
My Hero Academia: Fire Dragon Slayer Hero

Wish Fulfilment Heroic Izuku. Cringe romances. Massive harem. ========= What if Izuku met Igneel who appeared in his dream. what if he trained under him and became a dragon slayer. This is the story of the Fire King Dragon Slayer hero. MHA x Dragon Maid x Fairy tail x Multiverse. I'll be reusing some of the parts of my Savitar while speeding up the pace a bit.

Try_hard · Cómic
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45 Chs

Chapter 15 - Transformation

I wonder if I should add Anya as a Daughter? Then add Yor Briar later? Your thoughts?

Also please help me set up scenarios where the girls can be added. I want to add everyone but I don't know how they'll meet Izuku and interact with him.

Anyway, I have 3 chapters ahead of this. So I can change things in those chapters if I want to.


A week passed, and Inko was both shocked and curious to learn about Tohru's unexpected arrival. Despite her surprise, she welcomed Tohru with open arms, extending the warmth and hospitality she was known for. Izuku, eager to share the news, messaged his friends, who were equally astonished by this news.

As soon as the girls heard about Tohru, they couldn't help but feel annoyed, quickly piecing together that Izuku's actions had likely attracted yet another admirer into his already considerable circle of pursuers. They had spent several months getting to know Izuku, during which time they had learned the truth about his magic and its origins.

At first, the news was shocking, but everyone quickly accepted Tohru's presence and moved on with their lives. However, the curiosity about the other worlds lingered in their minds, sparking countless questions and fantasies.

Meanwhile, Tohru insisted on helping out around the house, and Inko happily accepted her offer, putting Tohru to work as a waitress in her restaurant. Unexpectedly, the maid outfit suited Tohru perfectly, highlighting her charm and making her a popular addition to the staff. Izuku couldn't help but blush whenever he saw her in the outfit, much to the amusement of his mother and predecessors.

Diagoro, never one to miss an opportunity for a good tease, poked fun at Izuku's obvious infatuation. However, his playful jabs were quickly silenced by Nana, who smacked him lightly to keep him in check.

They didn't often train in Dagobah, as everyone still had school works that took up most of their time. Despite their busy schedules, Izuku found himself getting along well with Tohru.

She seemed much more carefree and happy compared to when they first met, a stark contrast to her earlier antics. This shift in her demeanor made their interactions more pleasant and relaxed, and Izuku enjoyed seeing this new, cheerful side of Tohru.

At present, it was a Saturday, and the time had come for their training session. Tohru joined Izuku since she had brought them away from Dagobah and found an island for them to use in case things get out of hand.

She was introduced to his friends. As soon as they saw her, a spark of competition ignited among them, recognizing her as a new rival for Izuku's affection. Meanwhile, Izuku remained blissfully oblivious to the budding rivalry unfolding around him.

All Might, observing from the sidelines, couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Izuku. Managing the interest of one woman was challenging enough, but dealing with multiple admirers was a headache that All Might was glad to avoid.

"This is awesome!!" Camie said as she felt the strong gust of wind.

"There goes one on my bucket list about riding a dragon." Jiro said.

"How are you holding up, Tohru-san?" Itsuka asked.

"I'm fine, normally I won't do this but since you all are Izuku's friends then I'll do it." Tohru said since she is from the chaos faction and dislikes humans but can't deny she's growing to like them.

"Seriously, this is really nice, Tohru-san." Himiko gleefully said.

"Careful now." Izuku said as everyone rode in Tohru's back until they finally arrived on a large island that didn't have people around. They soon gathered on the shore and began to start their training.

"So you're going to teach Mizuna and Izuku transformation magic?" one of the girls asked, her curiosity piqued. Despite their interest, none of the girls had the time to invest in learning new magic skills. They preferred to focus on honing their current abilities, believing that mastering what they already knew would serve them better in the immediate future.

"Yes, because Igneel couldn't hold it for long. The rapid growth of my power means it's only a matter of time before I become a dragon." Izuku explained. Unlike Natsu, who had time for Igneel to permanently prevent his dragon transformation, Izuku's situation was different. The rapid increase in his abilities made it impossible to delay or stop the transformation. Unless Igneel could seal his magic, there was no way to prevent him from becoming a dragon.

