4 Entrance Exam

Cloud walked into the testing area and looked around at the wreckage of buildings. He was silent and slowly observing his surroundings, not going too fast, and not too slow.

Suddenly a robot with a '40' on the side of it's head appeared and attacked Cloud.

Cloud's eyes sharpened and he moved like a snake, dodging the metal fist and drawing his katana, cutting the robot's outstretched arm off. Cloud kicked the robot's knee joint and snapped the metal in the wrong direction before slicing up, decapitating the robot and walking away, leaving the sound of his katana clicking back into place as he passed.

In the viewer room

Present Mic was watching with other teachers and the principal. Aizawa, who was there to watch Cloud's progress, was satisfied and slightly happy. Present Mic whistled and said "I haven't seen a kid take a 40 pointer down like that since our exam!" Aizawa nodded and replied "Fluid movements and quick thinking. The boy has potential."

The rest of the teachers were silent and a mouse was sitting in a chair staring at Cloud as he said "This is the boy without a quirk?" Aizawa looked at the mouse and nodded wordlessly. The mouse was silent before for a moment before saying "A Quirkless boy using a katana..." he looked over at Aizawa and his eyes turned slightly as he said "This is the boy you took in?"

The other teachers looked at Aizawa in surprise, not knowing this information before. Aizawa looked at the mouse once more before stating "That's right." the mouse was silent for a few seconds before turning back to the screen and muttering "Interesting. We'll see if he can make it.. If not.." the mouse gave Aizawa a side glance and narrowed his eyes slightly as he added "He can forget about it."

Aizawa frowned slightly and said nothing as he turned his attention back to the screens. The room was completely silent after that.

On the testing grounds

Cloud looked up to a building and saw a giant robot with a 80 of it's head roaring as it grabbed on to the side of the building. Cloud stopped and looked up and tilted his head before kicking a rock up in the air, he jumped with the rock and spun in the air as he kicked the rock into the sky.

The rock shot forward and smashed into the robot's head, exploding on impact. The damage was minimal but the objective was reached. The robot turned it's head and looked down at Cloud before jumping off the building towards him.

Cloud watched as the robot fell to the ground and charged at him. He remained motionless, as if he was paralyzed with fear. The robot got closer and Cloud's eyes lit up as the robot was a foot away from him. He was about to move when there was an explosion in front of him, causing the robot to back off.

Cloud looked over at the interference and saw a boy with spiky blonde hair glaring at the robot. Cloud frowned as the boy walked over. Cloud turned his attention back to the robot and ignored the boy as he shot towards the robot abruptly, catching the boy by surprise.

Cloud ducked under a punch and swept his leg out, knocking the robot off it's feet and letting it fall to the ground. Before it could fall, he jumped up towards the robot's head and drew his katana before stabbing down right through the robot's head, pinning it to the ground.

He didn't stop there and took out his katana before lifting his leg and kicking the head off the robot, sending it flying into a building and breaking through the building walls. Cloud glanced at the building before giving the blonde boy a look and taking it back as he left, clicking his katana into place.

The blonde boy shivered at the look Cloud gave him, he felt like he was being stared at by a venomous cobra. He grot his teeth and cursed the kid before leaving in a different direction.

Cloud continued to destroy robots. He was surprised by the katana being able to cut through metal. He held it out as he walked and flicked the blade, getting a low hum in response and nodded before sheathing it again. It was probably made with some carbon based alloy, infinitely stronger than the katana he used before.

It wasn't an issue in the future as he probably wouldn't be fighting many more robots, so he forgot about it. It worked and that's all he needed to know.

Cloud continued through the city when he sensed something. He looked up and saw a boy falling from the sky along with a girl trapped under a pile of rubble, clearly anxious about the situation. Cloud looked at the girl and found her familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw her.

Nevertheless, he wasn't going to let the boy who tried to fly, die. So he jumped up and caught the kid before landing back on the ground. Cloud looked at the green haired boy in his hand and dropped him to the ground before continuing along, minding his own business.

The green haired boy let out a breath of relief and looked at Cloud's back before saying "Thanks! I'm Izuku!" Cloud just waved over his shoulder as the buzzer sounded, signifying the end of the physical test. Izuku looked a bit awkward and didn't know what to say, luckily the brown haired girl started talking to him and brought his attention away from Cloud.

