
Part 2

It is mid of the night!

El was deep in her dreams a while ago, but she is awake just now!

She is quite dozy, but tried to sit down uncovering plush blanket from her

torso, revealing her bralette and a supple-slender waist!

She yawned and stretched her body to get comfortable!

And with her heavy eyes that were still hazy with sleep, she tried to look


The bright silvered moon beam scattered across her bedroom wall and floor

passing the open window!! A gentle breeze flowing across carrying the sweet

scent of lakeview jasmine from her garden! The curtains are drawn to the

brackets which are blowing along with the wind! She could hear fade sound

of a few cars passing further! Except those odd far off noises, it's quiet!

Calming and peaceful.

'Oh No, I'm sure I have closed those windows, how is it wide open' she

muttered herself and scratched her head 'Ok... may be i didn't, I can't really remember,'

With that she got rid of her blanket, walked down to the window exposing

her PJ shorts and a perfect pair of long straight & slim legs.

She reached the window while rubbing her heavy eyes and looked outside.

As far as she can see, the fuller and richer earth is perfectly soaking up the

fitful silvery moonlight. Everything looks just so absolute with luminescence

dispersed over. such flawless picturesque: a master artist must have painted

it very carefully to make it look so natural and subtle. Sky is as deep blue and clear as wide ocean, there's no trace of devastating thunderstorm anymore. The moon was shining bright and magnificent as ever. The entire sky was filled with glittering stars- giving resemblance to a boundless plain Where beautiful timid little wild flowers

nurture and grow!

She felt tranquil, her heavy eyes closed - not from the drowsiness, but from

the calmness she just sensed! The fragrance filled air made her to feel

ecstatic. She had not felt so content in a while. She was spell bound and

merged in the tranquility for a while.

'I must go back to bed now; I have few errands to run in the morning' an interrupting thought abruptly passed through her mind making her come back to her senses!

She did not want to leave the scenic beauty she just gazed at. But She needed to go back to bed. She unwillingly draw down her glass window panes. And walked back to bed.

She jumped on her bed and laid down under her plushies. Soon, she was all

set to drive back to her vivid dreamland: when she realized there's a stature

in the corner of her room! All she did notice about the creature that It's eyes

glowing fluorescent! But it's not clear cause even the blazing moon light

doesn't light up that corner of her room well.

She was frightened and suddenly sat up holding her plushies close to her

chest tightly! Her eyes popped out and she felt like something just crawled

under her skin!

'Who's there?' She spoke with a lower voice while trembling in fear!