
Chapter 16: Exam Results

- One Week later -

They still hadn't bought any land where they could build their mansion, so the family of two was still living in their old home.

The reason for that is also simple to explain.

They rather use the money they earn to go fishing and don't want to waste it on a plot of land.

In the future, they could do that when they have more money, but now it would be a waste.

After Nezu bought the product from Izuku's site, the family got some money to spend, but they decided to use all of the money for fishing.

Even after paying taxes, they still had 300.000 Dollars from the previous 500.000 Dollars to use for what they wanted.

They decided to wait until the fishing spot was at a place that they would like to visit and then just do a vacation at that spot. 

Since they now had some money, they didn't bother to wait until the spot was near them again since it would be a massive waste of time that could go on for years.

Rather than waiting for the spot to come to them, they prefer to just do a vacation, get some good things from the fishing, and sell some of them online on their site.

Since their site now has a positive review from the principal of the U.A., who tested the product on someone, their site gained some fame for its mysterious items.

Many even asked when they finally released one more of these wonder medicines.

Unknown to the family of two and Nejire is that Nezu, after confirming the fact that the medicine is really working, also decided to quickly encrypt the site of one of his future students so his information wouldn't be spread to the whole world.

He encrypted the site of Izuku so that nobody, not even the government, could find Izuku's real identity. 

Even after Izuku paid his taxes from the sales, they could not find the boy.

With Nezu's high-spec quirk that gave him a massive I.Q., it wasn't hard for him to hide Izuku's identity.

In this regard, Izuku was too naive. 

Selling something like that on an online site where your I.D. is written on is dangerous.

Nezu knew how the government in Japan and other countries is.

If they found out who sold these wonder medicines, they would instantly capture Izuku without even saying a word.

It would be different if Izuku were a powerful Hero, but unfortunately, this wasn't the case, so he has to be hidden from the world, thought Nezu to himself when he encrypted the site.

He also gave a gag order to the teachers, who he told that Izuku created the site.

Luckily, almost no Hero liked the government, so there was no problem that they would report something like that to them.

Back to the topic of the current fishing spot and why the family wants to avoid visiting it.

The reason for that is easy. 

The spot is in the U.S.

That in itself would be fine since they also wanted to visit the U.S. in the future, so the country itself is not the problem.

No, the problem was that the spot where they could fish was only minutes away from the location where Izuku's father lived with his new family, and they didn't want to meet them.

– In the small Apartment of the Midoriya's -

It was one week after the Entrance Exam, and today is when the Exam results should come per post.

Inko, Izuku, and Nejire all sat on the couch and didn't say anything, which in itself was a wonder since Nejire was never quiet.

All of them were nervous. Even though they knew that there was no way Izuku would fail the test, there was still some tension in the air.

After waiting for some minutes in the quiet of the room, the sound of the doorbell ringing suddenly came from inside the house.

The tension-filled Inko stood up from her spot and went to the door to accept the post they got.

And as expected, the letter from the U.A. was also entailed.

She couldn't help but stumble back into the living room, giving the letter into the hands of Izuku.

Before anyone could react, Nejire suddenly took the letter from Izuku's hand and opened it instantly under the shocked eyes of the parent and child duo.

"Oh, come on, guys. Don't be so intense. There is no way my little Izuku would fail the Exam." Nejire stated with some leisure and a hidden nervousness in her voice, taking the small disc from the letter and bringing it to the table.

They already knew what would happen since they had also opened Nejire's letter together in the past, so they weren't shocked when a hologram of a mouse-looking person suddenly appeared.

"Ehhhhh, the principal recorded your message?!" Nejire exclaimed with some jealousy in her voice since she had only gotten a message from that black-haired, sloppy-looking man in the past.

"That's right. It's me, Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but more importantly... I'm the principal!" said the hologram, making weird postures while saying everything.

"Wasn't he the one that bought that medicine from the shop?" Inko asked with some surprise in her voice.

The hologram, obviously only a recording, suddenly called out Izuku's exam results and said that Izuku would be readily accepted into the Hero Course.

A ranking list was still being shown at the end of the recording.

Izuku was in first place with 53 Villain Points and 65 Rescue Points.

"So, young men, I anticipate you're joining my school in one month. Additional information will be sent to you in one week. And last, I also want to add that you should be more careful in selling such dangerous items online where your information is public for everyone to see. There are many bad people in this world, and you wouldn't want anything to happen to yourself or your family." Nezu said with some foreboding in his voice.

When the three people heard that, they couldn't help but pale. They didn't think of that fact at all! What should they do?

"But don't worry. I encrypted your site so no one knows your information, and you can sell in the future without worrying. A small tip: showing yourself before being powerful enough could easily be your downfall." These were the last words of the recording before it ended, and not even 5 seconds later, the disc destroyed itself.

"We have to be more careful in the future," stated Inko with a pale face, bringing the other two to agree instantly.


At the same time, at a house near the Midoriya's, you could hear someone screaming for the whole neighborhood to hear.


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