
The Mysterious Announcement

The ceremony at first was a bit boring but, I am super nervous I cannot wait to receive that certificate and close the book to my life on school. I cannot wait to enter adult society and start building my life for the present and the future. The ceremony started off with the principle and the deputy principle giving a speech, followed by the top student giving a speech, some certificates were being handed out and finally the moment most of us have stressed about is finally arriving. This is when they will call out your name and give you the certificate. With each name they call my hart starts beating faster and faster and I get more nervous, luckily my name gets called early because it goes in alphabetical order. I hear my name being called, but I am too nervous to stand up because I am scared that it is not me, and I am just hearing things. Until I feel Lilly giving me a nudge of encouragement, of course I need to stand up, come on legs, get a move on and finally, after a lot of encouragement I got up and walked. I walked up on stage with the most confidence ever, I walked towards the principle who was handing out the certificates, got my certificate and just after I pose with the principle and just as I was about to let go of his hand I heard my brother yelling at the back of the room, running towards the stage. 'Wait!... Hold still I need to take a good picture of my precious sister.'

It was not that long after my entire family got up and came forward to take pictures of me. So embarrassing, I knew he was going to do something like this. After this embarrassing moment, everything started to sink in as I heard name after name it all started to feel more real. Finally, Lilly's name was called, as I sat and watch her, I feel a tears roll down my cheek, to my surprise I suddenly wiped it off, but it did not help because soon after there came a hundred more.

Just when I was about to stand up, I see a white tissue to my side appear and hear a soft voice; 'Here take it…'

'Thank you.' Just when I was about to look around, he said his next sentence and with this sentence said I did not even need to turn around I already knew who it was, Zack.

'No worries, since I will be taking care of you very soon, I might as well start practicing and beside your brother told me that you were going to cry…'

This is it I have had enough, he has never talked a single word to me when we started high school and now all of a sudden, he talks to me and get this, it was even twice today. This is no joke, I know our secret will become public soon but still, why could he not just hold it in until the very end, seriously. I immediately turn around to face this annoyance but then I heard claps and remembered that Lilly was still on stage.

'Yeah! Go Lilly! You got this!'

She glares at me… What did I do? Just then I realised that I was the only one cheering because everyone stopped. I watched her like a hawk until she returned to her seat and whispered in her presence; 'sorry…'

'It is okay I saw what was happening with the troublemaker behind you, no need to explain. I can see that he is now more important to you then I am, do not worry I understand…' With her nose in the air she glares down at me…

'No… That is not true… I am sorry, please forgive me…' Just when I was about to go on, I hear her giggling and all the guilt I have went away instantly. Sitting in this moment with her at our graduation ceremony seeing her laughing and giggling give me the warmest feeling in the world. I am going to miss her when she goes off to university, she was the first person I talked to at this school and she was my first best friend. I cannot believe she is moving away.

After the ceremony we said our goodbyes and off we went back to the minivan, but before we could all get in, we were stopped by Zack's parents.

This time Mrs. Michaels started of the conversation; 'Are we still meeting at your house after this, so we can announce the big news to them…'

Hovering around, my mom looks at me before very softly replying; 'Of course, just keep it on the down low so neither of them can hear us…'

In actual fact me and Zack were standing right behind them as they were attempting to secretively talk. We both just gave each other a look. I wanted to say something, but Zack jumped ahead of me.

'You know we can hear you, right?'

They both instantly stopped and stood up straight staring at us… Not long before they took actions and at the exact same time, they ordered their families around trying to avoid Zack's comment.

'Come on guys it is time to go, the caterer just, messaged and said that they were at the house.'

A caterer! Why on earth did my mom hire a caterer for this gathering… is it not the same as always. Maybe it is something to do with what they said earlier. I am going to be careful; this can end up in disaster at any moment.

Some time passed by, everything was ready my entire family was getting dressed, my mom even came into my room and ordered me around on what I need to wear for this so-called special moment in my life.

My mom heard their car horn, flung open the door and started to panic checking if everything is in place, I kept offering to help but every time she would say; 'No, no this is a big day for you we do not need your help for an event happening for you…' you get the picture right, so in the end I just sat there like a doll waiting for them to arrive.

My mom and dad at the door with my younger and older siblings ready to greet the guests.

All I hear is; 'Hello come in, Hello, hello Mrs. Michaels and Mr. Michael's, lets go and play, Hello, Hello.' This was literally all I heard while waiting in the dinning hall. Some time went by and we were all ordered to come to the dinning because they were going to tell us something important. See this is what I was talking about earlier… To my side I hear Zack whisper to me; 'Get ready, strap yourself in your seat…'

Now I am getting nervous after hearing him say this, I know there is something fishy about this… come on just tell us already.

My mom yells out with a Glass of champagne in her hand; 'Anna and Zack us parents have made this decision for the best…' Seriously mom just say it faster what is happening… 'You two will be having your wedding earlier than what we decided in the past! Aren't you guys happy?'


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