
My Demonic Empire System

Alan Yokob is a Hitman. Dead by car explode Alan who thinks he is dead looks around. Am I in the afterlife? "Welcome to our world" "Where am I? Who are you?" "You can call us Guardians of this world. You have come to another world. You were brought into this world to maintain balance." "Balance?" "A thousand years ago the people of this world defeated the demons. Since then the fate of this world began to change. But now the balance of this world is losing. So we brought you here to keep the balance of this world. We offer you to become the Demon King." Huh! But it's not easy I am posting it in Royal road

1stNightKingblack · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Battle of Doller Field

After 15 days, the Demon army and Dino army had a fateful encounter on the largest field of Green land known as Doller Field. This territory belonged to the Dino tribe, where they typically grazed their animals and Dinosaurs and cultivated various crops. However, due to the impending war, all the crops were ruined. The armies stood ready on the field.

The atmosphere was tense, with both armies consisting of fearsome creatures, preparing for an inevitable clash.

On one side of the battlefield, the Demon army, led by their powerful King Alan Yokob, strategized their next move. Meanwhile, the Dino forces, led by King Palabiras, stood composed and vigilant, contemplating their plan of action.

The Demon army prepared their siege weapons, including 50 Ballista and 200 Trebuchet.

The Demon army consists of many ferocious and huge monsters. They scream violently.

The followers are stationed on one side of the army. The dragon is ready to attack.

The army of followers brought with them various giant monsters.

On the other hand, Dinoroid warriors are on one side of the Dino forces, while another side Dinas mount forces and flying forces are behind of the army. In the middle is a huge dinosaur and around it stand wizards, fairies and druids.

A wooden throne is placed on this huge giant dinosaur.

Dino King is sitting on it.

Behind the Dino King stand two people a Dinoroid and a Dinas they are both his loyal men.

An atmosphere of peace prevails.

But no force made the first move.

"Your Highness, we should attack them."

A Dinas said. He is Dino King's most trusted man and his chief advisor.

"Kasim, I heard those huge weapons they brought with them are very powerful. If we attack first, our losses will be greater."

"You are truly wise my lord."


Demon army on the other hand

"Your Highness, they are not attacking us."

The strategist said worriedly.

"Looks like they guessed our plan."

"So what shall we do now, my lord? Shall we attack them?"

"No. This will increase our losses."

"But if Your Majesty continues like this, there will be no war. They will not advance. What shall we do now?"

"Hmm. I know what to do."


As tension mounted, a message arrived from the Demon army

"Your Highness, we have received a message from the Demon army."

Bol who is a Dinoroid and commander of the Dino army gives a letter to the Dino King.

Dino King read the letter

"My king, what happened?"

Dino King started laughing.

"Demon king wants to fight a duel with me to avoid unnecessary bloodshed."

"But should you agree, my lord?"

"They might think I'm a coward if I deny it. Also, I don't like unnecessary harm."

Dino king got up from his throne and landed on the ground.

King Palabiras, known for his fearless nature and strong leadership, decided to accept the challenge, despite concerns from his loyal subordinates.

"My King"

A fairy came forward.

She is as tall as a human. It has wings like a butterfly, has two antennae on its head, and wears leaf cloth.

"Lili, I'm going to fight the Demon King."

Lili is the leader of the Fairies and Druids. They came under the Palabiras ten years ago. However, gaining their trust was not so easy. However, the Palabiras gained their trust after many attempts. In it, he had to face two terrible monsters who were threatening the fairies. The Fairies and Druids adopted him as their hero after Palabiras defeated them. They have contributed a lot to the development of the Dino tribe.

Lili, who respected him and was loyal to him, said in a worried tone.

"Your Highness, it could be dangerous."

"But I'm never afraid of a fight."

"But your Majesty!"

The fairy and druid leader, Lili, expressed her worries about the potential danger, but King Palabiras remained determined to face King Alan Yokob in combat.


"Kasim, if anything happens to me, I want you to look after the tribe."

"I won't let you down," said the chief adviser in a nonchalant tone.

"Very good"

The king said with a smile.

He then proceeded with his huge ax in hand.


On the other hand, Alan saw the king approaching.

He was also prepared.

"My lord, will you really fight him here?"

"Strategist, I'm no cheater. I keep my promises."

Alan took off his coat and handed it to the strategist.

Then he spread his wings and flew away.


The two face each other.

Two strongmen face each other.

The stage was set for a fierce battle, with the two kings coming face to face on the battlefield

"I am Palabiras, king of the Dino tribe."

"I am Demon King Alan Yokob."

"Then let's begin."


A fierce fight began.

King Palabiras, wielding his mighty hammer, and King Alan Yokob, with his formidable powers and sharp claws, engaged in a relentless combat, each unleashing their most powerful attacks in an attempt to overpower the other.

These two run towards each other.

