
My Demonic Empire System

Alan Yokob is a Hitman. Dead by car explode Alan who thinks he is dead looks around. Am I in the afterlife? "Welcome to our world" "Where am I? Who are you?" "You can call us Guardians of this world. You have come to another world. You were brought into this world to maintain balance." "Balance?" "A thousand years ago the people of this world defeated the demons. Since then the fate of this world began to change. But now the balance of this world is losing. So we brought you here to keep the balance of this world. We offer you to become the Demon King." Huh! But it's not easy I am posting it in Royal road

1stNightKingblack · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Selina Von Auvergne

Selina Von Auvergne was the first child of the Count of Auvergne. She is a beautiful woman with white hair and 6 feet tall.

Although Selina is a female, she becomes a knight instead of focusing on poetry, dance, etc like other girls.

Her body is stronger than other females.

She is wearing a platinum armor and a red cape. Which is specially made for her. She is riding a white horse and hundreds of people are following her. who is the most powerful of the Counts of Auvergne.

These people are here to complete a mission. They had received news a few days ago that several villages near the Amiga forest had been attacked. But what surprised them the most was that the attackers were Demons.

Because of which Selina herself came here as the Count of Auvergne's most powerful Knight. Selina is a 4th star knight.

Knights are assigned their rank as stars. There are one-star to nine-star Knight rank.

A First Star Knight's strength is equivalent to over a dozen soldiers.

A second Star Knight's strength is equivalent to fifty soldiers.

A triple-star knight's strength is equivalent to a hundred soldiers.

A Fourth Star Knight's strength is equivalent to several hundred soldiers.

A Fifth Star Knight's troop is equivalent to a thousand soldiers.

A six-star Knight's power is equivalent to several fifth stars.

A seventh star has the same power as several six stars.

The power of an eighth star is equivalent to several seventh stars.

And the most powerful Ninth Star Knight whose strength is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

Selina Von Auvergne stood tall and proud, her white hair flowing in the wind as she surveyed the village that lay before her. She was the first child of the Count of Auvergne, a powerful and respected nobleman in the kingdom. But Selina was not content to simply sit back and enjoy her privileged life. She was a Knight captain, a fierce warrior who had earned her title through blood, sweat, and tears.

The news of the demon attacks had come as a shock to Selina and her fellow knights. Demons were now creatures of myth and legend, said to be the spawn of the underworld itself. But they were real, and they were terrorizing the innocent villagers who lived near the Amiga forest.

Selina's biggest concern was where these demons came from.

Because 99% of the demons were killed in the Grand war 1 thousand years ago and the other species that survived were used as slaves. Or they begin to associate with humans. So it causes a lot of headaches for them.

As they reached a village, they were met with a scene of devastation. Buildings lay in ruins, and the ground was littered with the bodies of the fallen. Selina clenched her jaw in anger, her eyes blazing with determination. She would not let these demons get away with their crimes.

"We're late."

"This is the sixth village."

"They didn't go far. If we start marching again we will reach them quickly."

The man who spoke was Bardon. A distinguished knight of the Count of Auvergne. He is the Captain of the Auvergne Knight order. He was a tall, well-built, and old man with a blonde moustache and more pronounced facial features.

As signs of his authority and higher hierarchical position, his armor had some differences from that of ordinary Knights: his battle helm had red feathers on its backside, jawbone protectors, and his armor also had a long cape.

He taught Selina the sword.

Selina is very angry at the situation around her. She expresses intense anger towards these demons.

"Everybody march fast! We will exterminate these monsters"




Tura was a peaceful village located next to forest. The villagers lived simple lives, tending to their crops and livestock, and going about their daily routines without a care in the world. But all of that changed one fateful day.

It started like any other day in Tura. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and the villagers were going about their business. But suddenly, out of nowhere, a group of demons appeared in the village. They were tall, menacing creatures with sharp claws and glowing red eyes. The villagers were caught off guard, and chaos ensued.

The demons started attacking the villagers, their claws tearing through flesh and bone. Screams filled the air as the villagers tried to defend themselves, but they were no match for the powerful demons. The once peaceful village of Tura was now a battlefield, with blood and destruction everywhere.

A resident of this village who ran away with her 12-year-old son. Her husband is killed by demons. He was trying to buy enough time for them to escape.

As the woman fled with her son, an arrow pierced her chest. She fell on the ground.


Luke the boy runs to his mother. Then another arrow landed in his mother's face, causing the boy's body to spatter with blood. Luke was very scared. He is approached by a demon in the foot of a donkey who killed his mother.

The demon gave an awkward smile.

He grabbed the boy's throat. The boy was unable to breathe and staggered. But luck was with him.

Suddenly the demon's head was separated from its neck.

Luke falls to the ground.

His body is full of blood.

The demon's disfigured face lay beside him.

He screamed in fear.




Selina quickly reached this village.

The village was attacked.

She is happy because she has found the demons. She quickly orders her teams to exterminate the monsters.

The knights quickly mounted their horses and advanced.

Selina drew her sword from her waistband.

It is a very powerful sword that has been passed down in their family from generation to generation.

Selina kills dozens of demons with a single blow. A demon mage throws fireballs at her.

Selina cuts it with her sword.

She counterattacked, destroying the demon along with the house behind it.

The demons could not stand up to this group of Knights. So all demons die within thirty minutes.

Selina observes everything around her.

Bardon approaches her.

"Lady Selina, there is bad news."

"What is it?"

"The demons we captured are dead."


Selina gets worried.

She wanted to gather information from the imprisoned demon.

"Their bodies suddenly exploded. We don't know the reason. But I think that there must be a mastermind behind it. Who doesn't want us to collect information about him."

"I think so. We must send this news into the capital."

Selina said in a harsh voice.

"I understand"

"Bardon, arrange for the dead villagers to be buried now . Also, collect the bodies of these demons. I will take them with me. "

"I understand"

Selina is very worried about the arrival of these monsters. She predicts great things to happen in the future. We have to be more careful.

Lord help us