1 Beginning of the end.

Sunny days are always nice when you have a feeling things are going to go terribly wrong. It's the middle of summer time in Oklahoma, and I just so happenened to miss the bus to work. Its so hot you can see heat waves in the air. As I was riding my bike across a four way stop the sky started to get dim, the wind started to pick up, then it happened...

( haha let me leave you on a cliffhanger)

I felt an intense force, (like gravity times 10) and it pushed me to the ground creating cracks all around me. In the middle of the sky a pitch black hole grew wider and wider until it devoured the sky, then from the skies came a weird fiery like substance it was like air but when breathed in it gave a feeling of euphoria. It became eeriely silent no wind no movement nothing. it was like time had frozen but it hadn't we where stuck. everything and everyone was enveloped in the strange gravity like force. Out of the void in the sky came a high pitched screech and thousands of different types of beasts started falling.

Except for a lonsome figure covered in black...

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