
My happiness is you

Nabi is searching for happiness from her childhood. but she couldn't find it. when she was five her mom died. but she cant find how her mother died. when she was 19 she start live alone. she join art school. when she paint or make something she feel happy. on day she was laying on the sofa and thinking about her mom and she suddenly saw a bright light first she got shock then she came towards the light and she forcibly taken away to another world. there she meet Ryan. Ryan is young handsome successful business man. when he was 18 someone killed his dad. he tired so hard to find the murderer but he couldn't find him. he started living for his mom and sister. one day someone try to kill him but Nabi saved him. from then they have feeling for each other. but it's hard for them to stay together because they are from another world. then they help each other by finding their parents murderer. then I got a chance to make a decision like they wants to live together or not?

Samiha_Tanzim · Fantasía
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21 Chs

we want to live together

Now I feel really awkward. Because few hours ago he kissed in my ear. Now we have an awkward

moment cause we both are silent. We don't have anything to talk about. Sometime he looks at me and

sometime I look at him. The one thing I notice is Ryan is handsome. I think that's why I attract with him. I

want to why he kissed me? I get the courage to ask him. Then I ask him why you kiss me? He asked what

you are talking about? Hospital day or today? I am talking about hospital day? Ryan reply in that you

said you want to go home that's why I kissed you. Why you don't like my kiss? I think I'm good kisser. O

my god are you a playboy or what? How many girls did you kissed? Ryan reply I am not a playboy I

kissed only one girl and that's you. It was my first kiss. I don't why I get attracted to you. Is something

going on between us? Then why you kissed me today? You want me go back to my world? Ryan say no, I

don't want that. You look sexy today that's why I kiss you. After hearing this I feel so happy that he

doesn't want me go back to my world. Someone calls Ryan so he went outside to talk.

I think I forget about something. I try hard to remember but I can't. After few minutes I remember that I

have an exam tomorrow and I'm not in my world. This is an important exam for me. What should I do

now. I need to go back to my world. Ryan come back and ask me what happen? Why are you so tensed?

Is something goes wrong? I want to go back to my world I have an exam tomorrow. Ryan ask me is this

exam is very important? Do you have to go to your world? If you go back to your world how will you

come back to this world? I want to go with you. Then we will come back together. I don't want to lose

you. I am really touched with Ryan words. Then how will we go back to my world. Ryan say he have an

idea and he go outside without telling me the idea. After few minutes he back with a rope I ask are you

going to do? He tells me with this rope we will tie our hand and then we will kiss then I think we can go

to your world. Don't you think it's kind a awkward. Ryan say no we kissed before so what is awkward?

I'm like ok let's do it. Then he tie our hands and without saying anything he kissed me first I'm shock

after that It feels good it gives me butterfly feeling. First time in my life I feel so happy to being with

someone. I want to stop the time and I wanted to be with him. Why we belong from different worlds. Is

he feeling the same way? But I'm scared if he do something like dad did with mom. I think I should a

draw a line between us. I think I should not go back with him to his world. It will be good for us.