"But becoming a dragon means you might lose your sanity!?" Himiko voiced her concern, her worry evident as she looked at Izuku. She wanted to ensure that he remained the kind and loving person they all knew.

"No offense." She said to Tohru.

"None taken. It's kind of true that even those who were turned into a dragon through a curse often lose their sanity," Tohru acknowledged, her expression serious as she recalled the tales she had heard. Memories of creatures transformed into dragons, driven by newly unrestrained wild nature and negative emotions, flashed through her mind.

"If Izuku loses his sanity then I'll be the one to stop it." Toshinori was ready to step in if needed. It is better for Izuku to let it out instead of keeping it in and lashing out later. He knew that he was the only one powerful enough to at least stop Izuku from rampaging.

"But I'll go first to let Izuku observe it." Mizuna said excitedly that she might get the chance to learn transformation magic.

"I haven't taught anyone before but I will try to explain the way my father did." Tohru began to explained the necessary steps needed for it.

[ "It's like that huh? It's similar to transformation magic that Natsu learn." ]

'Wait you know how to use transformation magic!?' Izuku was confused why he didn't teach him.

'Is there a reason why you haven't taught him that?' Yoichi politely asked.

[ "Yes, I don't know how to use it. Knowing and doing are two different things. That's why I didn't take the risk when he was young but now it can't be helped. At least learning from a dragon would make things easier." ] Igneel said.

Becoming a dragon doesn't necessarily make Izuku any stronger but does have the option of it. If anything it might result in an issue because of how big he will become after turning into a dragon.

Izuku inwardly nodded then focused his attention to Tohru who finished explaining transformation magic.

"Sounds complicated." Camie commented.

"It is but only for non magic users." Tohru said slightly belittling Camie as she started to become territorial with Izuku, especially how she tried to sleep with him in his bed last night.

"Okay, let me try." Mizuna can't wait and tries her best to use the magic. She gave it her all but grew impatient after only a few minutes.

'I have to do it! I have to become human and confess how I feel for Izuku!' She continued to struggle trying to make her dream into a reality. Mizuna couldn't give up now!

"Dammit! Why can't I use it!?" Mizuna is saddened that she is having a difficult time and the girls understand what she's going through because they know she also has feelings for Izuku.

"Mizuna-chan…." Itsuka said seeing her struggle started to pray for her to succeed.

"Try to relax, Mizuna-chan. If you let your emotion get to you then it won't work. Try to calm yourself." Tohru said and Mizuna nodded, taking a deep breath and began to take her time while Izuku also tried to do the same, trying to make himself into something else.

"Form an image in your mind of what you want to become." Tohru said as Mizuna closed her eyes and focused all her energy on the image of Izuku's smiling face, hoping that this would be enough to fuel her transformation.

Suddenly, a warm sensation enveloped her entire being, as if a gentle breeze was swirling around her. Mizuna felt her body tingle and shift, every muscle and bone adjusting in ways she had never experienced before. It was as if the very essence of magic was molding her into something new.

It took a solid few minutes imagining what she wanted to look like until a puff of smoke seemed to appear. Then everyone saw a young woman the same age as the rest of her friends.

"A-Am I human now?" When she opened her eyes again, she was greeted with bright sunlight - her hands were no longer delicate paws with soft fur, but human-like appendages with fingers that trembled in disbelief. She looked down at herself and saw legs instead of her stubby legs. Mizuna had done it. She had transformed into a human.

"Yes, take a look." Momo quickly made a mirror for her and allowed the Exceed to see her new appearance. She had long green hair that cascaded down her chest and reached her tailbone. She had cat and human ears.

[ Image here ]

"Congratulations, you did it," Izuku exclaimed as tears of joy welled up in Mizuna's eyes. Immediately, she rushed forward to embrace Tohru.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Tohru!!" Her dream had finally come true, allowing her to be with Izuku at last.

