
My Demon Mates

Lydia Jennings was your normal 21-year-old young lady. She had just started her first job after finishing school. It wasn't her dream job, but it was a start. She still loved to do the things from her early teenage years, not that she'd tell anyone else that for fear that they'd make fun of her. She loved to read, especially stories of the Victorian Era. After her senior year, her parents sprung and bought her a trip to London. Those tales painted a vastly different picture than this modern world. Then there was her other guilty pleasure. She loved watching Black Butler. It was set in the same era but with supernatural elements. She was drawn to some of the characters in the show but brushed it off. It wasn't like she'd ever get to meet them, they were fictional. She kept her head down and continued her life until one day everything changed. I don't own Black Butler or any of the characters!

Raena_7154 · TV
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18 Chs

A New Normal

Two months later Lydia, Sebastian, Claude, and Ceil had entered into a new normal. Things were a little different for Lydia at the moment because she was fairly heavily pregnant. Sebastian and Claude were very protective of her and didn't want her to do things around the manor. Lydia had told Ceil from the beginning that he didn't have to refer to them as 'mom' and 'dad' or whatever, but he could if he wanted. Currently, she was in the carriage with Ceil going to the park. Ever since the contract had ended Lydia had made sure that Ceil had more time to just be a kid. Sure he still had his lessons, but every day she took him out of the manor, and they went somewhere together, just for the fun of it. When they went out, she made sure to dress more traditionally than in her maid uniform. Ceil no longer had to wear the eye patch. He even seemed to be in generally better humor. Lydia turned her face away from the window, "What do you suggest we do once we get to the park, Ceil?"

Ceil looked at her pointedly, "I don't think it'd be a good idea to take a walk around the park as we have. Sebastian would kill me if I allowed that."

Lydia scoffed, "I can still take a turn around the park."

"If you're sure," Ceil said begrudgingly, but Lydia saw a smile on his face.

They arrived at the park and began to walk slowly around. At some point in the walk, a man stopped the two of them, "Madam, I see that you and your son are enjoying your walk, but I must stop you."

Lydia looked at the man confused, and Ceil didn't say anything. "What seems to be the problem, sir?" Lydia asked.

"I'm a doctor, madam," the man said. "Have you been seen by a professional?"

Lydia smiled sweetly though she lied, "I have been taken care of very well, sir."

"Has your doctor told you that you're pregnant with twins?" the man asked.

Lydia looked shocked, "Excuse me?"

"I would guess that you were about six months pregnant, but you are a little larger than you should be for that. From my experience, I would say that is because you're pregnant with twins. You really should check with your doctor," the man said.

"I'll be sure to do that. Thank you for letting me know your opinion," Lydia said.

"You're very welcome madam," the man said. "You should head back home and rest."

Ceil took her hand and said, "Come mother, let's get you back home."

They got back in the carriage and once Lydia got comfortable Ceil asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm not sure, Ceil," Lydia said.

They lapsed into silence until they arrived back at the manor. Claude meet them and opened the carriage door. "Welcome home," he said.

"Thank you, Claude," Ceil said as he jumped down and went into the manor.

Claude watched as Ceil went into the manor. Then Claude helped Lydia get down from the carriage. "How was your outing?" he asked.

"Interesting," Lydia said.

"What do you mean, love?" Claude asked as they went inside.

"I'd rather wait until we can talk to Sebastian," Lydia said.

"Did I hear my name?" Sebastian said as they walked inside.

Lydia smiled lightly at him. "What is the matter, dear?" Claude asked.

Lydia went into the living room and sat on the couch. Sebastian and Claude followed her, sitting on either side of her. She sighed before she began to speak, "While walking with Ceil we were approached by a doctor. The doctor, out of nowhere, stated that he thought that I might be pregnant with twins."

"Twins?" Claude exclaimed.

Lydia nodded, "That's what he said. I need to know if he was right. Is there any way to know if he's right?"

"You are bigger than you should be for this time of your pregnancy," Sebastian said with a hand to his chin.

"So does that mean he's right?" Lydia asked.

They each put a hand on her stomach and closed their eyes. Lydia looked at both their faces anxiously. It seemed an eternity later when they both opened their eyes and nodded their heads. "Twins?" Lydia asked with a slight crack in her voice.

"Yes, my love," Claude said.

"Two precious ones for our family to love," Sebastian said.

Lydia smiled widely, "I cannot wait to meet them both!"