Cloud barely managed to hear the buzzer through his headphones, but still heard it in the end and started walking back to the meeting point. When he got back, he saw the giant crowd being ushered into the building to take the second part of the exam, which was the written test. Cloud followed along and walked into the building with everyone else.

A while later

Cloud opened the door to Aizawa's house and went to his room. He changed out of his outfit and put on shorts and a t-shirt before walking downstairs, opening the sliding glass door and starting his daily training. Just because he had an exam didn't mean he was going to take a break today, in fact, he was going to train even harder than before.

The robot's weren't a problem but the other kids were, he needed to be ready for any Quirk in any situation at any time. He started on a punching bag before going off to weight training when his arms and legs got tired. He constantly put his body under immense stress and pressure, trying to break the limits of his body on a daily basis.

Just like how Quirks have developed in humans, the Human body has evolved as well. Everybody in the world had a tough body, if compared to the bodies of humans before humanity had developed Quirks, it would be an astronomical difference.

Not only were the bodies tougher but they had much more potential as well, for example if someone had trained constantly and broke the limits of their bodies they would possess immense strength! The difference between a normal person and a person who has broken their limits time and time again, was like night and day.

They just couldn't be compared! It was like getting super strength for a quirk, but everyone could possess it! The problem was that the amount of torture and training required to achieve this was astronomical. It was the process of putting your body in a constant state of repair and destruction, going over what your body can handle and reforming the muscle to get used to it and adapt to gain the strength required to do the task without it being strenuous.

This is what Cloud was doing. Why didn't everybody else do it? Well because normal people didn't have the will to train like a maniac and destroy their body, not to mention that Quirkless people were often shrugged off and left behind to rot. They had extremely low self esteem and even gave up on themselves when they heard that they didn't have a Quirk.

The suicide rate for Quirkless people was as high as 68%! Not to mention there was so little of them, this percentage was extremely high! It was almost 7/10! Naturally, Cloud didn't care about other people or what they thought. He just continued to train and ignored the pain in his body, it was as if his body was screaming at him to stop but he shrugged it off and continued.

He knew in his mind that if he stopped now, he would collapse. If he collapsed he couldn't continue and if he couldn't continue then others would pass him. He had a goal and nothing would stop him.

The sun fell and the moon rose

Cloud was breathing heavily and doing push-ups, dripping sweat and shaking intensely with every rep. His vision suddenly blurred and he exploded up, finishing the rep before collapsing face first to the ground and passing out.

Aizawa stepped out from the house and looked at Cloud on the floor silently. He thought about what the principal said to him and mumbled "You better be ready kid... Your whole life is going to be filled with obstacles.." he sighed to himself and picked Cloud up, bringing him to his room and dropping him in his bed. He gave Cloud a final glance before closing the door and leaving.

Cloud woke up the next day at 8 am and did his morning routine. After eating breakfast he immediately went to the backyard and started training again. Aizawa watched as Cloud's training went through all day until the moon was out. Cloud collapsed again and Aizawa picked him up as he had been doing for years now.

Aizawa felt something was different but he couldn't put his finger on it. He looked at Cloud in his hands and thought silently as he threw him in his bed and left.

The days passed like this.

A week after the exam, Cloud received a letter congratulating him on making it into UA. He glanced at it for a second and after he saw the congratulations, he threw it back on the table. He didn't bother to read the rest, all he needed to know what that he was accepted. The rest didn't concern him at all. What class he was in wasn't important. He took the first step is what he cared about.

Time slowly passed and a few months later

Cloud did his morning routine and got dressed in the UA school uniform. He looked in the mirror and tilted his head slightly. His bangs fell to one side, revealing half of his face. Cloud was silent and took off his blazer before putting on a hoodie then wearing the UA blazer over it. His hair fell back into place, covering half his face and he loosened his tie, leaving a bit of his chest exposed.

He threw his hood over his head and put his katana on his back, along with his school bag, before grabbing a few fruits and leaving the house. He plugged his ear phones in his ears and played music as he walked to UA once again.

Cloud arrived at the school and looked up at the building before walking inside expressionlessly. He took a paper from his pocket and wandered around the school before finding his room. He stopped before the door and looked at the sign on the side that had '1-A' on it.

Cloud was expressionless and his pink tipped grey hair peek out from the side of his hood as he pushed open the door and walked inside.

