
my hero academia: the chronicles of Henry stickman

long story short,guy finds survey and is now in my hero academia with Henry stickman’s power of reference.

Thelostswordman · Cómic
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19 Chs

(15)a tag match! a distraction?!


We were all seated when we heard the booming voice of all might came in and we all see him in a costume, and from what everyone is saying it's the silver age costume.

"Alright everyone! You all can't become heroes without your costume!" He said pushing a button on a remote and we all see our costumes in briefcases .

"Make sure to find your name on your briefcase and head to battlefield gamma! Oh and Henry the support course aren't done with your costume but they made you a prototype." All might says as I open the latches and I see it in all its glory.

"Time to put this ass in some spandex!" I mutter as we head to the locker rooms.

(If everyone is wondering his costume, it's based on Deadpool's costume from Deadpool and wolverine without the mask, though I may add some deathstroke elements to it in the future)


(Boys locker room)

I was half way changing into my costume when izuku came up, "hey Henry, why are you wearing red? Wont that make you easy to spot?" He asked as I zipped up the armored shirt.

"Oh! So bad guys don't see me bleed!" I reply as I point at kirishima, "kirishima gets it! He's wearing black pants!" I say as I walk out onto the field and I see two boxes beside all might.

"Am I the only one here?" I ask him as he nods, "so how's the suit Young Henry?" He asks as I say it's working quite nice, and as we were talking everyone was starting to walk towards us as i went back to talk with the others.

"Alright everyone! Before I begin, you all look amazing in your costumes! Now then, today we are doing a game of heroes versus villains! Now then, reach into this box and you will find a letter, your partner will be the one with the same letter!" He says as bakugo reaches in and grabs his slip and walks away.

Soon we all managed to get our teams.

Team 1) izuku and uraraka

Team 2) iida and bakugo

Team 3) tokoyami and hagakure

Team 4)todoroki and shoji

Team 5)Charles and Ellie

Team 6)Mina and kirishima

Team 7)momo and Henry

Team 8) kaminari and sato

Team 9)asui and jiro

Team 10)aoyama and toga

"Alright the evens will be villains and the odds will be heroes! Now then team one and team two take their stage! Villain team gets a ten minute prep time! And begin!" All might says as bakugo and iida make their way into the building as everyone else went to the observation room.

(I forgot the events of the first hero class, so I said fuck it and now they go down the line with evens as villains and odds as heroes.)

And let's just say…that the first few fights went about the way I expected them to be, except for one difference, izuku was able to use his power and not break his body! It seems that total concentration breathing constant(TCBC) managed to make him even sturdier than his other counterpart.

"Congrats on not destroying you body midoriya!" I say to him as I slap his back but he winced a bit, "could you please not do that? While my body isn't broken, my body is incredibly sore at the moment." He said as I apologize and I walk over to momo.

"Hey momo, you mind coming with me so we can talk? In private." I ask her and she blushes furiously before ultimately finding a nearby broom shed and we sit.

"S-so what do you want to talk about Henry?!" She said and I can tell she was overthinking things as all I wanted to do was make a strategy.

"Okay first, I'm wanting to make a strategy without being eavesdropped, so please get your head out of your closeted gutter." I say making her gasp in shock and then she said he'd as she got serious.

"Okay…so what ideas do you have?" She asked as I think about how exactly I can work our powers together.

"Okay so kaminari has an electric based quirk so I say he will probably be sent away from the target by at least a floor or two, so I'll need you to cover me in rubber and I'll make him short circuit his brain making him go dumb." I suggest as momo nods in understanding.

"Wow that is quite impressive, while I understand why you want to be covered in rubber, but how are we going to deal with sato? He gains super strength with the consumption of sugar doesnt he?"momo says as I think about how to take down someone with super strength.

"What about a slow working sleeping gas? I believe that if you make a fan near a vent and fan the gas into the vents we could weaken them both allowing east capture." I suggest as she thinks over the idea.

"Well I haven't learned any of those formulas yet, so what about a bottle of chloroform and a rag?" She also suggests and all I can say was while it was creative i didn't think that was very heroic.

"Okay we'll do the rubber idea for kaminari, as for sato we just cover the floor in water and using a taser electrocute sato and I'll tackle him, will that work?" I say getting a nod and just like that it was our turn as we wait for our time go go up the floors.

And after we hear a beep we begin our ascent, so far we had nothing on the first and second floors, and considering we had six floors we'll need to figure it out fast.

But it was when we made our way to the fifth floor did I hear voices, "cmon sato, those two are a dealt combination together, so why not just electrocute them and we win?" I hear kaminari say as I could have sworn he said something about also hurting the normie.

"No can do man, if you do that you'll go stupid, so I say let me handle Henry, and while he's distracted you deal with momo." Sato says as I see new options appear.

Choose one option

1)run past them

2)throw a rock

3)woopie cushion


Reward for first pick being right: observation haki(beginner)

"Uh…Henry? What am I seeing?" I hear a voice behind me and I froze, momo wasn't frozen like the others.

"Uh…this is…my quirk at work." I say before making her promise to keep my quirk secret.

"Okay…so you get choices and you get rewarded with new aspects of you choose right on the first try?" She summarized as I nod.

"Okay so I'm going to be a distraction and you move past them and touch the bomb, got it?" I say and she nods as she gets serious.

And like that time resumes and I run into the room the villains were in and everyone heard music as my body starts dancing on its own.

Sato and kaminari were nodding there heads for a few seconds as they get lost in the distraction and start dancing with me as momo moves closer to the bomb and before we knew it she touched the bomb declaring our victory!


Hope you all enjoy this chapter, it was a fun idea as I forgot how they did all nights first class but I decided to do it my way, making it fun.

But I hope you all like Henry's costume as I couldn't think of anyone more fitting for Henry to dress up as.

But with that I'll see you tomorrow for the next installment,peace😁✌️

have a good night all!

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts