
Ch 30: Fighting a female troll

A fight breaks out in the troll villages as those around come to gather at the sight of the chief daughter and the elf Xalroz both looking to be in their fighting stance, but making no further move at the time.

"You do understand this is going against your father's order, I'm to be not touched, and here you are going against it. Wouldn't the men be disappointed?" Xalroz said, but he has no desire to get out of the fight, just something to bring up during the moment.

"I'm disobeying only because it's not right. You killed one of our own, and that's something I can't let slide." Zenma takes a step or two forward to right, then throws her right fist at him.

Xalroz dodged that attack, getting out of its way as the big female troll's fist hit hard into the ground as the cracks formed. Seeing that his turn was up to attack, Xalroz moved with top speed to reach Zenma and act with an upper kick right into her face, knocking the head back.

He wasn't finished spinning to throw a strong punch with full force to strike into the stomach where that power sends the troll's whole body flying shortly backward onto the ground where the vibration of the large body hitting it felt. "Hey, don't make this fight easy for me, troll. I would like this fun to last for a time

Zenma worked to get back onto her two with blood coming from one side of the mouth as just the moment she had coughed up a tooth. Spitting it out to land on the ground with no problem. "Those two attacks on me were quite powerful looking at your physical form. You don't show off strength, maybe, I have misjudged."

She then ran toward wanting not to talk but resumed back on the fight as right at the moment both hands together into one to slam down upon Xalroz. He saw this simple attack only had to do is just move out of the way as the troll hit the ground again like before with much more force.

Xalroz at the side was about to strike at the side of Zenma's face, but she beat him when reacting faster this time by having the left arm slam into his body. Feeling himself get sent flying this time like that being thrown where Xalroz comes to hit one of the trees being used as a home then the ground until gaining footing back using his arm to dig into the ground along with the feet to slow the speed till it ended.

All other trolls there start to break into a roar of cheer for Zenma as she takes it in, enjoying how her people are happy to see the elf get beat up.

Xalroz removed his arm from the ground, taking a look at how Bruised and cut it was at the time. Luckily, this same arm hasn't been affected greatly to not still be useful in the fight.

"Now this is what I'm talking about. The fight is going to get more exciting if you keep it up this way."


[northerns Fort]

Sannoth had found one living northern man alive trying to hide as all others were killed by the trolls that attacked the fort. As of now, she had a hold of this human with a bent broken arm as the bone was sticking out as blood escaped from that wound dripping onto the ground.

"I love to take time in torturing you, but my lord's mission comes first, so you will get a quickie death." she began to have her nails grow out into the form of long and sharp claws.

The northern man began to start to get fearful of the sight and the feeling of death coming any second now. He could try to break free yet as the state the man is losing blood and how strong this person kept hold of him.

"Hold it, demon, I want the human alive a little longer to know where they are keeping the troll you said they have here." the red troll chief said, hoping that there is somewhere control in this creature to have in not killing the human northerner.

"You trolls could just destroy every building here to find one of your own. There is no reason to keep this piece of trash alone longer for answers." Sannoth says, still aiming to kill.

"I said I need him to be a living demon for a bit longer." The red troll swings his large sword at her as she has to stop and jump back from getting hit, having to let go of the human.

That sword only slashes at the ground a bit of an inch away from the two to make sure both come to not be harmed by the blade.

"You dare! Troll." Sannoth was furious when the creature raised a hand at her that the number of them around matter not to this one if she was to be ganged up all at once.

"If I did not act this way, you would have killed him, losing what he knows." The chief of the trolls tells her as he focuses on the human watching the man holding that broken arm." Speak human and tell me where you are keeping our own in."

"If… I was to tell you…. There is no chance for me to get away free." the man asked when looking up at the red troll in front of his eyes.

"No you will die just like the rest of your kind here has, so answer my question where is the troll," he repeated adding more force into his tone to show this troll has no time to be played around with.

"She is being kept in that building there in a cage chain up." as the northerner said, he also points at the building for them to see.

The chief looked at two trolls as they walked over there."Answer me this. What have you and these men been doing to the female troll?"