Palabiras tries to hit Alan with his hammer.

But Alan dodges it and comes up behind Palabiras and tries to punch him.

But Palabiras avoided it and moved away.

The two started attacking each other violently.

Palabiras hit the ground with his hammer causing a crack in the ground.

Alan flies into the sky and attacks Palabiras with his lightning.


Palabiras moves and it hits the ground.

Alan then throws fire


Palabiras dodged it, to,o, and threw his hammer at Alan.

The Hammer of Palabiras is an interesting weapon. He got it from a ruin. It is made of Adamantine metal. It is a rare item. With this weapon, the Dino king won many battles.

Alan tries to block it with his hands but he falls to the ground.

"Looks like your weapon is much stronger."

"Thanks for the compliment"

Alan sharpened and grew his claws.

He rushes towards Palabiras.

Palabiras tries to punch him but Alan hits Palabiras in the back with his claws.

Blood started to flow from Palabiras body.

Palabiras quickly kicked Alan and pushed him away.

He quickly reaches for his hammer and picks it up and tries to strike Alan.

Alan parried the attack with both his hands.

But this attack was very strong so the pressure of this attack caused cracks in the ground.

Alan teleports and appears in the sky.

"Dark spears!"

Many black spears appear.

Runs towards Palabiras.

"Force field!"

A barrier forms around Palabiras, which repels Alan's attack.

"You are really very powerful Dino King."

"You are too. But why aren't you fighting me with your full strength!?"

"Okay. Come on."

Alan smiles.

He charged towards Palabiras.

The two engage in a fierce fight.

The ground shook with each strike, as lightning and fire filled the air, creating a spectacle of raw power and resilience.

Alan uses his magic.

"Frozen arrow!"

Palabiras parried the attack with his hammer.

"Can't you fight without your weapons" Alan scoffed.

"Don't underestimate me."

he shouted angrily.

Both fists engage in combat.

Both keep hitting each other and both get hurt.

"Iron fist!"

Alan's face bleeds from Palabiras and he is knocked away. About 50 meters. Due to this, holes are created in the ground.

Alan stood up.

"Aspect of the Devil - Demonic Essence!"

It's a skill that temporarily gives Alan increased muscle mass, allowing him to get a boost in physical strength.

"Dino King, your power is great so let's take it to a more deadly level."


Alan raised his hand to Palabiras.

"Earth chains!"

Several chains emerged from the ground and gripped Palabiras.

Palabiras also manifests all its powers. His body became bigger than before. His muscles grow. He broke all the chains.

He let out a terrifying growl at Alan. Alan took a few steps back due to the strong wind pressure.

Palabiras also quickly ran to Alan

"Killer Punch!"

This was Palabiras most deadly attack.

Half of Alan's body was destroyed.

But Alan still managed to quickly teleport away from Palabiras.

"High Recovery!"

Alan's body recovers.

His destroyed body returns.

Ah! I thought for a while that I was dead. If I didn't have four hearts and three brains I might be dead.

Palabiras started running towards Alan again.

Alan quickly attacked with his spell


A huge flame appears in the fire.

It completely scorched an area of ​​more than 100 meters in front of Palabiras.

The ground has become flame-red.

Palabiras was greatly injured by this. Many parts of his body were burnt. But he didn't die

Alan then teleports to Palabiras.

He takes her to the sky and throws him down. It creates a huge hole in the ground.

He then went to Palabiras and started punching him continuously.

This made Palabiras' condition worse. He is no longer able to fight.

Alan stops his attack.

He looks around.

A lot of destruction has been caused due to their fighting.

Demons cheered.

Alan picked up the king and headed towards the Dino forces.

He throws him in front of the Dino forces

Lili, Bol, Kasim and others rush in.

They take away the body of Palabiras.

The fairy and Dino wizards begin to heal him.

"You monster!"

Lili was very angry.

She is very angry with Alan for the condition of Palabiras.

Many roots came out of the ground and grabbed Alan.

"I'll kill you"

Lili knew she couldn't win over Alan. But she couldn't bear it anymore.

Even if she had to die to kill Alan, she would have no regrets.

But she is interrupted by Kasim.

"Lili, calm down"

"No way!"

"You insult our tribal culture! So stop!"


Lili is forced to release Alan.

But she is still looking at Alan angrily.

"I am Kasim. The Dino king's chief advisor. I apologize for her actions."

"Huh! You seem smart. So I hope you keep your promise. I'm not a bad person. You can manage your tribe the way you used to manage it.

But you will be under me. Hope you understand that."

"We never break our promises. Hope you keep your word."

"Very good"


Kasim bowed his head.

Others slowly bowed their heads.

"We the Dino tribe acknowledge your power and will remain loyal to you"


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[Congratulations! You've earned 7,678,900 EXP with bonuses!]

[Congratulations! You have gained a new skill 'Blessing'!]

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