The loud classroom quieted down and a group of eyes looked at him. Cloud stopped in front of the door and scanned the room with sharp eyes, he stopped briefly on the blonde haired boy from the physical test before moving on and walking to an empty seat near the window. The room got several degrees colder with Cloud's presence and only the sound of his steps rang in the classroom as the rest shivered slightly.

Cloud hooked his school bag on the hanger on the side of his desk and sat in his seat. He leaned his elbow on the desk and rested his head on his hand as he looked out the window, ignoring the rest completely.

The class was unnerved and anxious. The silence was abnormal, but nobody said anything about it. When Cloud scanned the room they felt danger, like they were sitting in a snake pit. Actually, it wasn't Cloud's fault. It was a new environment and he just did what he normally did and accessed the danger for himself.

It's not that he thought the school was dangerous or a trap but it had become a habit. The classroom was dead silent before the door opened again revealing Izuku, who had just stumbled into the room and almost fell face first.

Izuku caught himself and his face turned red from embarrassment. A kid with glasses walked up to him and they started talking, easing the atmosphere in the room as the rest slowly started talking with the exception of two. The blonde boy from the physical test and a boy who had white and red hair. They both snuck glances at Cloud with interest.

Cloud paid no attention to them at all and kept looking out the window, wondering when the teacher was supposed to be here. Suddenly he heard a thud next to him. He turned his head to see Izuku looking around anxiously.

Cloud looked at him for barely a second but Izuku noticed immediately and seeing a familiar face he hurriedly said "Hey! Thanks for saving me at the exam! I never got your name!" Cloud was about to turn back but Izuku had already spoken. He remembered Aizawa telling him something about being polite and introducing himself.

Izuku started to get awkward because Cloud was just staring at him and not saying anything. The rest of the class heard Izuku and were silently paying attention to the duo while they talked about meaningless things to cover up their actions.

Cloud looked at Izuku for a few moments while narrowing his eyes, Izuku was a bit pressured and was about to turn his head when Cloud said in an extremely hoarse voice "Cloud." before turning back to the window and ignoring him again.

Izuku scratched his head in embarrassment but smiled a little feeling he had made a new friend. He looked around and it seemed that the rest of the class was paying attention to him now, which made him flustered. He wasn't used to attention and apparently he was worthy of attention by just talking to Cloud, maybe if he knew this would happen he wouldn't have opened his mouth.

The desk in front of Izuku was occupied by the brown haired girl and she made her presence known by turning around and smiling at Izuku as she said "Hey Izuku! What's up!" Izuku blushed a bit and stuttered slightly as he said "N-Nothing much, what a-about you, O-Ochako?"

Ochako was the name of the girl with the brown hair and apparently she had some sort of falling prevention Quirk. Cloud didn't really know but every time Izuku fell, she would make a move and he would be saved. Thus labeling her as the 'Fall-Free girl'.

Ochako, who had no idea her Quirk had already given her a terrible label, looked at Cloud and hesitated before finally saying "I'm Ochako, nice to meet you!" Cloud glanced at her with the corner of his eyes before grunting in response, which was considered a greeting. He was actually feeling aggrieved because he felt a headache coming on, he had a bad feeling he was going to have to start talking a lot more. Not ideal.

Ochako froze and felt a vein throb on her forehead. Izuku coughed and said quickly "Ochako, that's just the way he is. Don't mind it." Ochako let out a breath before turning to Izuku and smiling again as she said sweetly "Okay!" Izuku made a goofy smile and they started talking about likes and interests.

Cloud couldn't be bothered to pay attention but something was bugging him. The girl in front of him had long black hair and kept looking at him with her make-up mirror. He glanced at her eyes in the mirror and she immediately closed it with a straight face. Cloud started to ignore everyone again as he looked out the window, finally getting some peace as the class calmed down and started doing their own thing as they waited for the teacher.

Finally after what felt like forever, Aizawa walked in and said "I'm your homeroom teacher. You can call me Mr. Aizawa or Sensei or whatever I don't really care." the class was startled and Cloud looked over to see Aizawa in a sleeping bag on the desk in the class.

He tilted his head at Aizawa, who just looked at him for a moment before saying "Come get your P.E uniforms and put them on. Meet me outside when you're finished." P.E uniforms magically shot out of the sleeping bag towards all of the students.

Cloud stood up and caught the one flying at him as he left the class alone. The rest of the class followed after him and went to the changing rooms.

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