "old." I walk in eternity." - Professor Paradox.}

"Okay. So, do you want me to do this right here or...?"

"No rush young Poseidon. Time is something we have plenty of. Hahaha." - Paradox said teleporting them once again to Galvan Prime.

Arriving at Azmuth's laboratory, he was already waiting for them with several highly technological equipment.

"So you arrived. It was quite quick. Perhaps I should attribute this performance to the young Poseidon?" - He said impressed that someone with a single transformation experience, used the Omnitrix better than the main user who already has years of experience.

"No it's just that Ben plays a lot, or if he was really serious Aggregor would've died as soon as he faced him the first time, and all this mess wouldn't have happened." - Jonathan said, even being a diehard Ben 10 fan, he knew that most of the show only held him back to reach his full potential.

This was of course because the entire show was meant for kids and had a comedic tonality. That's why it's easy for everyone that write fanfics that the main character is reborn as Ben at the beginning of the series, to quickly become overpowered.

"Yeah, but what it's really important is that his heart is on the right track." - Paradox added.

Everyone nodded in agreement with his statement.

"Okay, we can start Paradox's procedure now." - Azmuth said.

Right after, his assistants brought a container with a mechanical gauntlet inside.

"Oh, cool I like the prosthetic gauntlet." - Jonathan praised.

"Thank you very much, I did the design myself and our friend Azmuth here helped me with the production and added some touches as well." - Paradox said looking at Azmuth smiling.

"Nah, you know I didn't do much. If it wasn't me, someone else could have done the job." - He replied.

Jonathan was speechless of how deep the friendship between Azmuth and Paradox really was. The series never delved too deeply into that.

"Young Poseidon the time has come." - Paradox said waking Jonathan from his thoughts.

"Oh, sure. I'm sorry I got a little distracted. What am I supposed to do?" - He asked getting ready for the procedure.

"Use your black dragon form that Paradox told me about earlier." - Azmuth instructed.

"Ah..." - It was the only thing that left Jonathan's mouth after he realized that it was obvious that they knew about that. "Sigh. Time travel... Never mind." - He sighed tired of so much complicated time travel shit.

Paradox just gave a wry smile.

"Don't even tell me. I'm too old for this." - Azmuth said with a faint smile.

Nothing else needed to be said. Then Jonathan in the form of [Rayquaza (Shiny)] opened his huge jaw. Next, Paradox placed his right arm inside Jonathan's mouth, at the specific height he wanted the prosthesis to be implanted.

Giving the signal to Jonathan, he wanted to avoid pain as much as possible. Then Jonathan closed his jaw so fast his teeth sparked.

"Garhg!" - Paradox wasn't as prepared as he thought and ended up letting out an involuntary scream of pain.

Due to the nature of Jonathan's [Ability], energy immediately began leaking from Paradox's severed arm. As a result, he began to age rapidly to the point where the hair on the sides of his head turned white.

As Jonathan quickly swallowed Professor Paradox's arm, Azmuth and his team quickly prepped him for the prosthetic implant surgery.

⟨New [Abilities] acquired!⟩

⟨[Abilities]: [Space and Time Manipulation], [Acasuality (Type 1)], [Madness Transcendence], [Teleportation], [Portal Creation], and [Pocket Reality] learned!⟩

⟨[Ability]: [Semi-Immortality] evolved into [Immortality (Type 1)]!⟩

⟨New [Techniques] acquired!⟩

⟨[Techniques]: [Time Resistance (5/5)] and [Planes Walker (5/5)] learned!⟩

'Holy shit! I knew that this guy was powerful, but not this insanely powerful!' - Jonathan thought shocked.

After a few hours Jonathan was waiting outside the operating room when Paradox returned with Azmuth with his prosthesis ready for action.

"So, everything went well?" - Jonathan asked looking at the metallic prosthesis on Paradox's right arm.

"Of course, after all time is on our side. Haha!" - Paradox joked a little while examining his new Chrononavigator. "Azmuth put a lot of nerve endings in the gauntlet, so nothing will really change. I'm just going to have to get used to the new size of my right hand." - He continued opening and closing his prosthetic hand.

"Professor you aged! What happened? Did something go wrong?" - Jonathan asked worried but already imagining why this happened.

"Haha. I'm fine. It was just a side effect of having a piece of my existence taken away from me. But don't worry, everything turned out as we'd expected." - He explained trying to comfort Jonathan.

"Please be more careful. Don't do things like this anymore I beg of you." - Jonathan was really worried. After all, in such a short time he begun to like Paradox's company and already considers him as a friend.

"Alright. Thank you, my friend." - He said content with Jonathan's character.

{[New Task!]: Help Professor Paradox in the process of surgically install the new Chrononavigator.

[World - Ben 10]

[Status]: Completed.

[Performance]: ???

[Reward]: ???

[Note]: "Don't talk to me about "old." I walk in eternity." - Professor Paradox.}

'Hmm? Question Marks? This never happened before.' - Jonathan thought intrigued.

"Okay, all right then. I think I can go home now, right?" - He said giving farewell.

"Oh, wait just a moment young Poseidon. I have a gift for you. Here. I believe you can keep this safer than me when you get out of this verse." - Paradox said extending his open hand as if to show something.

In his outstretched hand, appeared something with the power to shake the fabric of reality. This artifact left Jonathan in complete disbelief.

The Map of Infinity!



Hello dear readers... i know, I know y'all really thought that this was dropped right well it was but i received a comment these days from a guy with the pic of creepy Thomas the Engine and i felt that my life was in danger so I cheered up and returned to write this story.

i was completely hard stuck and without motivation to write this fic. But recently i started to watch the YT channel called Far From Weak and i begin to improve my decrepit unemployed life style 😭.

So I various ideas started to pop up in my brain and i finally decided the path that i wish to take so it's gonna be this way.

I'll slow down a bit, shorten the chapters for arou 2 thousand words and I'll develop more the characters. Unfortunately i have the defect of power creep and fast run no jokes get out of the way style.

But I'm trying to change and slow my pace down a little bit, leave my "zone of comfort".

So that's it for now there's no schedule of return but from time to time a new chapter may pop up, i don't know.

If you wanted to know how much times i rewrote this chapter 6 well more than 100 time no joke i even have 2 versions that i completely lose my shit if you want to see what could've been just ask me and I'll temporarily post it as auxiliary chapters.

That's it see y'all next chapter 😘

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