
Amaterasu & Saint Flames

While the only anime I watched was Boku no Hero, this doesn't mean I never researched on others animes, therefore, I immediately recognized this flame: Amaterasu.

The flame which is considered the most deadly through the entire world, universe or multiverse if they exist, it's one that can't be extinguished by anything during 7 days and 7 nights, this is what I learnt after reading Itachi Uchiha (from Naruto franchise) wikipedia, it's a character that I admire and respect profundly, he chose to be the villain just to give his younger brother a clear path and save the village.

Anyway, I don't think it's just 7 days and 7 nights purely because it was limited by the MS (Mangekyou Sharingan), this means that my flames won't stop unless the target is dead or there isn't anything to burn anymore, this means that if I can't tune it down, I'll be pretty much considered a villain.

Don't ask me why but this flames seems familiar and wanting to make it change probably won't be difficult, I guess, I just need to imagine it becoming less.... dangerous? Anyway, I thought it would be easy but here am I, for almost an hour trying to make it family friendly, this means, make it the flame that don't kill everyone.

Fortunately, I finally managed to tune it down after more thirty minutes, the black flame with white marking slowly became a beautiful dark green with light green highlights, I have to say, I almost fell in love with the flame, just joking, somehow, I just know that this flame name is 'Saint Flames', once again, I just know.

Just by the way, I don't remember my past life name or my relatives, everything else, I remember, anyway, I'm excited to say about my quirk to my mom, though it's extremely rare and almost impossible, there's indeed people deemed quirkless that awakened a quirk after a huge shock.

My 'huge shock' was in fact, my death, of course, I don't recommend experiencing death, 'kay? Let me tell you something: You die! Yeah, I'm sherlock holmes, just joking, after a hour, I had already adapted to my new, child body;

After standing up, I opened the door, it was a bit difficult as I'm short but I still managed to do it, then, I ran towards the living room, where my mom, Midoriya Inko, was talking at the cellphone ''Mr. Yaoyorozu, then, it's settled! Tomorrow, I'll bring Izuku to your dojo!''

''Hm? Mom, who was that?'' I asked, curious as the surname Yaoyorozu is familiar, my mom smiled warmly before saying excitedly

''Izuku, you don't know but the Yaoyorozu family Martial Arts dojo is the most popular through our entire country and it's even near U.A High School, the most prestigious hero school!''

''B-but, we will be able to pay?'' I asked, while our family aren't poor, I know that we aren't rich either, I don't want my mom working overtime just to let me enter a Martial Arts Dojo.

''Don't worry, dear. They're popular not only because the teacher is a master in Martial Arts but also because the fees aren't high, it's accessible to us'' My mom laughed at my comment and reassured me, this is really a relief, wait, I came here to show her my quirk, I almost forgot!

''Mom, I want to show you something! I awakened my quirk, I don't know how but after you left, I could feel my quirk!'' I said with a huge smile on my face, oh, just by the way, seeing from both eyes is amazing, I wasn't just blind, I literally didn't had my left eye, the skin of my left eye was closed, I couldn't even try to open it.

''Really? Are you sure, Izuku?'' She asked me with a concerned expression, not sure if I was hallucinating.

''Yeah! Look at this, I can control flames, just like dad can breathe fire!'' I said excitedly before raising my hand, above it was a dark green flame with light green highlights, a beautiful sight by the way.

My excited smile seemed to contaminate my mom as her face also showed a happy smile ''Congratulations, dear, I'm so happy but this doesn't mean you won't join the Martial Arts Dojo of Mr. Yaoyorozu, right?'' her happy smile changed into a extremely dangerous one, I swear that this is the first time I felt fear on my life and that even if All For One were here, he would piss his pants.

''No can do, of course I will join the Martial Arts Dojo, I want to be the hero that will surpass All Might and for that I need to put effort, I can't trust only my quirk!'' I said with a serious face, alas, it only looked extremely cute because I'm still a little kid, anyway, it seems that Izuku memories also changed my mentality a bit.

I originally was a person that believed others could change but this doesn't mean I wanted to save them, however, now, everytime I see All Might action figure, I want to watch his video saving hundreds of people countless times and surpass him in the future, I also have the urge to be a hero or note down about other heroes information of their quirks.

Aside from the thing about watching All Might video countless times, everything is good as I now have the determination to be one, well, tomorrow will be a busy day to me so I need to sleep well.

I'm excited about entering the most popular Martial Arts Dojo of the entire country!

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