


Its been two months since I started working for the McCowell family and my moves on Henry were not working. He hasn't come close to me even for a second since I moved into this house. I had run out of ways to seduce him and I even went on the Internet to search other moves but I'm not sure anymore.

"Anya!" Tasha shouted from downstairs. I raced down. Didn't want to disappoint my boss before my plan of taking her husband from her. Tasha was too innocent and blind to everything that I was doing right under her nose.

"Yes. You called for me?" I asked.

"Yes. Can you do me a favour?" She said.

"What favour?" I asked curiously. Tasha was two years younger than me so she treated my like her older sister but didn't know that I was snake here to steal her husband.

"Henry is not going to make it for lunch so he asked for his food to be delivered at his office. Will you do that for me?"

This was an opportunity I had, the time alone with Henry, the time to steal his heart.

"Of course, you didn't have to ask Tasha. I will take the food to him." I smiled. Deep down I was shaking my head, this is the most foolish woman I ever seen.

"Thank you." She smiled back. "While you prepare, I will pack the food."

"Okay." I told her and headed back to my room while she went to the kitchen.

I took a quick shower, dried up and wore my favourite black under wear. I chose a short deep red dress, grabbed my black coat and three inch heels. After a final look on the mirror, satisfied, i raced downstairs making sure that my coat is covering what I'm wearing so that Tasha doesn't suspect anything.

"You look amazing." Tasha said once I walked in the kitchen.

"Thank you." I smiled looking down at myself.

"Here." Tasha gave me the packed lunch box after placing it in a bag. "You can take one of my cars."

"Okay. I will see you later." I said taking the bag and headed to Tasha's car keys board. I decided to take the jaguar. I actually wanted the Lamborghini but it belonged to Henry and he never allowed anyone to drive his cars except for his wife. Well, I was about to change that. I smiled as I walked towards the dark grey jaguar while twirling the keys on my fingers.

Within thirty minutes, I reached the McCowell building. I marched over to the reception.

"Hey, I want to see Mr McCowell. Is he in?" I said to the blondy sitting at the reception.

Before she could reply she gave a 'good' look, "Do you have an appointment?"

"Call and ask him." I said confidently making sure that she knows she doesn't stand a chance.

She picked her intercom, "Lisa, there is a lady here who wants to see Mr McCowell...." She mouthed name to me and I told her. "Anya Reynolds.... Yes... Okay." She was on hold and she gave me a glare again. "Yes, Okay."She turned to me and I smiled waiting for her to tell what to do, "Welcome to McCowell Constructions, if you go down that hall, use the elevator to the right and go on the first floor."

"Thank you." I smiled again and strode off confidently.

Once on the top floor, a young woman who seemed like an intern escorted me to Henry's office. I took breaths in and out. I knocked softly on the door.

"Come in." His voice was deep and i walked in closing the door behind me. "Oh Anya, thanks for bringing my lunch." He said as he looked up from his laptop.

"My pleasure." I smiled at him as I placed the bag on the table and started to remove my coat slowly so that I can put it on the coat rack. I picked up the bag and walked towards Henry. I knew I was affecting him because his dark blue eyes darkened with lust. He stood up heading towards me and we met in middle. Well, today I was definitely getting what I have been working for two months. We made sure all doors were locked before we went any further.

All our clothes were scattered on the floor while we were laying on the bed naked enjoying each and every second.

Like I expected, Henry knew what he was doing in bed. He was fantastic. We cuddled catching up our breathes.

Twenty minutes later, I broke the silence, "I think I should head home."

"Yes." He paused, "After I eat the food so that you can return with the lunches."

"Okay." I woke up from his chest, jumped off the bed and gathered all my clothes rushing to the bathroom. I was so happy the only thing left was to establish a relationship with him and find ways to remove his wife from his life. First I had to test how much he loves her. I quickly cleaned and dressed up exactly like when I walked in.

When I walked out Henry was already dressed in the same suit but different. He probably used another bathroom because room had two bathrooms. He looked hot with his sleeves rolled up making me want another round.

He probably spread the bed because it was back to normal like nothing happened. We then headed to his office and settled on his office couch while he ate.

After his lunch he turned to me, "what we did should remain a secret I don't want my wife to know that. You understand, right?

"Why are you still keeping that foolish woman around, it is obvious that your not meant to be together?" I asked curious and jealous. "I can tell she doesn't satisfy you, then why keep her? I can give you everything you cannot get from that bitc..." I didn't get the chance to finish he cut me off his face darkened with anger.

"Never talk about my wife like that ever again. Do you hear me Anya?" I simply nodded. "Never ever talk about Tasha like that."

Clearly he loved his wife deeply otherwise if he didn't he wouldn't have warned me against talking badly about his wife. What I didn't understand was why sleeping around with other women, If Tasha was everything to him.

"Okay. Sorry." I apologised. I had to figure out ways to drive Tasha out of his heart, soon. I wanted him to be mine only.

"Good." A knock on the door interrupted our conversation. Henry stood up and opened the door to reveal a red haired girl. He stepped aside so that she can enter.

"Henry, who is this?" She asked giving me a snarl look. I have competition.

"That's Anya. My housemaid." Henry replied. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you some lunch, I thought you might be hungry since you didn't come out of your office today." The woman said changing to a sweet voice. Too sweet in fact. I scoffed.

"Okay thanks but my wife has already sent me some lunch." Henry replied.

"Okay so can I join you guys?" She said looking at Henry then at me with scowl.

"Of course." Henry said but I wasn't happy with his answer. "Anya this is Cecilia my secretary and Cecilia, Anya."

"Nice to meet you." I said stretching my hand to her. She just gave me a quick shake and I swear I saw her rubbing her hand on her clothes.

Henry sat down besides me and started to eat the food I brought while Cecilia was busy with what she brought. The entire time she was giving me a stinky eye probably trying to tell me to back off.

Henry finished his food, all of it. To tell the truth Tasha knows how to please a man's tummy even us women. She's a great cook. If I was in Henry position I wouldn't dare eat outside.

"Thanks Anya." Henry said as he started to pack the lunch boxes in the bag. I just smiled at him as I stood up ready to leave.

"I'm going back home before Tasha begin to worry." I told him.

"Yes." Henry agreed. "Let me walk you out." He wore his blazer and motioned me to follow him.

"Bye Cecilia, it was nice knowing you." I said and marched out with Henry in front of me. Cecilia was fuming I could feel it. Its kind of funny she's intimated by me and also she was insecure with me around Henry. he's mine bitch. I thought.

It took me twenty five minutes to reach the McCowell mansion. My heart was beating fast.

"Hey, Anya. What took you so long?" That was the first statement when I got into the house.

"Henry asked me to wait until he finishes his lunch so that I would take the lunches back home with me." I replied.

"How could he? He could have just come with the lunches after work." Tasha said. "Anyway thank you. I have cooked lunch for both of us."

"Okay. I will just go and change." Before I could turn around a knock on the door grabbed our attention. "I will get it."

I opened the door which revealed a black haired lady who looked like a model straight from the runway. I gave her a smile but her face turned into a frown.

"Who are you?" She asked looking at me up and down as if she's sizing me up.

"Anya, my name is Anya Reynolds." I stretched my hand to her still smiling.

She shook it but she still had a frown on her face. I have never seen her before so I thought maybe she's Tasha's friend or Henry's other mistress. Jealous caught me a little when I thought of her as Henry's mistress.

"Is Tasha in?" She asked making me sigh in relief. She's not Henry's mistress.

"Yes, Of course. Oh where are my manners, please come in." I said smiling again.

She walked in and went straight to the sitting. She definitely knew the house because she walked with much confidence. Maybe she has been here before. I just followed after shutting the door.

A scream startled me as I came into view. Tasha and the lady were hugging.

"Cleo! Oh My God." Tasha screamed again.

"Hey girl, missed me?" The so called Cleo said with the same excitement as Tasha. I could tell they were close friends. Tasha just nodded and hugged Cleo again

"When did you get back? Why didn't you tell me you were coming back? How's Pete and everyone?" Tasha threw daggers of questions at her.

"Slow down Tasha. I came back two weeks ago. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you. Pete and everyone are fine." Cleo replied as they took seats side by side. That's when Cleo saw me again and pointed a thumb at me. "Who's that?"

"Oh, that's my new housemaid, Anya. Anya meet Cleopatra my best friend." Tasha introduced both of us.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"You too." Cleo said but she had this look that told me that she doesn't trust me at all.

"Do you want anything?" I asked her.

"No, I'm good." She replied still giving me that look.

"Okay. I will excuse myself. Tasha I will be in my room if you need me."


I headed toward the kitchen with the bag with dirty lunch boxes but I could still hear the excited ladies in the sitting.

"You hired a maid?" I could hear Cleo say while I was in the kitchen.

"Yes, I needed some help, things were getting tough for me so I decided to hire one."

"Have you forgotten what happened with the other ones?"

"Yes, I know but Henry has changed so don't worry."

"Okay. So how's my favorite children and where are they." Cleo changed the topic.

"At school. They are fine." Tasha paused. "So to what do I owe this visit from the tigress herself."

"I came here to tell you important news." I can't believe I was eavesdropping on their conversation. I peeked to see, Cleo brought up her hand with a ring on it. "Ta-da."

"OMG, he finally popped the question." Tasha said examining the ring.

"He finally did. He said he wanted to start a family and I'm pregnant." Cleo beamed making Tasha scream with excitement again.

"Oh My God, i m so happy for you. Congratulations Cleo." Tasha squealed "So when is the wedding?"

"Thank you." Cleo paused. "In two weeks."


"I'm also here to ask you and Henry to join bride&groom team. Trust me, I wanted you to be my maid of honor but Pete beat me to it by choosing his best friend and wife."

"Its okay honey, but you know Henry doesn't like being on the bride&groom team."

"Yeah I know. So I have a solution for that."


"Just bribe him with sex or something he likes. Remember when we played truth or dare."

"No, I will never do that again, Never."

"Oh come on what's the worst that could happen." Cleo paused. "Come to think of it, you never told us what he did to you when we dared you to sex talk with him on the phone."

"I will never tell you its personal and all you need to know is that I got punished for that."

"Oh, did the punishment involve sex equipments and spanking while naked?" Cleo said laughing and Tasha 's face turned red. "Oh or you have your own red room just like Christian and Anna from Fifty Shades?"

"Oh come on, you're still watching those kind of movies?" Tasha tried to divert the topic but to no avail.

"I always knew that Henry was the Christian Grey kind of guy." Cleo laughed again. "So you will have to be on my wedding team. Bribe him with sex if you have to sleep with him for seven hours per day the whole week just do it, you hear me? "

"I will never bribe Henry with sex."

"Awww poor thing you are still haunted by that punishment." Cleo cooed making Tasha blush even more. That made me curious to know what Henry did to her.

I decided to stop eaves dropping and headed to my room wondering what Henry did to Tasha. Judging by the way he slept with me in the office, I knew he probably did something extraordinary that only he and Tasha know. But what?


Guess what? I too I'm curious

LandeTatecreators' thoughts