Tohru accepted her gratitude, though uncertain why she felt so emotional. Nevertheless, she shared in Mizuna's happiness, having grown close to her in just a week.

After some time, it was now Izuku turned to finally let go and become a dragon. Fortunately, Toshinori asked a friend to block the area to avoid unnecessary attention.

'Are we sure about this?' Kudo asked, seeing the possible danger of a rampaging dragon who can replenish their strength by chowing down flames!

'No, but we have no choice.' Hikage said.

[ "I have plans if things go wrong." ] Igneel never told anyone about his intention to sacrifice himself if Izuku happens to lose his sanity and become the next Acnologia.

[ "Also, Izuku, remember you will now be ageless, meaning once you reach your prime then you will not die of old age." ] Igneel had long warned him about it.

'I know but I'll deal with it in the future.' Izuku didn't want to see his loved one die but he has already stepped out of no return.

"Will Izuku be fine?" Jiro worriedly asked.

"Yes, we just need to trust that, Izuku-sama will succeed." Himiko said.

"We should stay back if things get out of hand." Momo said.

"The hell I am!? I want to fight a Dragon!" Katsumi saw a perfect opportunity for a great challenge.

"I doubt you can win against Izu-chan." Camie said while Katsumi barked at her.

"No worries, I'll also help if Izuku goes out of control." Tohru said since she should be stronger than Izuku now that she has recovered.

Izuku currently concentrates on trying to control his senses and emotion having been trained by his martial art master the importance of mastery over the mind.

[ "Get ready everyone. I'll begin to slowly let go of the seal." ]

Igneel's words reverberated through Izuku's mind, setting off a chain reaction deep within him. Gradually, he felt an oppressive weight lifting, as if an unseen shackle had been broken.

With this newfound freedom, Izuku unleashed his magic energy, which surged forth like an inferno. The heat he produced was so intense that it seemed to transform the surroundings into a scorching desert. The once cool air became blistering, and the oppressive heat wave was nearly unbearable to everyone nearby.

"This heat…" Katsumi can't help but see that she was easily outmatched by Izuku but this didn't demotivate her in the slightest. If anything this makes her want to push even further beyond her limits. To surpass it!

Those within the vicinity felt their throats and lips parching, the moisture in the air rapidly evaporating. The sea, which had once been calm and serene, began to bubble and boil under the influence of Izuku's fiery power. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a testament to the raw strength that now coursed through him.

Tohru observed this extraordinary display with a mixture of astonishment and apprehension. She couldn't help but marvel at the sheer potency of Izuku's magic, noting that he could easily rank among the most formidable dragons she had ever encountered.

The heat and intensity of his flames suggested a power that could rival her own, a realization that struck a chord of both respect and caution within her. She sensed that Izuku's magic was not only incredibly powerful but also suited as a counter to her own abilities.

'He's only been using a fraction of his power, and now that his seal is slowly being removed, I wonder how strong Izuku-san is going to be.' Tohru thought, even as she felt the scorching heat. Despite being one of the strongest dragons herself, she could hardly believe the intensity of the heat emanating from Izuku.

Meanwhile, Izuku's transformation continued. Scales began to form on his forehead, his nails sharpened into claws, and horns sprouted from his head. A pair of dragon wings unfurled from his back, accompanied by a powerful, sinuous tail.

His clothes, instead of being destroyed by the transformation, morphed along with him, adapting seamlessly to his new form. Izuku focused intently, committing the sensations of the change to memory before attempting to revert to his human state.

The air around Izuku crackled with raw, unrestrained power, an immense force that made everyone acutely aware of his presence. His gaze turned sharp, his eyes now draconic and filled with an otherworldly intensity. Sharp fangs gleamed as he bared his teeth, an involuntary reaction to the overwhelming surge of power.

Everyone present shuddered under the weight of Izuku's gaze, feeling like prey before a predator. Even All Might, with his immense strength and unyielding courage, felt a momentary tremor of unease.

Tohru, however, remained unfazed. She stood firm, her eyes meeting Izuku's with a mixture of respect and awe, understanding that the young man before her was quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with, one who could potentially rival the greatest of dragons.